
Angina — This infectious disease is accompanied by inflammatory
The process in the sky almonds (glades). In most cases it is called
Streptococci — spherical bacteria that can fall into the body
Household: through dishes, handshakes and t.NS. Infection can show itself
not immediately, but to be activated when weakening immunity. Provoke a disease
Cool drinks, sharp change of weather, stress and various
stimulus substances when they are regular in the body: alcohol, dust and
cigarette smoke. The risk of occurrence of illness increases with the presence of adenoids and
Frequent nasopharynx infections.


Symptoms of an angina are similar to the signs of the ARZ, among them you can allocate
The most common diseases for all cases:

  • Increase body temperature up to 37.7-39 °C;
  • general malaise and weakness, parents are possible
  • acute throat pain;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • Increased lymph nodes in the cervical.

The almond color becomes bright red, then white appears on them
Flap. Maybe the formation of guns and plots of accumulation of pus. In the launched
The stages of the disease may be observed overlapping the lumen of the throat due to swelling
Almonds and the difficulty of the respiratory process.

Views of Angina

Several forms of the disease.

Catarial angina. It is characterized by superficial
The lesion of the almonds that become bright red and increase in
sizes due to swelling. Increase temperature and inxication level -
Moderate. Possible general ailment and weakness. Time of disease -
2-3 days, during this period, the patient is either cured or the disease goes into
More dangerous form.

Follicular angina. It begins with a sharp increase
Temperatures up to 38-39 °C, accompanied by strong headaches, weakness,
chills, change in voice timbre and pronounced intoxication. Maybe
Heart pain pain and reinforced salivation, tests show
Increased level of leukocyte. The almonds are spotted purulent yellow or

Non-critical angina. With this form of the disease occurs
Omnation of tissues of almonds, the process can spread to the palas.
When swallowing, there is a feeling of the presence of a foreign body, the smell appears
Rotted from the mouth. Almonds are covered with a gray-green raid when removing
which becomes visible bleeding ulcers. Illness depending on its
gravity can occur from a few weeks to several months.

Mushroom Angry. It is called Candida fungus and usually
Observed in children. Symptoms are similar to catarrhal or follicular angina.
On the almonds a curls of white color is formed, which is easy
Remove. Treatment is appointed by a doctor after analyzing the smear on bakposposev and
Confirmation of diagnosis.


At the first signs of the disease — The appearance of pain in
throat and difficulty swallowing — It should start rinse the throat with warm salt
with a solution or decoction of sage having antibacterial and
anti-inflammatory properties. But it should be remembered that the main cause of the disease
— the presence of infection, because the symptoms are enhanced, no need to slow down
appeal to the doctor. After carrying out the necessary analyzes and definitions
Angina prescribed medicines, the course of treatment is usually carried out in the home
conditions. As a rule, antibiotic drugs are recommended, bed
mode for 6-10 days, abundant drink and frequent rinse throat.

Prevention of the disease

The risk of angina disease can be significantly reduced if you follow
Some simple rules:

  • After arriving home wash your hands with soap;
  • Do not drink cold drinks;
  • avoid hypothermia;
  • dressed in season and watch not
    wet shoes;
  • Avoid direct contact with patients, distance
    when communicating should be at least two meters.

In order to increase the body resistance, it is also not bad
Cold period Before going outside, make a lightweight neck massage to strengthen in
It is blood circulation.

But if the diseases still failed to avoid, you should not slow C
contacting the doctor and accurately fulfill all his recommendations. Otherwise
Possible transition of disease in severe forms, strong intrication of the body,
The result of which may be complications on the heart and other vital

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