Treatment of synefi in girls

Sinekhias call the fights between closely located organs or surfaces. These fightings can be both congenital and acquired. Girls have such spikes often appear between small sexual lips. Such pathology in girls usually arise over the entrance to the urethra, which naturally interferes with normal urination.

Often, the synechia is detected with the next inspection of the child, because before him many parents simply do not give it due value or do not notice at all. However, this pathology is very serious and requires immediate and adequate treatment.


Gynecology, children's gynecology, childhood diseases, urinary system, sex infections, genitals, synechia

The causes of the appearance of the synefy are diverse, but they are not so much. These reasons need to know the parents of the girl to protect against problems in the future. Provoking the battle of the sexual lips in girls can excessive intimate hygiene. In this case, the problem is related to the fact that parents because of their excessive chopliness are waiting their girl several times a day. And often it happens to soap. As a result, when exposed to soap on the outer parts of the genital organs, frequent friction and wearing close clothes, they are injured. Injuries naturally heal, which leads to the splicing of small sexes in a child. But this does not mean that it is not necessary to do hygiene.

Certain the development of the synefi may also infection in the genital trait. In this case, harmful microorganisms after entering a gentle mucous membrane of the outer genital organs cause inflammation, which ultimately leads to a splicing. In order to eliminate the presence of pathogenic microorganisms in the urinary tract of the child, before treatment it is necessary to pass general blood analysis In infections and sowing urine.

One of the reasons for the development of such pathologies is allergic reactions that are most often manifested on the skin. However, the allergies are reflected not only in the state of the skin, but in the state of the mucous membrane. Therefore, when Treatment of allergies Babes need to pay attention not only to skin manifestations, but also on redness of the vulva. To prevent repeated manifestations of allergies, it is important to exclude potential allergens from the diet.

In some cases, the battle of the sexual lip may occur with some diseases of the genitour. In particular, synechia can be formed with a long inflammatory process. Such manifestations are characteristic of vulvovaginitis and vulvita. In general, such infections are fully capable of transferred by household. So, in particular, the causative agents of the disease are able to pass from someone else's towel or washcloth. For this reason, the baby's underwear needs to be washed separately from the adult linen and before use it is recommended to try it with a hot iron. Also, the infection is quite possibly picked up while swimming in a natural water branch.

One of the reasons for the occurrence of these pathologies in girls is a complicated pregnancy, which flows with intrauterine infection of the child. In such cases, synechia develop quite often. Therefore, after childbirth, it is advisable to visit the children's gynecologist about a year later.


Gynecology, children's gynecology, childhood diseases, urinary system, sex infections, genitals, synechia

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to identify the cause of the disease. To do this, take the blood test, smear from the vagina on the tank of sowing. In addition, it is necessary to analyze Cala. In the event that the form of the disease is not complicated, t. E. There is only a thin translucent film, then, as a rule, cost without surgical treatment. The doctor usually prescribes special hormonal ointment for treatment. In general, the sooner the treatment is started, the better. So, at the initial stages of the disease, it will be enough to impose on the grinding of the ointment, which includes estrogens. If such a procedure is repeated for a week, then the problem should be solved and urinating normalizes. If the treatment does not give the desired results, then it is necessary to show the girl to the doctor again, which separates sexual lips already surgically. After that, the doctor will appoint calendula based ointment, which contributes to the rapid healing of tissues. For the same purpose it is recommended to make a girl herbal baths.

Before applying a cream to the sections of the sex of the sexual lips, it is necessary to do. After that you need to apply a thin layer with rubbing movements designated by a doctor. Often, different creams are used - for morning and for evening procedures. Cream is usually applied for twenty days, after which there is a break for ten days. Then the course is repeated again. In order for the cream not to get on clothes, especially when the girl is still sleeping in diapers, you need to wait until the applied cream is completely dry, and only after that wear clothes.

During treatment, it is necessary to ensure that there is no allergy to certain foods. It is important to comply with the basic rules of hygiene. If, despite the accepted treatment measures, such pathologies are formed again, it is likely that the child has an allergy. In order for the battle not repeated, it is necessary to exclude from the diet, causing allergic reactions. During the arms, it is recommended to use only flow water. It is also worth consulting with a doctor. Perhaps he will appoint a special cream to the girl for Treating dermatitis.

It must be said that synechias may occur re-in girls up to the beginning of puberty, namely to nine-year-old or ten years of age. Most often it happens until the age of 6-7 years.

MPCs notes that the treatment of synefic in girls in the surgical method is recommended only if the hormonal treatment turned out to be ineffective or when the battle of small sexual lips is strongly pronounced. Fortunately, thanks to modern medicine, this procedure is made practically painless. Nevertheless, a quarter of girls after treatment after some time, such fragments arise again.


Gynecology, children's gynecology, childhood diseases, urinary system, sex infections, genitals, synechia

After successful treatment to prevent the re-combustion of small sexual lips, some preventive measures must be observed. In particular, in order not to subsequent infection in the genitals of girls, it is necessary to periodically focusing in the direction - in front. In addition, it is important that the underwear, which is barely, was sewn from natural fabrics. In addition, despite the absence of pathologies from the urogenital system, it is necessary to regularly show the girl to children's gynecologist.

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