What you need to know about the false croup of the child


  • False croup - Children's disease
  • False or true - the difference is
  • Prevention will help
  • Danger time
  • False croup: Recognize on time
  • The attack begins - take action

  • False croup - Children's disease

    What you need to know about the false croup of the child

    False croup (acute stenozing laryngotrachite) is an inflammatory process in larynx and trachea. The abundance of loose fiber in them leads to irritation, it, in turn, - to the edema.

    The development of this disease can provoke the influenza virus, paragrippa, adenoviral infection and some children's diseases - Cort, Scarlatina, Poklush. Allergys also fall into the risk group - the characteristic swelling of the larynx can be caused by the reaction of the body to the toxins allocated by the virus. False croup - the disease is predominantly children, as the building of the child's respiratory tract has its own characteristics. They have trachea and bronchi already than in adults, and have a funk-shaped, and not a cylindrical shape. In the walls of the larynx more blood vessels and lymphatic formations. All these factors make the throat of the child more prone to edema, which causes spasms and even the attacks of choking. And than the younger child, the sharper the attack passes.

    False or true - the difference is

    False cereal and true diphtheria. What looks like? Challenged cough difficulty. What is the difference? Diffhechy develops gradually, the child increases lymph nodes, and the breath is difficult, because the lads are blocked with dense films. While the attack of false croup is always sudden and caused by the swelling of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

    Prevention will help

    Lower the likelihood of a false cereal syndrome will help the prevention of ORVI, against the background of which the attack most often occurs.
    • Very effective preventive measure is hardening the throat. The procedure is simple. Regularly let the child rinse the throat with water at first room temperature (23 - 25 degrees). Gradually reduce the temperature of the water to the very cold. Do not rush - the whole process should take about a couple of months.
    • Healthy nutrition. Let's drink more dairy products. Live kefir helps very well.

    Danger time

    When a child can «patch» disease? In the offseason. In winter, the parents are all clear - frost on the street, you need to wear a child warmer. And with the onset of spring so much want to quickly throw off heavy clothes! But the first sun rays are deceptive, the air is still cold - and the baby becomes a victim of ORVI. Where respiratory diseases, there and false croup.

    Or, on the contrary, the heat has already arrived, and the caring mothers are all rustled by the baby in the winter. But on the walk kids, they are worn as a crown, then they are sitting in a sandbox - and a sweaty child is easy to sharpen! From this point of view, dangerous and thaw among winter.

    False croup: Recognize on time

    What you need to know about the false croup of the child

    The first manifestations of the croup are always sudden. As a rule, happen at night when the child is already sleeping.

    In the afternoon in the breath, you could notice the weak hoarse, but it is so insignificant that I barely catching. By evening, the child becomes sluggish - but who does not become so after an active day, especially after a long walk? In fact, the virus is already valid at this time in the body.

    In a dream, the child turns around, it is difficult for him to breathe (because the edema of the throat has already begun), he begins to cough. The cough with the criterion is very characteristic - dry, «barking». The child breathes more often, up to 50 breaths - exhale per minute (rate aged 3 - 5 years - 25 - 30). So the body is trying to fill the lack of oxygen. Temperature can rise. Very quickly the cough is becoming more coarse, and if at this time the child will not wake up, and parents will not have urgent help, then the likelihood of the loss of consciousness and the occurrence of choking!

    The attack begins - take action

    • Already when the first symptoms appear (hipged breathing, wheezing, the first uncertain cough), it is necessary to pay attention to the climate in the room. In the house there must always be fresh air - check the rooms as often as possible. False cereal - a disease at which fresh air is your assistant. After all, it helps to saturate blood oxygen.
    • Do not forget about moisture. Inhalation is one of the main means in the fight against false crop, and the wet atmosphere in the apartment is a serious preventive measure. Well, if there is already a moisturizer in the house, but if you have not yet done this useful acquisition, you can do with undergraduate means. Wet rags on batteries, water tanks in each room.
    • Antihistamines (anti-allergic) drugs - to remove an allergic reaction and remove swelling. All these measures will allow you to prevent the attack of false cereal at night, and in the future you will have to deal with ordinary ARVI.

    If you failed to prevent the attack, urgently call «ambulance» - Only a doctor will give you an accurate diagnosis, will determine the degree of stenosis of the larynx and will decide whether hospitalization is needed.

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