Night apnea and snoring. Whether surgical treatment will help?


  • Night apnea — Surgical treatment techniques
  • What does the apnea index mean
  • How to overcome the fear of a big problem
  • Apnea and man in mask

  • Have you ever thought about the nature of the night snoring? What makes this sound, why men snatch more often women and what value it has for the body?

    In the overwhelming majority of cases, snoring is due to violation of the undergoing respiratory tract — Development defects, growing or other problems of the structures of the rotogling. Active barrier jet air creates a oscillatory movement and appropriate vibrating sound. Partial obstruction of the respiratory tract with a snoring leads to the development of oxygen starvation, frequent night apnea, which entail a whole cascade of violations at all steps of normal physiology.

    Night apnea — Surgical treatment techniques

    Night apnea: what to do?Since the rotogling — The preferential source of snoring with night apnea, treatment mainly falls on the shoulders of otorinolaryngologists. In 1952, when the wedding of young Japanese was upset because of her loud snoring, the surgeon T. Ikmetsu was held the first operation to remove the rear panery and almonds, which caused snoring. The curvature of the nasal partition, polyps, congenital defects of development, sediments of adipose tissue — These and many duegic causes can be the causes of snoring, which can be surgical treatment.

    Snoring can be a component of obstructive night apnea syndrome. That is why there are specialists in the field of sleep violations — Somologians that are suitable for treatment comprehensively.

    In the 80s of the twentieth century, the technique of oxopalaptoofaringoplasty operation was developed (UPFP), which changed the traumatic and reduced quality of life by tracheostomy, which was often used earlier.

    UPP — This change in the size and interpordability of the structures of the pharynx, which is fulfilled by the classical way, is quite difficult to carry the operation. There is a big risk of overlapping the respiratory tract after the operation, however, in the conditions of modern surgical methods — Radiosurgery, laser technologies, improved anesthetic agents — Risk and great fear of treating night apnea and snoring can be minimized.

    There are methods of correctional intervention with minimal invasiveness that can be performed under local anesthesia. Video endoscopes allow you to visualize deep structures and carry out the finest manipulations on the tissues.

    What does the apnea index mean

    The criterion for the success of the operation is the so-called apnee-hypopnoe index, the EEG, which is expressed in the frequency of apnea and hypopne in one hour of sleep and is determined according to the study of polysomnography along with other indicators. His reduction by 50% or more after a month and a half after the operation is an indicator of high efficiency of operational intervention. Use with apnea masks for sleeping with air supply under pressure allows you to reduce their quantity to normal.

    The upper limit of the norm is the apnea index of less than five episodes per hour, the indicator is approaching to 20 and exceeding it is a signal for serious concern.

    How to overcome the fear of a big problem

    How to overcome fear of a big problem?Without connecting the problem of snoring and episodes of obstructive apnea in a dream with many daily symptoms, such as drip, lethargy, headaches, exacerbation of hypertension, cardiovascular disorders, it is difficult to conclude that the problem needs to be solved on the medical level. And fear of big changes that will have to undergo their lives may be transferred to a small operation — And at all forces to refuse all thoughts on this topic. However, it is not worth neglecting medical care, because once putting some effort to preserve your health, you will enjoy the fruits of this event for many years.

    Apnea and man in mask

    For those who cannot decide on surgical treatment, there are many other options: drug therapy, special devices for maintaining respiratory tract, very popular today CPAP therapy, which is provided by a special air supply device under low pressure through a mask. Apnea and hypopnea with regular use of a mask comes down to valid values.

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