Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome


  • Snore
  • How to treat snoring
  • Interesting fact

  • Snore

    It is believed that for a full-fledged rest, a person needs
    comfortable pillow, dark cool room and... silence. And if the first
    Two components are quite accessible to everyone, the last - real
    deficit for those who live near the rats.

    According to modern statistics, more than 70% of men and 50% of women
    After 30 years suffer Ronhapathia or, simply, snoring, irritating
    others and damaging oneself...

    nothing bothers so much as monotonous «Raud», Done S
    Neighboring pillows. What is just not doing with the domestic rattles - pick up
    and hooked, pushed and tormes, but in the end, they boil ears or
    go to sleep in another room.

    By the way, the partner snoring is one of the reasons for the disaster
    sexual relations of married couples, and some are thinking about
    divorce because of the frantic snoring of his half.

    But, no matter how paradoxically, they are often not even noticing their
    Night manifestations, thereby bringing close to white crignis...

    Fighting snoring
    However, so they do not come from harmfulness. They themselves have to fall out. And that's why.

    From a medical point of view, the main cause of snoring are weak
    Muscles of soft sky. And he arises when the jet of air passing
    Through the narrowed respiratory tract, force the soft structures of the pharynx
    «beat» Friend and friend.

    If you drop the aesthetic side of the question, snoring is huge
    harm primarily a person snoring. Since in itself is already
    harbinger and major symptom of a serious illness - stop
    breathing in a dream or, expressing scientifically, obstructive apnea syndrome

    Plus to this, during snoring a relaxed sky overlaps access
    Air in the lungs and man is experiencing oxygen starvation (hypoxia).
    Because of her brain «wakes up» and makes the muscles of the throat strain. But
    After some time, the muscles are relaxed again, and it all starts
    again. So, at night a person can wake up to 300 times. And this, in his
    The queue leads to safety and severe day fatigue. By the way, W
    «Desperate» Risk risk A car accident increases 10 times due to
    falling asleep behind the wheel...

    In addition, snoring provokes hormonal changes, exchange disorders
    substances contribute to the progression of obesity, hypertension, worsens
    the work of the heart, and may also lead to a stroke, myocardial infarction and
    even... impotence. Here is like «Gentlemen set» hidden for
    ordinary snoring.

    So not worth «to nag» Straight for what he is in essence, not
    Blame. Just take it to a good ENT doctor who will pick him up
    Suitable treatment.

    Causes of snoring. 10 reasons provoking snoring:

    • Curvature of the nasal partition
    • Congenital narrowness of pharynx and nasal moves.
    • Polyps in the nose, allergic rhinitis
    • An elongated sky tongue
    • Violation of bite
    • Increase almonds
    • Obesity
    • Alcohol and smoking
    • Reducing the function of the thyroid gland
    • Fatigue

    How to treat snoring

    Treatment of snoring most efficiently by laser therapy. Only for
    10-15 minutes in a specialized clinic of persecutive make painless
    Laser Ray operation, which will allow to get rid of snoring. There is I
    Dispositive way to combat snoring - domestic device
    «Extra-Laura», seemingly resembling the usual nipple. It consists of out
    a bowl-like petal concerning the language and rims protecting from
    Swallowing and falling out of mouth. Therapeutic effect «Extra-Laura»
    lies in the reflex irritation of the muscles of the language and pharynx that
    Increases the tone of the sky and prevents vibration, eliminating snoring.

    American scientists invented another way to combat snoring -
    Special vaccination into a mild sky, which is enough for at least 19
    months of silent and calm sleep. According to Dr. Scott Bridley from
    Medical Center Walter Reed, 3 of 4 patients for 1.5 years
    just forget about snoring. There is such a vaccination inexpensive, but minus it in
    what makes the injection will have to... For life, T.E. every time in
    End of it «actions».

    Tips to combat snoring:

    • Look at bedtime, make sure that the nasopharynk is chista and nothing prevents
      Free breathing. Use threshing drops to clean the nose
      or salt of sea salt. The same mortar rinse the throat for the night -
      it will reduce the swelling and make the tissues of the soft sky more elastic.
    • Sleep on a low harsh pillow - it will make snoring quieter.
    • Daily follow the following exercises: mouth closed, breathing through
      nose. Strain the back of the tongue and pull the tongue to the throat.
      Repeat the exercise three times a day for 10-15 times and a soft sky
      strengthen, reducing the probability of snoring.
    • Pronounce sound «and», Straightening the muscles of the throat, soft sky and neck. Repeat the exercise in the morning and in the evening of 20-25 times.
    • Take at night a warm bath (T-37C), it relaxes and contributes to a calmer sleep.
    • Try to reset a few unnecessary kilograms - it will give an obvious effect.

    If you fulfill these recommendations, after 2 weeks, you will find that snoring will significantly decrease. Maybe even then your half will move, finally, from the places «temporal
    Dislocations» in a married bed and stop pushing at night in the side,
    Whispering hurt: «Yes you are quiet!»

    Interesting fact

    The most loud person in the world listed in the Guinness Book of Records,
    Urban Herack Allan Majatt from the English city Gloucester - Big
    Amateur hang away. He possesses an incredibly loud voice - 112.8
    Decibel that at the power of sound is comparable to the roaring jet aircraft. BUT
    Soking Allan so that paintings are swinging in the house and dishes rings. Like n
    Strange, he is married. But, according to Mrs. Majatt, she has not been
    pulls at night earpieces...

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