Signs of ovulation

When planning pregnancy it is very important to know when a woman has an ovulation. Everything is quite simple - you focus on your own feelings, use tests to determine it, measure the basal temperature or visit the doctor.

What is it?

Gynecology, conception, ovulation, fertilization, signs of ovulation

Ovulation is a process when mature, ready to fertilize the egg leaving the ovarian follicle and moves to the abdominal cavity, this is the stage of the menstrual cycle. Ideally, it lasts 28 days, favorable days are coming 13-15 days. However, it happens not far from every woman, the cycle can be from 19 to 45 days, and this is not considered a deviation, but a physiological feature of the body. At this time, the ripening of the egg to its outcome from the ovary can be from eight days to a month. This is because the body requires a certain time to achieve the limit level of estrogen hormone. When the amount of estrogen reaches a peak point, it provokes a sharp emission of luteinizing hormone (LH). LH just makes the egg break through the wall of the ovary one or two days after its increase.

The reason for concern can be the opsometry - a delay over two months, and Amenorrhea - a delay in the bloody secretions of more than six months - in this case, it is necessary to urgently ask for advice to the gynecologist.

The absence of ripe eggs can also be observed during the first three months after abortion, Throughout the year after childbirth and in women after 40 years, whose organism is in a preclumatic condition.

Methods for determining ovulation

Gynecology, conception, ovulation, fertilization, signs of ovulation

In order to understand that now there are those most favorable days, in the 21st century there is an opportunity to enjoy multiple tools:

  • personal feelings;
  • measurement of basal temperature;
  • Ovulation tests;
  • Ultrasound.

Let's wonder each item separately, since it is very often enough of the minimum knowledge to determine the best period to get pregnant.

Feeling during ovulation

Pulling, short-term pain at the bottom of the abdomen in the middle of the cycle may mean the beginning of ovulation. They can continue both a couple of minutes and a few hours.

Pains can be observed both in the ovarian area and at the very bottom of the abdomen. In some women, the output of the eggs from the follicle occurs quite painfully and noticeably, in other pains can be felt during urination or sexual intercourse. The main thing is to listen to your body and blame.

Also an important feature can be a sharp increase in the mucous discharge from the vagina. This is due to the fact that the body ripens the medium for the favorable life of the sperm from the moment of its penetration to fertilization.

Quite often, women experience increased sexual excitability at the ovulation phase. In this regard, if you do not plan now pregnancy, it is recommended very seriously approaching Selecting contraceptives.

Jumping over these phenomena, it can be understood that now the best period is for conception.

Basal temperature

In fact, basal temperature is very important for every woman. Its measurement may indicate both favorable days for conception and possible pregnancy and the changes that occur in the body of a woman: Hormonal violations, diseases of the sexual system. Also, measurement of basal temperature can help diagnose anointing when the egg's finished reproduction does not occur.

On the first follicular phase of the menstrual cycle, the temperature is satisfied low and is 36.3-36.5 degrees (data can fluctuate by 0.1 degrees). Before stage, the egg leaving from the ovary is most often the temperature increases (it may decrease less rarely) to 37.1-37.3 degrees. On the day of ovulation, a stable temperature that is installed at the beginning of each cycle makes a sharp jump at least 0.2 degrees.

If the temperature is measured in order to prevent unwanted pregnancy, then contraception is important to start applying at least 4 days before possible ovulation and not yet less than 2 days after its offensive.

Use tests

Gynecology, conception, ovulation, fertilization, signs of ovulation

Modern test strips to determine ovulation are aimed at determining luteinizing hormone (LH). Its sharp release occurs in a woman's body for 24-48 hours before the follicle break.

Start using the test is best no later than 17 days before the intended menstruation with a regular cycle. If the regularity is absent, then you need to choose for yourself the shortest cycle over the past six months and, guided by these data, start testing.

However, if the presence of large delays is observed, the use of the test is inappropriate, since sometimes errors occur in the test. His mistakes are related to the fact that it does not indicate directly on ovulation, but only the emission of the hormone LH, which for many reasons may be associated not only with the output of the egg.

Ultrasound examination

Today it is the most reliable method for determining ovulation. It is conducted strictly under the supervision of the doctor. The first trip to the gynecologist is best planned immediately after the complete completion of the bleeding. The doctor will conduct all the necessary surveys, smears and ultrasound. All this is necessary for pregnancy planning without complications.

To identify ovulation, ultrasound monitoring is carried out at least three times for a month. The doctor will observe the growth of the follicle in the ovary, as well as the development of a yellow body. Before ovulation, the follicle reaches a size of 19-24 mm in diameter, after - decreases. And after 2-3 days, a yellow body is formed on the site of a burst follicle.

However, all this is possible only in the case of a regular cycle. If there is no one, first of all it is very important to consult a doctor to identify the cause of the lack of regularity.

Reasons may be set. Here are the most common:

  1. Infections and inflammation of sex tract.
  2. Failures in the endocrine system.

These problems are extremely important to identify and eliminate with the slightest suspicion of their presence. Examination and treatment, as a rule, not cheap, however, women's health and desired pregnancy must outweigh the scales.

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