What is cancer?


  • Crayfish
  • Cancer development factors
  • Metastase

  • Crayfish

    Ancient Romans Dali Latin name «Cancer» (cancer) incurable growing ulcer resembling crab.
    Words like «tumor» or «Neof formation», Used to describe
    cancer, tell us little (if they say at all) about what is actually
    is cancer.

    They are in fact descriptive: «tumor» means nothing more than swelling,
    bloating, A «Neof formation» - It is literal «New disease». Late term «oncology», Greek «Onkos» (swelling), applicable
    to the part of medical science that engaged in tumors. «Carcinoma» occurs
    from the Greek word denoting «crab», But now this term is limited by those
    Cancers, which affect fabrics, such as skin and mucous cavity
    mouth and intestines, and term «sarcoma» Used to designate cancer support
    Fabrics, such as bones, fatty and connective tissue. Marginal analysis
    these terms will not help the understanding of cancer.

    It should be referred to what we know about the formation of your own body,
    Since one of the fastest growing tumors is a fruit.
    Comparison of it with cancer may seem unfair and unlawful,
    Since the fruit is associated in our presentation with normal development. but
    Consideration of the norm under this angle of view helps us to understand better than
    Cancer is distinguished by cancer. The body of each of us consists of approximately 15 million cells,
    At the same time, our life is born from one cell at the moment of conception.

    What is cancer?The cell is the main cell of life, and some living organisms will consist
    from one cell, but even in this case it represents a very complicated
    Structure. Cancer also originates from one cell; Like the first cage of the fetus,
    It laid a huge potential for growth. Before considering the development
    Cancer cells, let's follow our own evolution from one cell.

    As soon as the Mother's egg is fertilized by the Father's sperm, inside the nucleus again
    A formed single cell is a striking genetic material
    from each parent, known as DNA which carries a huge amount of information.
    This cell begins to share by forming new cells. All of them in turn also
    are divided into the formation of new cells containing the same genetic material
    with information on signs from each parent. This process continues continuously
    Hour for an hour, and each cell gives the beginning of the most complex cell hierarchy.

    It can be imagined that for the formation of at least one smallest part of the body
    child needed completely unique control mechanisms. In the period of early
    Cell development performing various functions are sent to the emerging
    the body on the desired area where their organization (distribution) occurs relatively
    each other and the surrounding cells with the formation of various structures. Various
    Cells, uniting with other cells like themselves, form fabrics,
    for example, skin, which can be brought as the most visual example.

    But even in the skin there are unequal cells, for example, around the hair, on the lips,
    inside the oral cavity and on the inner surface of the eyelids. So, in the blinking ages participate
    structures and mechanisms that a person seeks to simulate with all
    Modern knowledge in the field of technology and electronics available at its disposal,
    But absolutely no avail. All this indicates that growth and development
    in nature occur controlled and harmonious manner, which is not yet possible
    Play artificially. Cancer may occur from a separate cell
    inside such a fabric. But the most striking, given the number of involved
    cells, is not a fact of cancer, but what it happens rarely.

    Mammalian cells are very similar in structure. Each
    It has an external coating, called the cell shell, and the central kernel.
    The space between the core and the cell shell is occupied by a jelly-like material,
    or cytoplasma. Just like the appearance of different mammals, including
    Skin, varies depending on their habitat, for example, at the polar bears,
    Monkeys, whales and humans and cell shells have different structures,
    depending on their localization in the body and functions. Skin cells, for example, must
    constantly being in the clutch with each other, without this (what applies to
    cells of some other structures) we would literally broke into parts.

    What is cancer?On the other hand, blood cells cannot adhere to each other because they circulate
    in blood vessels. In addition, they perform different functions, so their
    Cell shells have properties that do not have skin cells: in particular,
    they have no structures that adapt to each other. In the center
    Cells is it «brain» - core. This comes here and sent
    In the form of signals in different parts of the cell. Inside the kernel is very long
    DNA thread that spiral spiral and roll with an accurate fit to the kernel.

    Before the determination of gene cells, each of which defines the characteristics
    cells are packaged in chromosomes, which allows them to move from one divided
    Cells in newcomers formed subsidiaries. Cell behavior literally
    sense is controlled from the kernel. Hence the teams can be sent to the construction
    Cell material, and here can also receive information. When the substance is defined
    Forms associated with precisely fitted to the cell shell receptor, in the kernel
    Info Information. Any chemical may penetrate the cage
    and cause a similar effect. Such a signal may, for example, stimulate reproduction
    Cells. This is observed when the cell is damaged: Chemicals released
    from damaged cells, launch the recovery mechanisms that are actively
    operate in surrounding cells, as a result of which the damaged area is filled
    Formed new cells.

    The space between the core and the cell shell is filled with cytoplasm. She
    forms a cell frame that prevents it in decay, and may in some cases
    Helping her movement. Cells of our body have their own education systems
    and energy storage required for vital activity. In addition, since
    Cells of different tissues perform unequal functions, in cytoplasm and cellular
    The shell detect specific characteristics associated with these

    Most organism cells are constantly at rest, which
    in normal conditions varies only when tissue damage. However, some
    Fabrics are continuously self-assessing, for example, the bowel and skin tissue. Other
    stay in permanent activity (hair bag cells) or continuously
    are divided into the formation of subsidiaries, for example, in ovaries, testicles and bone
    Brain. The level of activity in different tissues of unequal, in the tissues of the uterus it wears
    cyclic character in which a new recovery stage occurs after
    menses. In the whole body, these processes occur ordered, but if
    The order is broken, well-recognized diseases that do not have
    nothing to do with cancer. As an example, it is possible to bring psoriasis in which
    Excessive cell formation occurs on localized skin sections.

    Cancer development factors

    For the development of cancer, several factors need, in particular violation of normal
    Cell behavior. Unlike the cells formed when healing the wound when
    Upon completion of this process, their division stops, cancer cells «ignore»
    Signal to the termination of division. This can be called «automatic» behavior
    cells. About the mechanisms involved in this process gradually becomes known

    In some cases, the corresponding gene (genetic inclusion of monitoring
    the reproduction of cells sent by the unique DNA section) is turned on because,
    anything directly change is happening or another nearby
    gene makes the first more active. Can also be lost the gene, which is neat
    The case blocked «active» gene. The last mechanism is included in some
    Extremely rare types of cancer, such as Retinoblastoma, affecting the eyes of children
    early age, but in general the causes of specific types of cancer are unknown. Remitted
    Some risk factors for cancer. Scrotum cancer caused
    In the soiled chemicals, so-called carcinogens: they enter
    In direct interaction with DNA cells and determine changes in genetic
    Material, or «Mutations».

    It rarely leads to cancer development. Known a number of chemicals,
    For example, such as benzene that can increase the risk of cancer.
    As another example, you can bring naphthalene dyes, use
    which are now strictly controlled, but which are recognized by substances capable
    lead to the development of bladder cancer. Asbestos derived from natural mineral,
    Over the years, used as thermal insulation material.
    Asbestos dust can cause lung catch cancer after many years after exposure.
    The most famous risk factor among common sources of carcinogens
    is tobacco smoke.

    It contains a chemical (3.4-bubzopire) in the microscopic quantity),
    which, when applied to the skin of mice in higher concentrations unchanged
    causes them cancer of this place. The use of famous carcinogens strictly
    Controlled by legislation, excluding tobacco smoke. Exposure to ionizing
    radiation can also cause mutations (changes
    Genetic material), which lead to raising the risk of cancer.

    In this regard, the most obvious example is a small but pronounced
    increasing the incidence of cancer among those who survived after bombing during
    Second World Warriors. Such effect gives ultraviolet radiation (especially
    noticeable with strong sunlight) if the impact is sufficiently long.
    It is well known that staying on intense sunlight throughout
    many years can lead to increasing the incidence of certain types of cancer,
    In particular, basal cellular and flat-belling cancer and malignant melanoma.

    What is cancer?The role of viruses in cancer development is not yet accurate.
    Simple infection for the start of the cancer process is clearly not enough because
    No matter how much Cancer met more often in the younger age groups.
    To start the mechanism leading to cancer, it seems necessary
    Complex interaction between viruses and other factors, such as carcinogens
    environment or genetic defects, but even then the cancer would have occurred
    only in rare cases.

    It is assumed that the Epstein-Barr virus (VEB) found around the world,
    Related to Cancer Lymphatic Tissue Cancer (Berkitta Limphoma), Completed
    Among the population of Africa. One of the consequences of HIV infection is a violation
    The immune resistance of the body, promoting, apparently, developing rare
    Tumors of skin and other fabrics (Capo sarcoma). It is believed to relatively
    A common human papilloma virus (HPV) plays a certain role in the development
    cervical cancer.

    Undoubtedly, an important role belongs to some factors
    ambient. So, the object of close attention is chemicals,
    Food diet. Studies currently will help reply
    For a number of important issues: for example, why among the Japanese is much higher incidence
    stomach cancer and significantly lower incidence of intestinal cancer than in the US.
    Meanwhile, among the Japanese, all his life lived in the United States, this trend is weakening
    and there is a similar picture with the Americans, t.E. they are much more often sick
    intestines than their relatives living in Japan. Similar effects arise
    Through many years, therefore, short-term changes in the diet, apparently,
    will not cause an increase or reducing the risk of intestinal cancer and, of course, will not affect
    on the development of the already arisen.

    Before the development of cancer, the tissues, apparently, are somewhat losing
    stability. Pathologists know this condition that in some cases
    can be called «Prerostic». They have to observe cells and fabrics taken
    for biopsy that looks less ordered compared to the norm and
    When studying individual cells, you can see deviations from the norm in appearance
    nucleus and its surrounding cytoplasm. When maligning cells of any noticeable
    violations for quite a long time imperceptible. No wonder,
    Since the swelling of the size of only the pea is formed from many millions


    The growth of cells occurs gradually until it is quite tangible
    knot. The speed of this process depends on many factors, and it is possible,
    that some tumors reach a noticeable size in a few weeks, then
    How others are required years. In the case of leukemia under which violations occur
    the hematopoietic fabric in the bone marrow, swelling, will definitely be formed rarely,
    But they are characterized by a tendency to oust normal cells, and it is
    this reason the disease becomes obvious. The main features of solid
    Tumors are mechanical damage due to tumor growth and secondary
    Education caused by cells emanating from the main tumor and propagating
    on other parts of the body through blood flow, lymph and even directly expanding.
    Such secondary formation of cancer cells were called «Metastasis».

    Metastase and, naturally, primary tumors can grow inside viable
    organ and cause ultimately violation of its function. In rare cases when
    Cancer diseases in large numbers chemicals are produced,
    which under normal conditions play an important role in the functioning of the body,
    But in high concentrations can cause pathological changes. Defined
    Substances secreted by tumors lead to the emergence of generalized symptoms,
    such as weakness, anemia, depression, constipation reinforced sweating in the night
    Time and other fairly common phenomena. Effective cancer treatment
    will control these problems. Thanks to the best understanding of the cancer process
    and the behavior of cancer cells has significantly improved the forecast for oncological

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