When you need to beat the alarm


    When a child is stupid

    When you need to beat the alarmPrevention of hearing loss and deafness should be started long before the birth of a child. Future parents should not be blood relatives: in such cases, the deaf children are often born. Alcohol abuse can also cause the child's birth with congenital hearing impairments, which include malformations of ear development, outdoor auditory passes.

    Some women's diseases during pregnancy may cause underdevelopment of the Ear of the Fetal. It is especially sensitive to negative impacts in the first 3 months of pregnancy. The causes of hearing impairment can be premature or protracted labor, various injuries, fetal suffocation. The use of certain drugs during pregnancy also threatens by the defeat of the hearing body in the fetus, the consequence of which is congenital deafness or hearing loss.

    Any newborn rumor is lowered because his ear is filled with a jelly-like mixed cloth. As it dissolves, the child begins to hear better. However, the resorption process is sometimes delayed because of such colds, like a runny nose. The penetration of air through the hearing tube in the ear is delayed, and the hearing loss can develop. That is why it is extremely important to avoid hyposheeks that the newborn is very susceptible.

    From a prophylactic point of view, you should know that a sharp sound is able to cause pain, dizziness. And even temporary hearing loss. Harmful affects the hearing and strong compressing the child's head with a cape (there is a squeezing of ear shells and an auditory passage). Untimely removal of foreign bodies from ear, improper blowing, systematic self-removal of sulfur, difficult nose breathing, various injuries are also frequent causes of hearing loss.

    Acquired deafness is often due to infectious diseases (epidemic vapor, flu, epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis, scarletina, cortel), cranial injury. When pairing (pig), the defeat of the auditory nerve is accompanied by hearing loss with the subsequent development of the deafness. Hearing is not restored, but it is possible to stop further its deterioration. With a scarletina, the inflammatory process of the throat and the hearing pipe is easily applied to the middle ear and can cause significant, often irreversible changes.

    Also the cause of the deafness of the child can be congenital and acquired Ear Development Anomalies, Hearing Nerva Defeatation, and often adenoids. One of the leading places among the causes of hearing loss in childhood belongs to chronic purulent middle otitis. Background for the development of hearing loss are the features of the structure of the ear, transferred diseases and, possibly, an allergic predisposition. It also matters. Among the diseases preceding the development of hearing loss, it is possible to allocate acute average otitis, sharp respiratory diseases, aggravation of chronic sinusitis, sinusitis.

    Parents, independently attending their children with medication, often do not even suspect the harmful influence of those on the hearing body. At the same time, the less the age of the sick child, the more pronounced and persistent there may be a change in hearing. Negative action of various drugs manifests itself particularly sharply if there are agonizing factors: prematurity, generic injury, infectious diseases, kidney disease, liver.

    How to reveal deafness and touginess

    It should be noted that children of preschool age, as a rule, do not complain about the decrease in hearing, especially if it is unilateral. It manifests itself a boss in the fact that the kids do not respond to appeal to them, often ask how to talk. Sit closer to sound source, such as TV.

    It is enough to notice a hearing impairment in a child. Parents can use the simplest methods of examination. The reaction to the sound in a newborn can be determined by unconditional reflexes that occur without preliminary production, for example, clamping of the eyelid, the expansion of the pupil with a sudden strong sound. An early reflex on the auditory stimulus is motor excitation.

    Also possible to stop sucking, sinking when crying.

    When examining hearing, it is necessary to be out of sight of the child. Requering toys of low or high tones are required. Drum and harmonica transmit a set of low tones of quite large force. Cookies — High tones.

    With the slightest suspicion of a decrease in hearing, it is necessary to conduct a targeted inspection and examination in a medical institution. If the hearing loss is not detected at an early stage of development, the effectiveness of treatment is much reduced.

    The first signs of ENT diseases

    As already mentioned, the child often loses his hearing as a result of various Lori diseases. How to understand what baby is sick?

    Explicit signs of the child's disease are rarely noticeable from the first days. At the initial stage, during the hidden (long-term) period, it is not all right with the baby, it is possible by his behavior. The fallen child has a pale face and has concerned, «Adult» expression. Oral mucosa oral sheath dry, covered language.

    War down if you notice some concern of the child (in an infant baby it is expressed in that it is sluggish sucks the chest), if you see a pus drop on the pillow.

    With inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs (it usually concerns otites) the temperature often increases, headache begins, noise in the ears, nausea, vomiting.

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