When in the ears noise


  • Noise in ears
  • Therapeutic effects to mitigate and eliminate symptoms

  • Noise in ears

    When in the ears noiseYou constantly hear noise (ringing) in the ears. And this is not a long-distance phone call from your aunt. In consolation you can only say that you are not alone. At the same time you hear the most diverse and bizarre sounds. What are the most frequent causes of these violations? Just over time, wear of the nerves and nerve endings of the inner ear. In addition to age, there is a strong noise. As a result, false signals come from the inner ear, which are transformed into sounds in the brain.

    You can hear the ripple of blood vessels of the ear or cut muscles. They can create a feeling of vibration, ripples and clicks. People describe calls and scouring sounds. Sometimes they compare them with the sounds of cicades and crickets.

    The ringing in the ears can occur due to pain in the ear, infection, the accumulation of fluid in the ears, holes in the eardrum or the formation of a large sulfur tube. As you know, noise in the ears can be observed in the disease Meniere. This rarely encountered and mysterious disorder causes disruption of the inner ear. In exceptionally rare cases, the reason lies in the tumor of the auditory nerve of the inner ear.

    There may be a symptom of a number of diseases such as:

    • Middle Ear Diseases (Otitita Otitis, Pathology of Hearing (Eustachiyeva) Pipes and DR.),
    • Diseases of the inner ear (sensuously hearing loss, Menieret's disease, perilimpatic fistula),
    • Pathology of auditory nerve (neuritis, neuromy, exposure to isotoxic drugs),
    • Cardiovascular diseases (pathological changes of the vessels of the head and neck, atherosclerosis),
    • Pathology of the temporomandibular joint,
    • Endocrine pathology, metabolic diseases, consequences of stressful effects and t.D.

    Therapeutic effects to mitigate and eliminate symptoms

    The doctor will help you get rid of infection with antibiotics. But most cases of the appearance of a stall in the ears are not treatable. With the help of the techniques described below, you can loosen these discomfort to some extent.

    Do not take large doses of aspirin. People who suffer from arthritis should take their note that too large doses of aspirin can lead to an increase in noise in the ears. Doctors cannot give explanations for this dependence. From one or two tablets aspirin you will not be worse. But if you take eight or ten aspirin pills a day, then your problems may be partly connected with this.

    Stop smoking. When noise appears in the ears, you have one reason more to quit smoking. Nicotine contained with cigarettes acting as a stimulator. It leads to a state of excitement of the auditory nerve of the inner ear.

    Limit the amount of salt used. Excess salt in food leads to a fluid delay in the body, including in the ear. This liquid can cause swelling and pressure on the hearing organ. As a result, there are noise in the ears, a decrease in hearing and dizziness.

    Reduce caffeine use. Caffeine as a substance with a stimulating effect enhances the ringing in the ears.

    Avoid loud sounds because they enhance the ringing in the ears. If you can not eliminate the noise, then we carry at least headphones.

    Try to shove the noise in the ears. Many people note that they disappear in the ears when they wash under the shower. Since the noise of water has such actions, some doctors recommend writing the sounds of water passing through the funnel, and listen to it before bedtime or in situations when they need to make relief.

    Try using forehead muscle relaxation technique. Need to focus on different groups of your muscles. First melt the forehead, raising your eyebrows (Pause 5 seconds). And slowly relax forehead. Now feel completely relaxed forehead; Let any tension that you feel here, dissolve without a trace (pause 10 seconds). Close your eyes, firmly squeeze the eyelids (pause 5 seconds). Slowly relax eye muscles (pause 5 seconds). Let them fully relax (pause 10 seconds). Now smile, smile so widely as you can, feel how the muscles of the cheek tense (pause 5 seconds). Let the smile slowly leave, feel how the tension disappears in your cheeks (pause 5 seconds). Enjoy the feeling of absolutely relaxed muscles of your cheeks. Allow any remaining tension that you still feel, disappear, dissolve (pause 15 seconds). Now squeeze the lips, together, strongly (pause 5 seconds). And slowly weaken lips, tongue (pause 5 seconds). Feel your language, fully relaxed lips (pause 10 seconds). Highly scent teeth (pause 5 seconds). Gradually let the jaws to weaken and relax, feel how the voltage retreats and disappears (pause 5 seconds). Feel all face at rest. Your forehead, face and mouth are completely relaxed (Pause 5 seconds). No muscle will peel on her face. Face real and silent (pause 10 seconds).

    Use noise masking devices. Some electronic enterprises produce inexpensive devices that create the so-called «White» noise.

    Get rid of ear sulfur. If the cause of noise in the ears is a traffic jam from ear sulfur, then these phenomena can end, applying ear drops. Before applying these funds, it is not bad to see a doctor to make sure that there is no infection.

    Take tools to eliminate alarm. During the psychological examination, 76% of persons suffering from the ears and the appointment of a physician drugs that reduce the level of anxiety, a state of improvement was noted.

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