Angina in one day


  • Cunning Angina
  • Not losing a minute
  • The process went
  • Spanish raincoat

  • Cunning Angina

    Angina in one dayInflammation of chicken almonds, or angina, — The disease is rather insidious, since in untimely or insufficient treatment there may be severe complications. Not only, after an angina gets rapid development of rheumatism and the heart disease following him. Angina's cunning is that it does not do without inflammation of the fabrics closest to the burnt almonds. It provokes inflammatory processes in them (Qatar):

    • Qatar mucous pharynx (pharyngitis),
    • Large (Larygitis),
    • Nose (rhinitis),
    • gaimor cavity (sinusitis) and so on.

    Therefore, with the slightest signs of supercooling (we sat on a draft, fell under the rain, the legs were knocked, laughed at the bus stop) it is necessary to immediately take prophylactic measures, especially if they felt airs.

    Not losing a minute

    It is advisable to start the fight against the angina literally in the first hours. First of all try to warm up as quickly as possible: get dull, lie in the warm bed. If there is no such possibility (for example, if you felt ailment on the way to work or home), you can warm up with the help of dousekock, run (at least in place), the simplest gymnastic exercises, many of which can be performed in a static position (sitting or standing). This can be done, even being in the way — at stop or in public transport.

    Come home, you should immediately take a hot shower and rinse the throat of decoction of medicinal herbs — Sage and Eucalyptus. To prepare a ragger, we take 1 dessert spoonful of grass, brewed with a glass of boiling water, withstand in a water bath for 20 minutes, filter. For rinsing, take 1 st. A spoonful of ragger on a glass of water. However, this means can be used subsequently.

    And in order not to waste time on cooking, you can purchase ready-made Eucalyptus or Salvine preparations on the road at a pharmacy (preparation made from sage grass) for rinsing throat. A good effect will give a rinse of the throat with a juice of red swells: 1 st. A spoonful of beet juice is bred in a glass of warm water, half of this dose are used to rinse the throat, and they simply swallow the second half.

    At home, in the case of hypothermia (for example, labeling of legs), it is necessary to make a warming massage as soon as possible, during which the legs in the legs should be warm, as well as spend a point anti-infinite massage (its execution can also be started on the way home). For this, the tips of the index and middle fingers intensively rub the biologically active points that are:

    • On breasts,
    • In place of the compound of the clavicle (above the membrane),
    • on the neck, on the side of the carotid arteries (this place is found by passing their ripples),
    • At the temples (on the continuation of eyebrows),
    • In the field of nasolabial folds (nose wings),
    • In the field of occipital mastoid processes behind the ears,
    • In the area of ​​the 7th cervical vertebra,
    • In the region 1, 2 and 3 breast vertebrae,
    • on hand, in place of connecting big and index fingers.

    Crop each of the specified points of 20–30 times with circular movements, repeating, if there is an opportunity, the whole cycle several times a day after 2–3 hours.

    Angina in one dayProbably help and pretty funny vacuum therapy — Air suction mouth with closed lips. This procedure simulates the process of sucking and runs like this: you close your mouth, press the tip of the tongue to solid nebu and try to lower the lower jaw, at the same time as a suction air. Perform this exercise is also at least 30 times. It helps strengthen blood circulation in blood vessels.

    In addition to these emergency measures, you can:

    • chew fresh fir, spruce or pine resin,
    • Before bedtime, put on the foot and legs on 1–2 hours mustard,
    • on the night to eat garlic slice.

    If you do all this successively and timely, then the next day you will be healthy. On the treatment of angina you will need only one day.

    The process went

    If the aneg has already begun and you failed to catch the disease in the initial stage of its development, certainly prepare infusion from a mixture of medicinal herbs: sage (2 parts), eucalyptus (1 part), chamomile (1 part), pine kidneys (1 part), The fruits of anise or colors of thyme (1 part), calendula colors (1 part), mint (1 part). Mint can be replaced by Anis, and Anis — Fennel (definitely, the main component of this treatment — sage). 1 Art. A spoonful collection is poured with a glass of boiling water, insist on a water bath for 20 minutes, allowed for 15 minutes, filter and use this infusion for rinsing the throat (2 hours. Spoon collection on a glass of warm water). Rinsing repeat 3–4 times a day after meals and necessarily — At night.

    If there are no herbs mentioned, you can rinse the sloeks with juice. Useful also drink onion juice. Between rinsing, it would be nice to suck the sheet of aloe or calanchoe or drink 1 hour. spoon of juice of these plants. In juice you can add 30 drops of the eucalyptus or salvine tincture.

    For rinsing the throat, you can cook tincture from the leaves of Sage. Push away the handful of leaves in a bottle with a screw plug, pour 0.5 glasses of vodka there, wrap in dark fabric and hold the bottle 1–2 days on the warm battery. The resulting tincture is recommended to add to the decoction of herbs or in a thick decoction of potatoes «in mundire» (1 h. A spoon of tincture on 2 st. Spoons of Bahar).

    Spanish raincoat

    In case, for some reason, for some reason, it was not possible to prevent the disease that began, and for all means it is necessary to be healthy tomorrow, there is the most effective agent — Spanish raincoat. This procedure was offered to his patients the German healer Sebastian Kneipp. He is done like that.

    Clean cotton sheets are put on a clean woolen blanket. The other is wetted the same sheet in the warm (30 degree temperatures) water, diluted in half with apple vinegar (approximately 250 g of apple vinegar and as much water). Swimmed sheet pierced well and quickly put it on a dry sheet. This is necessary so that the sheet moistened in the solution is not too quickly cooled due to evaporation of apple vinegar.

    So, fully undressed patient falls on the sheet and all its body, except for the head, independently or with the help of the assistant wonders wet, then dry sheets and on top — woolen blanket. It is necessary to turn around so that there is no slurry (crack) anywhere. The edges of the sheet and blankets are joined under the sides, shoulders, legs and neck. From above, you can hide another blanket, plaid, perina or put pillows, especially in the field. Woolen blanket and other things hold warm and the body is warming up. Laid on top of Perina further increases the heat-saving effect.

    When receiving the procedure, pay attention also to the fact that with the wet sheet, the complete contact of all parts of the body, especially the legs that should be wrapped each separately. In such a bisculated condition, the patient lies 1.5–2 hours. At this time there is a strong heating of the body, the patient will actively sweat. At the same time, at the expense of the microclimate created under the shelter in its body, blood circulation and muscle nutrition improves. Of these, they are washed and stand out through the skin and kidneys accumulated in the body products of life, poisons, toxins. In the body there is an accelerated skin cleaning, lungs, kidneys and a number of other organs.

    Angina in one dayTo increase the efficiency of this procedure, it is recommended every half an hour to take 1 cup of hot water with lemon juice (1 lemon juice stir in 1 cup of boiled water). Drink this drink is better through the straw. It is advisable to drink 3–4 glasses. After the procedure, hot shower should be taken to rinse out of the body along with then waste. To avoid the hypothermia of the body, it is necessary immediately after the soul to lie down in a pre-prepared bed. It is better to spend the procedure for the night. Compress «Spanish raincoat» — Excellent means of cleaning the entire body. During the execution of this procedure together with poisons and toxins from the body, the disease.

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