Life is motion! Only a person, deprived of the happiness of easy movement without pain and assistance, is able to understand the deep meaning of this statement. If the daily overcoming pain and stiffness of the hip joint turned to normal for you, walking every day it becomes more and more difficult, and you seriously began to think about the acquisition of canes, this information will undoubtedly be useful for you.

The head of the femur, forming a hip compound with a pelvis, is an extremely closed compartment of the body. This compartment needs abundant blood flow to maintain functions, and is also extremely sensitive to minor reduction of blood flow. Any short-term (for example, after injury, stress) or a long impaired blood flow in the head of the femoral bone leads to starvation of bone tissue, its restructuring, fractures, death and destruction. The reasons for the development of AGBK can be, at first glance, harmless: Excessive load on the joint, excess body weight, smoking, alcohol consumption and reception of some drugs. The disease helps to reduce the strength of the bone as a result of leaching from it calcium salts (age-related osteoporosis) and the weakening of the joint due to injury, inflammation or other processes.
Aseptic necrosis of the head of the femur (Angbk) – This is a disease at which the death and destruction of the head of the femoral bone occurs. The disease develops gradually and the patient often refuses to notice its initial manifestations. «Well, the joint hurts. Well, worked a little more than the usual. It happens to everyone?» - He thinks and trying to get rid of unpleasant sensations with the help of available funds. Meanwhile, the disease comes into. Pain worried more and more often, do not sleep at night, and now, finally, when it becomes difficult to walk, the patient, lame, goes to the doctor. Yes, unfortunately, doctors often face the launched cases of Angbk, when to help a person is not so simple.
What offers modern medicine for the treatment of angbk? The choice of funds is quite wide. Usually therapy begin with conservative measures, applying only drugs. But, despite all the achievements of pharmacy, medications are not able to restore the bone, they only slow down the process of its destruction and reduce pain. Operation solves the problem radically and fast. Replacing the joint or part of it, surgeons for several months put a patient on their feet and return it to normal life. It would seem that you still need? But not everything is so rosy as I would like.
Any prosthesis, being a foreign body, has a negative effect on the human body. Despite the development of new technologies and all the efforts of scientists, it was still failed to create a design that would not cause the donomation of the bone sections in contact with it, did not break out, did not break and not loosened, demanding repeated complex and expensive operations.
So really in a patient with Angbk there is no hope for recovery? Today, at the junction of the classic Western medicine and the science of the East's healer, a new non-operative direction in the treatment of difficult-scale diseases of the joints and bones has arisen, which is based on a deep scientific thought about the ability of bones to self-restoration.
In 2006, a specialized center for uncompetitive treatment Angbk has been created in 2006. The method used in the center has been developed and first introduced into practice the director of the Beijing specialized clinic on the treatment of necrosis of the femoral head, Professor Keqin Huang and today is successfully applied in Russia. The sore joint is affected by electrical impulses passing through the applicators of medicinal herbs and stimulating active points of growth and restoration of bone tissue. Unique biologically active plant preparations, made according to the recipes of Chinese doctors, in combination with drugs and vitamins, traditionally used in Western medicine, improve blood circulation in the bones, provide it with the necessary substances and accelerate its restoration. Individually selected complex of exercise, massage, baths and other physiotherapeutic procedures increase the mobility in the joint and contribute to the recovery of the patient.
The path to gaining health is enough, treatment takes from 3 months to 2 years. But the desire of the patient to change himself and his way of life, his stubborn work, and the assistance of competent, not indifferent doctors, are able to return the joy of movement without pain and a full life.
Pain in the hip joint – This is a reason for immediate survey. You can learn more about symptoms of joint diseases on the site. In the same place, you can find all the information about the non-operative treatment of Angbk, as well as to ask the painful questions and get competent answers.
Movement – that's life! Enjoy the ease of movement, and together in it return the feeling of freedom of life!