How to maintain the health of bones and joints

Often we do not pay attention to the state of bones and joints, while we do not appear problems with them. In the young age, the most common problems are injuries. And in a mature situation complicate many factors that together can lead to various diseases. It is necessary to take care of its bones and joints from the very early age.

Health of bones and joints
Often we do not pay attention to the state of bones and joints, while we do not appear problems with them. In the young age, the most common problems are injuries. And in adulthood, the situation complicates many factors that together can lead to various diseases. One of the main factors is known for a long time: bones in our body are formed for about 30 years, and from this age they begin to gradually collapse, calcium is washed out of bone tissue, because of which the bones become fragile and brittle. Of course, this is a rather long process, but we recommend readers our site take care of your bones and joints from the ever and follow the recommendations proposed below to preserve their health.

What does the health of bones and joints depend on

Factors affecting the health of bones and joints a lot. The main ones can be called:

  • hereditary factors. Very many diseases of the joints are hereditary diseases. Carefully examine the history of relatives, maybe someone has a diagnosis of transmitted disease, for example, Bekhterev's disease. Watch for relatives: if one of them has already received one or even a few fractures at easy impact of the furniture or without falling without falling or hitting, then this is a reason to think and examine.
  • Proper nutrition. Diet, poor calcium and microelements usually lead to a deterioration in the state of the bones.
  • physical exercise. Very large loads or active sports can lead to injuries of joints and bones, and the complete absence of physical activity leads to a decrease in blood circulation in the joints, which sooner or later will cause violations of their work.

Proper nutrition

Health of bones and joints
The correct diet for the health of bones and joints is characterized primarily by balanced nutrition. In order to prevent the development of various diseases, the body should receive a number of necessary elements from food.

One of the most important element for the health of the skeleton is calcium. With insufficient flow of calcium, the bone density decreases, which increases the risk of fractures and the development of osteoporosis. That is why it is necessary to use products containing calcium every day, or calcium preparations. Daily calcium rate is 1000-1300 mg.

Vitamin D is required for good calcium absorption. On average, in the inhabitants of our country there is a deficiency of vitamin D, which must be filled. The combination of lack of vitamin D and calcium significantly worsens the state of the bones. In the winter season, the lack of vitamin D always increases, which reduces the bone density to 24%. That is why it is necessary to go to the sun in the daytime more often. Vitamin K is also necessary to add to its diet, it has a beneficial effect on the assimilation by the calcium organism.

Vitamin C helps to increase the density of minerals in the bones, the best result happens when using vitamin C in conjunction with calcium. In addition, studies show that people who are insufficiently vitamin C are three times the risk of rheumatoid arthritis increases three times.

To reduce chronic inflammation, healing microtrams of joints and restoring elastic tissues It is recommended to take omega-3 fatty acids. One of the most important elements for the health of the joints is a manganese, which participates in the exchange of fatty acids

Studies have shown feedback between rheumatoid arthritis, one of the common diseases of the joints, and the use of antioxidants. Antioxidants destroy free radicals damaging tissue joints. The strongest antioxidant is vitamin E.

The main component of cartilage is collagen, which acts in essence as a shock absorber. Our website readers, probably, also knows the favorable effect of collagen in the protection of the skin from wrinkles. In order to help the body to produce its own collagen, it is necessary to eat quercetin - antioxidant, slowing the destruction of collagen and participating in its production.

Sulforafan substance helps reduce the risk of joint diseases, also due to a powerful antioxidant action, preventing damage to the tissues of the joints with free radicals. Sulforafan substance contains, for example, in broccoli cabbage.

In the event of inflammation of the joints, it is recommended to eat ginger in food, which contains the substances of Ging Hinolas with anti-inflammatory action.

Necessary element Where contain
Calcium Dairy products, sheet cabbage, broccoli
Vitamin D Taking sunbathing
Vitamin C Citrus (Lemons Oranges, Tangerines), Papaya, Sheet Cabbage
Omega-3 fatty acids Nerk, salmon
Vitamin E Nuts (almonds and others.)
Quercetin Apples (especially red skin)
Manganese Black beans, sheet cabbage
Sulforafan Broccoli

Diet in the period of exacerbation

During the exacerbation of joint diseases, it is recommended to comply with the diet:

  • To reduce swelling and pain reaction in inflamed joints, it is recommended to reduce the use of salt, acute, salted, smoked, any marinades;
  • eliminate all canned products;
  • Exclude alcohol, because in addition to the well-known harmful effects, alcohol slows down the removal of uric acid from the body, which can provoke gouty arthritis;
  • It is not recommended to use vegetables like Parenic (tomatoes, eggplants, potatoes, sweet pepper). The fact is that the grated contains a Solan, which can increase the pain, inflammation and destruction of the joints.
  • It is necessary to eliminate the most common allergens, such as citrus, chocolate and t.D.;
  • reduce meat eating, dairy products, animal fats;
  • The need for proteins is desirable to fill, eating fish;
  • Increase in the diet, the content of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E;
  • It is necessary to use a sufficient amount of high-quality fats: To do this, the most excluding animal fats, and we include vegetable oils: olive, sesame, nut, sunflower, grape seed oil. Oil must be fresh, unrefined and in no case after frying;
  • Increase the use of fresh vegetables and juices, a sufficient amount of fiber must flow into food;
  • Increase the use of products rich in gray: garlic, bow.

Strengthening bones and joints

The main drugs protecting cartilage include glucosamine, chondroitin and methylsulfonylmethane in their composition.

Gluzamine is a carbohydrate that gets into the human body is not consumed as a source of energy, and is used to form a junction fabric of cartilage and tendons. What is important, glucosamine also helps keep heart health, nails, hair and t.D.

Chondroitin is a polysaccharide, helping nutrition, regeneration and cartilage protection, helping to maintain water in cartilage cells, as well as a beneficial effect on the entire body.

Methylsulfonylmethane - substance that is a source of sulfur. It has not only an opposing action, but also a common strengthening effect on the body, especially also on connecting fabric. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, having a beneficial effect on his nails, hair, skin.

Women after forty should pay attention to the state of hormones. The fact is that the decrease in estrogen negatively affects the mineral composition of the bones, which is accompanied by the elimination of calcium and developing fragility. That is why when problems with bones and joints, it is necessary to contact your doctor to determine the level of hormones and assign the therapy.


Health of bones and joints
One of the causes of joint diseases is hypodynamia - insufficient motor activity. To prevent the appearance of various pathologies, it is necessary to perform the simplest exercises for joints. Please note that if you have an aggravation of the joints of the joints, it is better not to abuse physical activity. In this case, you need to consult a doctor and follow its instructions.

Now there are a lot of gymnastics techniques for joints. Popular gymnastics on Pilyuiko, Norbekov and Bubnovsky, but better, if you agree your classes with your doctor.

The main rules for gymnastics for joints are as follows:

  • First, gymnastics must be done regularly, preferably every day;
  • The articular gymnastics helps to strengthen the joints, but in no case should the joints can be loaded «in full», T. E. overload yourself with exercise. Periods of exercises must be replaced by rest periods;
  • All exercises: rubbing, rotation, flexion and extension, turns and twisting must be performed slowly;
  • It is advisable at least once a week to massage or self-massage of all joints;
  • From a large number of exercises offered, it is desirable to choose the most appropriate program for itself, including exercises for all groups of joints;
  • The gymnastics program is best include static and dynamic exercises.

Remember, to the gymnastics of the joints you need to relate to responsibly, it is better to submit a little longer than overvoligious every time. And be sure to keep a positive attitude while doing exercises, most of the specialists suggest that this is one of the most important components of success.

Special procedures

For the prevention and treatment of joint diseases, a large number of different procedures are applied. Remember, the purpose of the procedures should occur only by an experienced specialist, since incorrectly designated therapy may result in indelible consequences.

One of the common methods of treating joints is physiotherapy. There are several types of physiotherapy:

  • To reduce pain in the joints (second-wave ultraviolet irradiation helps to reduce the painful sensitivity of the affected joint nerves);
  • To reduce inflammation in the joints (used infrared laser therapy, high-intensity centimeter therapy, low-intensity UHF therapy to reduce the inflammatory reaction, improving blood circulation in the field of root nerves, improving the lymphottock, soothing effect on the patient);
  • To improve the reduction of joints (used high-intensity high-frequency magnetotherapy, including mechanisms for restoring joint tissues);
  • To improve the nutrition and blood supply to the joints (used methods of ultrasound therapy, amplipulsterapics, darsonvalization, hydrogen sulfide and radon baths, reinforcing metabolic processes, which improve the nutrition of the joints, increasing the overall resistance of the body to adverse factors).

In some diseases, a good therapeutic effect has a sauna. Under the action of heat and broom, the mobility of the ligament apparatus and the elasticity of the ligaments is improved. Contraindication for baths will be all acute diseases, fresh injuries, as well as cardiovascular diseases. If you doubt whether you can visit the bath, be sure to consult your doctor. Sustains are recommended to warm in the treatment of dislocation, bruises, stretching. Under the influence of heat, the venous outflow and the outflow of lymph are improved, disintegration products are removed, the consequences of large loads on the muscles are removed,.

To the actively used methods of impact on the joints are also massage and acupuncture. Use the services of only qualified specialists in order not to harm your own health.

We hope that readers our site will take care of the state of their bones and joints and will maintain health and activity for many years!

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