Nablitaxel helps 2 times to increase lifespan in patients with pancreatic cancer


    Nablitaxel helps 2 times to increase lifespan in patients with pancreatic cancerBudry (Switzerland), April 29, 2014. — Company SELDZHEN INTERNESHNL SARL. (Switzerland) reports that the European Commission approved Nablitaxel (paclitaxel nanoparticles associated with albumin) as the first line of therapy for patients with metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma — disease in which there is no effective treatment. Nablitaxel became the first drug for 7 years registered on this indication. The drug contains a unique molecule consisting of nanoparticles of Nablo Paklitaxel. The results of the study showed that the use of nablitaxel in combination with hemcitabine reduces the risk of death by 28%. The effectiveness of such a treatment scheme has been proven during an open randomized clinical study of the III phase, in which 861 patients and 151 Research Center in 11 countries.

    Currently, only in Europe more than 100,000 people suffer from pancreatic cancer. This is the 7th prevalence view of the oncological disease and the 4th in mortality. Pancreas Cancer Calm Rare Diseases, since the incidence does not exceed 10±4 people per 100,000 population. In debut, the disease proceeds with non-specific symptoms, so in most cases the diagnosis is put on late stage. The average life expectancy after diagnosis does not exceed 6 months, 5-year survival is observed only in 6% of patients.

    To date, the only method of treatment that allowed to increase survival, remained surgical removal of the tumor. In search of effective chemotherapeutic agents during the last 4 decades, more than 30 clinical studies of the III phase were conducted, but they ended unsuccessfully. In progression, the tumor continues to apply symptomatic therapy aimed at facilitating suffering, and also provide palliative care.

    «Given the low level of survival, characteristic of this disease, the situation in which patients and their families are, very crying. But now we observe that the addition of nablitaxel to standard gemcitabine-based schemes contributes to a significant increase in overall survival, while the side effects are controlled, — Joseph Tabernero, Head of the Department of Medical Oncology in the Oncology Institute Val D’Ebron and University Hospital in Barcelona, ​​Spain. — I believe that the approval of Nablitaxel will allow changing the paradigm for the treatment of pancreatic cancer, it has been proven that the drug is a new efficient and safe method of its therapy».

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