Appointed not coughing!


Appointed not coughing
The physiological role of cough is to purify the respiratory tract from the secret and substances in the outside. But the action of his bicon. On the one hand, this is an important reflex actor that promotes the removal of pathogenic bacteria, on the other — Cough itself contributes to the spread of microorganisms. Specialists share cough in several parameters: productivity, course nature and duration. So, it can be dry (unproductive) and wet with the release of sputum (productive), in its nature constant, short-term or parotidic, and the duration of sharp (less than 3 weeks), protracted (from 3 to 8 weeks) or chronic (2 months and more).

Before you get rid of painful and obsessive cadia, it is necessary to understand their nature. After all, not being an independent disease, cough — An important symptom of other diseases, often very serious (chronic bronchitis, lung diseases, hearts, incomplete sinuses, gastrointestinal tract). In 90% of cases, it arises due to an infection that penetrates the respiratory tract and provoking inflammatory processes. In the remaining cases, its cause becomes — Allergies, irritation of nasopharynx mucosa (including as a result of active and passive smoking).

The cough of infectious nature is usually developing as follows: the virus, falling on the mucous membrane of the rotogling, damages the epithelium and causes it irritation. During this period, cough dry, superficial and does not give relief. At the initial stage of ORVI, you must try «Do not go» Infection is lower in the trachea, bronchi and lungs and focus on bactericidal agents, overwhelming the reproduction of microbes. You can use folk recipes (lemon, onions, ginger, red berries, honey, chamomile, leip, collecting on the Bagulnik), make cold inhalation with eucalyptus, mineral water or physical. While coughing has not passed, nothing can be used, irritating the mucous larynx. Preparations that depress the cough reflex are recommended, but they are shown when the cough is unproductive and blends greatly and even breaks sleep.

At the second stage of the disease, cough is accompanied by a wet — In this way, the body cleans the respiratory tract from microbes. To get rid of sputum uses diluting drugs (mercolytic and expectorant products on a chemical or vegetable basis), the mechanism of action of which is based on the removal of the bronchial secretion from the respiratory tract by reducing its viscosity and increase the volume (as a result, the speed of movement of mucus and microbes increases harder to penetrate into mucous membrane). The group of musolithics includes drugs based on bromgexine, ambroxol and acetylcysteine ​​(when they are apparent more drinking liquid), licorice root syrups and altea, mucaltine, pestissine, chest, as well as medicinal plants are recommended: Coltsfoot, Rosyanka, Thyme, Thermopsis, Chabret, Anis.

Today, universal funds have already appeared on the pharmaceutical market, which affect both dry and wet cough, helping primarily those who find it difficult to definitely determine its character. Preparations of this line also belong to the group of natural medicines and practically do not have side effects and age limitations (for example, Stodal syrup). At the heart of Syrope — A number of active components of natural origin (sharpness, repaid, Rosyanka, skiing Curly), which have an expectorant and mercolitic effect, reduce the viscosity of sputum and improve its exhaustion. Such syrups are effective with all types of cough (including chronic), but it is worth remembering — If you are unknown by the cause of cough, which lasts more than two weeks or even enhances, and the more accompanied by the release of blood, the pain in the muscles, vomiting (which indicates a severe illness), be sure to contact a specialist to find out the nature of its origin.

It is worth considering another number of important points in the treatment of any cough. So, not all «homework» Means can be used. It is recommended to rinse the throat with sea water or influence of eucalyptus, calendula, chamomile with honey, but do not rinse the throat of soda — it dries the mucous member, thus even more irritating it. For the purpose of the doctor, you can use inhalation using modern inhalers or nebulizer, but it is not recommended to breathe above the hot steam — In some cases, this may cause bronchial edema. With dry cough, it is very important not to take drugs intended for the treatment of wet, and vice versa — it will only worsen the situation. When using drugs, it is necessary to take into account the presence of allergies, cardiovascular diseases, individual intolerance to their individual components, pulmonary tuberculosis and a number of other factors that should be clarified by a specialist. In the event of an infectious cause of cough, it must be treated comprehensively along with the therapy of the main disease with antiviral and anti-inflammatory agents. If you are periodically tormented by cough, which is returning some time after treatment, you should pass a comprehensive examination of the body for possible hidden illnesses.

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