Symptoms and cholera treatment

Cholera is a particularly dangerous infection, the causative agent of which can persist in water for a long time. The source of infection is a sick person and a viborer, which distinguish the causative agent of the disease with feces and vomit masses.

Description of the disease

disease, disease, infection, intestines, cholera

Cholera is an infectious disease that proceeds acutely at the same time. Also, the disease disrupts water-salt exchange and causes various dehydration dehydration due to watery feces and vomiting. Choler is classified as a quarantine infection. Disease pathogens are cholera embryos that have a kind of bent sticks. This embryo dies in a minute after boiling, and in other conditions can live «Nadyvyuchi». Cholera, more precisely, some of its biotypes can be kept in water for a long time, Ile and even able to multiply there.

The source of the disease is a sick person who distinguishes vibriums with feces and vomit masses. This disease can be different types:

  • one;
  • food;
  • contact-household;
  • mixed.

Most often, cholera is found in Africa, Latin America, Southeast Asia, that is, in those countries where drinking water is not high quality and polluted. In addition, in the listed countries, not the best quality of sewer systems. Cholera infection can occur in different ways, and the incubation period of the disease ranges from several hours to five days.


disease, disease, infection, intestines, cholera

The diagnosis of such a disease as cholera can only be delivered after the study of all non-clinical symptoms. In the terrain where the disease has not yet met, it is necessary to carry out bacteriological research. And in those places where Cholera has already been manifested, patients should determine medical workers and sanitary cars and immediately hospitalize.

The main method of diagnosing this disease is a bacteriological study that distinguishes the causative agent. This study needs measurements and vomit. If a person has in contact with the source of cholera, it must take magnesium sulfate (salt laxative) to obtain descripts for analysis. Already in the laboratory investigate feces and after 12-36 hours they give an answer (positive) or after 12-24 hours (negative).

There are accelerated methods for diagnosing cholera: immunofluorescence, immobilization, microagglutination in phase contrast. If the disease is determined using clinical diagnostics, it needs to be correctly and timely distinguished from sharp forms of salmonellosis, dysentery, staphylococcal food poisoning and other diseases, because cholera proceeds without development Gastritis, no pain in the stomach, and body temperature does not rise.

It should be remembered that with all the above diseases, vomiting first begins, and then diarrhea, but when Holor, these two phenomena occur on the contrary. In addition, the fluid from the body is lost significantly rapidly than with other types of diarrhea. In particularly severe cases, the mass of the lost liquid may even exceed the body weight of the patient.


disease, disease, infection, intestines, cholera

Treatment cholera begins with hospitalization. The most basic task in the treatment of the disease is to stop the dehydration of the body and the restoration of the water-salt balance, which are caused by long-term diarrhea and vomiting. For this purpose, solutions containing chloride and sodium bicarbonate, potassium chloride and glucose. In severe cases, the disease is injected with a patient with dripping.

The diet includes products that in large quantities contain potassium salts. There is a lot of such an element in tomatoes, kurage, potato and other food. In cases with patients who have the third and fourth dehydration dehydration, the sister process is used, that is, in the average daily dosage, tetracycline or leftomycetin is used.

The patient is written only after complete recovery and only with negative analysis of bacteriological research. If the cholere start treated on time, then the prediction of recovery will be favorable, since the treatment of this disease turns out to be successful practically in a hundred percent of cases.

Treatment with folk remedies

Cholere can also be treated with the help of folk remedies. Pretty popular methods are the following:

  • Prolonged chewing rhizomes of AIRA Bolotnaya, as well as the reception of a condensed tincture of the maximum concentration on a forty-percent alcohol. Such a tincture is wicked by mouth, disinfect hands and face during the epidemic;
  • In the form of infusion take the grass of Barwinka (2-3 tablespoons), infused in half liter boiling water. You need to drink 3-5 times a day before meals at half pasta;
  • In case of infection, they are taken inside the bark and the leaves of the Amur velvet in the form of infusion. For the preparation of infusion take a spoon of raw materials and insist it in a glass of boiling water. We need to take infusion 3-5 times a day before eating 2-3 tablespoons;
  • To stop vomiting it is worth taking a tincture of birch kidney and 40% alcohol. Infusion must be taken across the tablespoon every hour until complete cessation of vomiting;
  • With a strong diarrhea, taken inside the infusion of 1-2 tablespoons of the cortex of young oak, infused in a glass of boiling water for 3 hours. Infusion you need to drink every 2 hours of 3 tablespoons;
  • 2-3 hours to insist a tablespoon of the grass of a small (simple) in a glass of boiling water (for taste you can add honey) and take to meals 2-3 tablespoons of infusion 3-5 times a day. In viral infections, including such as cholera, infusion cleans blood. Also, the infusion has a plundering properties for the whole organism;
  • In the form of tincture take the root of the manner of the ordinary with garlic. For the preparation of such an infusion, it is necessary to crush thirty grams of the root and insisted it in 500 ml of white wine for 5-7 days, while often shaking. I need to drink infusion 2-3 times a day by half a cup before meals. Garlic needs to eat after drank infusion.


disease, disease, infection, intestines, cholera

The prevention of cholera can be carried out using a corpuscular cholera vaccine and cholerogen-anatoxine. Also need to monitor drinking water to be dishentable. For individuals who stayed more than five days with an infected person should actively observe doctors.

In that country or region, where the risk of cholera's disease is large enough, it is necessary to adhere to the following tips:

  • need to drink only boiled water;
  • In the carbonated and packaged drinks do not add ice, frozen from raw water;
  • eating only fresh and thermally processed products;
  • Before use, you always need to clean vegetables and fruits;
  • Do not eat suspicious products, as well as raw and insufficiently processed, here include seafood.

If followed by the above councils, then the risk of infection with cholera is very small. But when traveling to countries where this disease is often found, it is better to take with you the necessary medicines that will help restore the amounts of liquid in the body.

For the prevention of cholera there is a vaccine, but it is not quite reliable, besides, it protects not for a long period of time. The vaccine is not able to protect a person from cholera 100 percent, so it's better to care yourself and adhere to the rules of hygiene. And when departure to the country, the risk is better to consult with the doctor.

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