Why can ear?


This year, the winter change is like a frivolous girl: frost with kaleidoscopic speed replaced by thaw. So I want to quickly remove the warm cap, the scarf and breathe the air with full of breasts. Here we have a hazard of supercooling, which can provoke the development of infection. Outwar, after a walk on the cold, you can feel pain in the ear of the ear, moving in the head. Rarely who in this case immediately runs to the doctor, more often they make a diagnosis for themselves and begin treatment: they disappear, wean, drink pills...

But the treacherousness of this symptom is, it is characteristic of different diseases that require a different approach. So it turns out that the reason is in one, and the man treats another. As a result, the disease progresses and leads to complications that even to cure a doctor. Therefore, in order not to miss precious time and immediately start treatment, it is important to find out what it is: starting otitis, inflammation in the teeth or another reason, and take action.

Why hurts in the ear?

Because of inflammation in the ear

Maybe it otitis. In which one of the departments of the ear (outdoor, middle, internal), inflammation began, can say the ENT doctor.

Why can the ear be sick?

What will confirm the guessed? Diagnosis Otitis will confirm such a characteristic feature: if you enhance the goat — The protrusion in the ear shell in front of the opening of the outer auditory passage — Feel pain. It is also possible to increase the temperature, noise and «shooting» In the ears, in advanced cases — purulent discharge from ear.

What to do? If the pain pulling, not pulsating, if there is no temperature and purulent discharge from the ear (in these cases it is necessary to immediately run to the doctor), you can cure yourself. For this twice a day (in the morning and overnight), make a dry warming compress (a bag of salt Heat the iron and lie on it with a sick ear) or laid a cotton ball moistened with boric, camphor alcohol or alcohol tincture, eucalyptus in the ear.

In addition, constantly keep the patient in warmth: any supercooling — it is for recovery a step back. With insignificant inflammation of these measures, it is usually enough. But if in a few days you will not feel relief, contact the ENT doctor.

What you can not do? Do not assign yourself antibiotics. If the oar flows out of the ear, if you feel the pulsation of pain in my head, in no case warm the patient's ear!

Prevention. Most often otitis is a complication after ARVI, influenza, angina, protracted rhinitis. So any cold, not to mention infections like influenza, important «stay in bed» and cure to the end.

Because of the caries in the teeth

«Oars» pain can be caused by the caries of extreme teeth at the started stage (T.E. With inflammation of the nerve or tissues located near the tooth).

What will confirm the guessed? In favor of the dental origin of pain in «ear» Will say that pain pulsing, increases when pressed on a sore tooth and when taking cold and hot food. Pain can handle ear, temple, neck. And at night, the pain is usually stronger than the day.

What to do? Fully recover from pain in the tooth independently manages very rarely. Therefore, as soon as possible, consult a dentist doctor who exactly calls the cause of pain and will begin treatment. Prior to a visit to the doctor, it is possible to facilitate the state of admission to an anesthetic tablet (for example, Nimesulda, Ibuprofen, Analgin). Briefly calm pain helps rinse with soda: take 1 hour on a glass of warm boiled water. L. soda and a couple of yeod drops. If you are a fan of natural treatments, take advantage «Babushkin» Recipe — attach to a sick tooth crushed onions or garlic. Top Cover Cashitz Vata. Onion and garlic — Natural antiseptics, and if inflammation in the gum is insignificant, they can cope with it. But all these measures do not cancel advice with the dentist.

What you can not do? You can not put a warming compress on the jaw from the sick tooth — Especially if the swelling (flux) has already been formed. It is impossible to rub the sore place, pick in the teeth with solid objects, touch the inflamed gums. All this can lead to the spread of infection.

Prevention. Tooth with a hole, even if it does not hurt, — It is always a potential source of infection in the body. Caries can cause problems with digestion, heart, kidneys. Therefore, do not delay the visit to the doctor if the problem already exists.

Due to the cold nerve

Learning in the ear can neuralgia trigeminal nerve.

What will confirm the guessed? Pain occurs suddenly, attacks lasting for 2 minutes. It provokes chewing, washing, cleaning of teeth, gusting wind, simple touch. By character, it resembles electric shock. May be accompanied by redness of the face, spasms of mimic and chewing muscles.

Why can the ear be sick? What to do? In typical neuralgia, the trigeminal nerve needs medical care, so as soon as possible to contact a neurologist. He will appoint effective treatment. Usually prescribed a course (about 10–14 days) spasmolitics — drugs that remove spasm, for example, but-shpu, as well as sedative — Based on Valerians, Hypericum, Melissa. To strengthen the nervous system, it is useful to drink the group of vitamins in.

What you can not do? For a while you need to abandon exciting drinks (coffee, strong tea) and sharp dishes, spices. All this can promote exacerbation.

Prevention. To prevent neuralgia, it is important not to translate. In some cases, to warn the neuralgy of a trigeminal nerve hard, t. To. It can be a consequence of injuries or one of the manifestations of other diseases — Tumors, herpes, again the patient of the tooth (by the way, often appears after a poorly furnished seal).

How to be with infants?

Not insured against ear pain and the smallest. «Mom, I have an eye», — can say a two-year kid. But the baby is unable to talk about what causes him discomfort, he will just cry, give up his chest, sleep restlessly at night, rub the ear of the pillow, pull the hand to the ear. Find out the cause of pain you can, intensely pressing on the ear kids. If the baby is crying, probably it otitis. To avoid complications, urgently show the child to the doctor.

Prevention. Otitis in children is found much more often than in adults and the probability of complications more. This is due to the features of the building of the children's ear: the hearing tube is wider and short. It is important to prevent mucus falling into it during colds and milk during feeding. For this:

  • Teach the baby correctly blowing the rooking: it is necessary to do this without excessive effort, you can not blow the mucus from both nostrils immediately, only alternately;
  • After feeding, keep the baby vertically, so that he jumped up too much milk and it did not fall from the oral oily cavity, and then through a hearing tube in the middle ear.

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