In a healthy ear - good hearing


  • How the Ear is arranged?
  • Love to dive? Love and otitis treat!
  • Inflammation of the middle ear – cough friend and runny nose
  • Ears do not like airfares
  • Crash or full silence?
  • Caution, water!
  • What threatens the girl with a player
  • Listen to nature!
  • Diagnostics on the ears
  • Ear – This is a little life
  • Diet for hearing
  • Ears and character

  • Most of the information from the outside we perceive through the hearing. Therefore, there is no carefully careful about the health of their ears, you risk being in the information vacuum. In the summer, the problem of ear disease becomes more relevant: it would seem that all diseases remained in December-February, and in June it is almost impossible to catch cold. Do not relax! Oddly enough, in Heat, the inflammation of the ears is developing much more often than in winter – Similar love for swimming in cool water bodies, colds because of the hobby of ice drinks, air travel. Follow our advice – And this summer you do not remember otitis!

    How the Ear is arranged?

    The ear consists of three departments: outdoor, medium and internal. Outdoor Ear – This is a sink (collects sound waves and directs them) and the outer hearing pass (there are sounds to the eardrum). The middle ear consists of a drumpoint and three bones, transmitting the oscillations of the membrane in the inner ear. The middle ear and the nasopharynk binds the so-called Eustachiev pipe, due to which the pressure in the middle ear corresponds to atmospheric. Therefore, when changing atmospheric pressure, for example, with sharp rise and descents, it can lay ears – so that it has passed, you need to open your mouth. The inner ear is filled with liquid. It has a snail: it turns the oscillations transmitted from the middle ear to the nerve impulses, which further come by a rumor nerve into the brain. In the inner ear there is also the so-called labyrinth, thanks to which the body can maintain balance.

    Love to dive? Love and otitis treat!

    Outdoor Otitis is also called «Ear of the swimmer», Since they usually suffer from people often in contact with water. Outdoor otitis develops under the condition of constant humidity in the cavity of the ear. His reason – infection, and main manifestations – Redness and itching. If the ears after the shower are removed with cotton chopsticks, it is easy to damage the protective layer of the skin, which is fraught with intense reproduction of harmful bacteria on the skin surface. The inflammatory process is not developing too quickly, so its primary manifestations can not be noticed. But if you give a disease progress, pain will appear, sometimes painful, requiring urgent medical care.

    In a healthy ear & ndash; good hearing You can warn the emergence of outdoor otitis with simple precautionary measures. Best of all during swimming in reservoirs or even bathing in your own bath or soul to use a cap or special earliests (fixtures for ears). As an option – Before bathing, stuck in the ears of wool slices, lubricated with vaseline, vegetable oil or children's cream.

    Try not once again not to dive and do not dip in the water with your head, even if you earn in your ears or you are in a hat. Is it worth saying that for swimming it is better to choose relatively pure reservoirs, both natural and created by the hands of a person?

    Some experts recommend not to wipe the ears after bathing or swimming with cotton wool or cotton sticks (even children). Much more efficiently dry with a hair dryer – To do this, the jet of air is sent to the ear, slightly pulling it out for the top.

    Do not clean the ears too carefully, because ear sulfur performs a number of useful functions, starting with what contributes to the reproduction «Good» bacteria and ending with the absorption of excess moisture. Earwax – it is not dirt, so do not get carried away by the cleaning of the ears until the complete absence of.

    Inflammation of the middle ear – cough friend and runny nose

    Usually in June, the sea has not yet been elected enough, and the sun has already fried in all. Harvested, we dive into cool water and quickly catchy. In addition, the water that fell into ears can stay there for some time, provoking inflammation. The most common disease of the ears – Inflammation of the middle ear. This kind of otitis is catarrhal and purulent. Diagnose the ailment and his type can only doctor! Remember that the main features of purulent otitis include: high temperature, acute shooting pain, intoxication, sometimes the selection of pus. If the temperature does not rise above 38 ?C, the ear hurts not too much (or it feels rustling, crackling) and intoxication is not expressed, it is likely to go about catarrhal otitis.

    Otitis rarely arises by itself – Most often it is a complication of symptoms (runny nose, cough, throat pain), which are caused by bathing. The infection of the throat and nose is quickly moving to the ears, because all these organs are connected with each other so-called Eustachiye pipes.

    If after one to three days after the start of purulent otitis from the ears is highlighted by the PNI, this is considered to be a favorable development of a process that does not represent health hazards (of course, with proper treatment). But the pus can not find the exit, which is fraught with the propagation of infection inside the skull and inflammation of cerebral shells, as well as brain abscess. So any otitis must urgently treat!

    Ears do not like airfares

    Summer holidays for many of us means long air travel. However, atmospheric pressure drops during takeoff and landing do not affect the state of the ears. At that moment, when you lays your ears when you take over or landing the aircraft, try to drive – So you align the pressure inside the ears with atmospheric (this is due to Evstarchy tubes connecting the throat and ears). One of the ways to help cope with the unpleasant feelings in the ears – Chewing gum. After the flight, try for some time to be in relative silence so that the hearing organs rested. Some people have the labeling of one or both ears only after half a day - day (especially if there are eared diseases). In the event that the ears after the flight hurt – try to contact a specialist as soon as possible.

    Crash or full silence?

    It would seem, there is nothing better for resting ears than absolute silence in the room. In fact, this is a common misconception! Complete silence is no less harmful to our health than, for example, continuously rumbling music. No sounds – same strong discomfort and stress for the human body.

    The ideal is considered a background noise of about 15-20 dB (Decibel). This is the rustling of foliage, conversation on low colors or whisper, rain knock on window glass. Such noise is considered comfortable, it is even used as therapy in chronic stress and diseases, its accompanying. A sharp loud sound (about 120 dB) is dangerous not only with its suddenness causing fright and emissions of adrenaline in blood. From too sharp sound hearing can seriously suffer – For example, if the sound source is located next to a person, drumming drumming can burst. It is worth knowing and those who are fond of «Live» Rock concerts: a sufficiently long effect on the ears of sound with a frequency of 120-140 dB threatens the so-called hearing loss. Immediately after such a concert, you can not hear half of the sounds around yourself (feeling under water). This condition passes within a few hours. But if, after a day, nothing has changed, urgently turn to Laura.

    Caution, water!

    During bathing, water can get into the ears. If this happened, tilt your head to the side «wet» ear, jump on the spot, then just promotional ear dry cotton. Ear aches? Perhaps it has a sulfur plug that scared from water. Only a doctor can delete it! If you have ever had diseases of the ears or injury of the eardrum, when bathing, use earpieces or tours from wool, moistened with vegetable oil or children's cream. If the water fell into the ear, thoroughly dry it (not cotton wand!) and driving ear anti-inflammatory drops.

    What threatens the girl with a player

    There are different points of view on how much your hearing harms constant walking in headphones. The closer to the eardrum, the sound source, the louder of this sound and the greater in the music of low frequencies (for example, heavy rock), the more harmful it is for hearing. But this is not a reason to give up your favorite music. Choose big headphones and try not to include the player at full volume (especially in the subway and other places where it is no more). And, of course, not in the headphones for too long. It is absolutely safely to listen to the music of average volume without breaks within an hour (and if the headphones are invested in the ear, then only half an hour). Of course, it is not always possible to observe these norms, but still try with a long listening to your favorite songs at least not overload your ears with excessive volume.

    Large overhead headphones are more useful in terms of saving acute hearing – the sound of them is distributed evenly, unlike «Inserts».

    Listen to nature!

    It is believed that ideally useful for the human nervous system and its hearing organs is background «noise» frequency up to 15-20 decibels. Try to organize around yourself a pleasant sound – More often enjoy the sounds of nature, and if you do not have the opportunity to go beyond the city, at least listen to the record of the noise of the rain or the sea, the voices of birds and animals.

    Diagnostics on the ears

    If something works incorrectly in the body, ears can change their color and even temperature. Look more likely in the mirror!

    In a healthy ear & ndash; good hearing

    • Redness arising suddenly or permanent, as well as hot ears talk about inclinations to an increase in blood pressure, vegetative dystonia, increased excitability and emotionality.
    • Too pale and cold ears – Template to hypotension.
    • Shine ears – Heart failure, lung disease.
    • Dark red color of ears with splashes – Diseases of the stomach, liver, pancreas.
    • Brown and dark red spots on the ears and near the ears – Intestinal diseases, imbalance of mineral substances in the body.
    • Brilliant hue of the skin of the ears – General exhaustion of the body, poor intestinal tone.
    • Folds on the urine of the ear – predisposition to stroke and infarction, atherosclerosis, signs of diabetes.

    Ear – This is a little life

    In their form, the ear resembles an inverted down Human Embryo head. On the ear there are processes of all organs and systems of our body.

    These projections are approximately there, where the authorities themselves must be «Embryo», which is an ear, and play a special role. A total of about 150 active points. According to the postulates of Eastern Medicine, affecting certain points on the ear shell, you can treat a person, to manage the state of the internal organs. For example, putting a needle to a certain point, you can save a patient from painful feeling of hunger or from heavy migraine.

    But this information can be used in harm to you, so carefully believing the piercing of the ears. On the urine of the ear there are projections of organs of vision, teeth, language, face muscles – Any of them can be damaged with the unsuccessful bondage of the ear. Better to do this, after consulting a specialist. Choose earrings from precious metals (gold, silver, etc.) and be sure to remove them before bedtime.

    Massage of the ears of the ears will help to wake up in the morning and cheered up, relieve fatigue and weakness at the end of the working day.

    In the morning, as charging for the whole body, it's not bad to rub the surface of the ear 25-30 times clockwise and as much against it.

    Under swelling and fatigue, the massage of the top of the ear will help, best to do it in the morning.

    If you regularly do a massage of the middle of the ear, it will help to normalize the operation of the gastrointestinal tract and the respiratory system.

    Pressing his finger to the center of the ear, you can remove excessive stress from the organs of vision.

    Massage of the ear of the ear where the cheek begins, weakens the dental pain.

    If your child turns around and persistently does not want to fall asleep, stroke him the ears of the ears before bed.

    Diet for hearing

    In order to save hearing and nervous system, try to observe the noise diet.

    Turn off the phone at night. If you worry about urgent calls, switch mobile to vibration mode, and urban turn off or reduce its volume.

    Turn off the radio. Many can not be in an empty apartment without a radio or television – It creates the effect of the presence of people in the house and soothes. However, constantly working media – Load for hearing.

    Dosage the operation of the air conditioner or ionizer. These devices help to make an indoor stay more comfortable, but a constant noise background anniversary.

    Do not overdo it with minimalism. Fashionable interiors in style «one picture and two chairs for the whole room» Create an effect in the room «empty bucket», When the spoken sound leaves after herself a mellow echo. It significantly enhances the burden on the ears, even if it costs without loud sounds.

    Protect your house. Excellent soundproofing provide metal-plastic windows, glazed balconies and double entrance doors. This will help to eliminate more than half of unnecessary and even harmful sounds that attack your home.

    Ears and character

    The form of the ears can tell a lot about their owner. For example, well-developed upper part of the auricle speaks of non-cubized mental abilities. Expressive middle of the ear – Sign of subtle mental qualities. And if the lower part of the ears is most developed, this indicates a strong health and enviable sexual abilities of their owner. Big ears say that a person is confident. Large ears with deep cavity of ear shell – Sign of sentimentality and sincerity. A pronounced ear separated from the cheek says that its owner can stand up for himself. Little graceful ears are usually in wounded, hypersensitive natures.

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