Treatment of groin epidermofite

Epidermofiytium is a disease caused by fungi and striking, as a rule, big skin folds. The manifestations of this disease can be found in the armpit areas, between the fingers and legs, in the footsteps and under the nails, as well as in groin. It is about groin epidermofitis that we will talk in this article.

What is this disease

fungal diseases, fungus, grooves epidermofilation, genitals, eczema hebra

The second name of groin epidermofitis - Eczema Hebra. Its pathogens are several varieties of parasitic fungi, which are perfectly survived in the external environment. The most comfortable conditions for the existence of these microorganisms is high humidity and heat. It is for this reason that the disease often arises against the background of increased sweating.

Among other reasons for the appearance of Hebra eczema, the following can be allocated:

  • overweight;
  • injuries of skin;
  • Insufficient compliance with personal hygiene;
  • incorrect operation of the endocrine system;
  • Reduced immunity.

Epidermophia can manifest itself not only in groin, but also under the buttocks and armpits. Women sometimes affect the chest areas. Less often occur manifestations of the disease under the nails, in the footsteps, hands and between fingers. Note that the strong floor is more susceptible to eczema than weak. As a rule, the disease occurs in adults, children almost do not suffer.

A healthy person can infect fungi at contact with a carrier of the disease. Scales of dead skin infected fall on household items, from where it is subsequently parasites can go to a new organism. A very common case is considered to be infected with epidermofithia after visiting a bath or pool.

Symptoms of the disease

fungal diseases, fungus, grooves epidermofilation, genitals, eczema hebra

Only a doctor can put the correct diagnosis, so with the slightest suspicions of fungal disease, contact a specialist. Based on the patient's survey, as well as an external inspection of the affected skin, the doctor can put a preliminary diagnosis. To confirm or disprove the suspicion of expressing particles of the epidermis, it will be necessary to consider under the microscope, as well as to carry out bacteriological research in the laboratory.

Based on the diagnosis, a dermatologist or mycologist prescribes the necessary drugs to the patient. Treatment of gag epidermofilation should be complex and include the use of antifungal, anti-inflammatory and antihistamine medicines.

Among antifungal missiles are most popular: «Clotrimazole», «Myceptin», «Lamizil», «Cyclopirox», «Oxyconazole» and some other drugs.

If the disease proceeds very quickly and accompanied by acute symptoms, doctors prescribe combined means that contain glucocorticosteroids and have not only antifungal, but also by anti-inflammatory effect. These ointments include «Mikonazole» and «Diflukortolon». These preparations are used daily until inflammation comes from affected skin. After that, therapy continues with antifungal ointments. It should be noted that the term for the treatment of groin epidermofitis is quite long, it is approximately 1-1.5 months. During this time, the therapy is not stopped even if the visible manifestations of the disease disappear.

Folk recipes for the treatment of eczema

fungal diseases, fungus, grooves epidermofilation, genitals, eczema hebra

Folk medicine should not be the only means of treating the disease, but on a par with prescribed medicinal drugs, some unconventional methods can also be used. Consider them in more detail:

  1. For lubrication of the spots, an oil solution can be used, which is prepared as follows:
    • Measure 1 sec. L. linen oil and add to it 1-2 drops of fir oil, figs, geraniums, carnations or eucalyptus;
    • Apply a means to stains, moving from their edges to the middle.
  2. To speed up the recovery, try to cook a special decoction:
    • Take the following amount of dry raw materials: 40 g of the Hypericum, 30 g of pharmacy chamomile, 30 g of ramberry leaves, 10 g of colors of violets, 20 g of yarrow and as much eucalyptus;
    • Mix herbs, measure 2 hours.L., Pour them into a suitable container and fill with two glasses of steep boiling water;
    • Cover Tara with a saucer and leave half an hour;
    • Perform a remedy and take it three times a day by half a compartment, the treatment time is 20 days.
  3. Affected skin sections can be wiped with herbal infusion. Make it as follows:
    • Take 50 g of yarrow, oak bark, turns and flaxseed seeds;
    • Mix the ingredients, measure 50 g, put herbs into a liter thermos and fill it with boiling water;
    • Leave one day;
    • In the resulting means, moisten a gauze or cotton swab and wipe redness;
    • When the fluid on the skin can dry, treat the affected areas with zinc ointment.
  4. Take a certain amount of radish seeds, put them in a mortar and thoroughly scatter. Pour several grams of water to turn the mixture into liquid cleaner. Remedy Apply on the field of red spots.
  5. Narvita fresh leaves of Lomonos, finely cut them, measure 1 st. L. and put in a small saucepan. Fill leaves 500 g of boiling water and give the tool to strengthen within an hour. After that, you can wipe the affected skin.
  6. ethnoscience considers it cleanly the best means of combating skin diseases. In the treatment of groin epidermofilation, this plant also found its application. Fresh celandine should be very good, turning it into almost homogeneous mass. This cassea is smeared on a piece folded in several layers of gauze and apply to the zone of fungal defeat for half an hour.

Even if you trust folk medicine, the MPS will persistently recommend not to engage in self-medication. When manifesting the first signs of the disease, consult a doctor who will appoint you medication treatment. Folk recipes are better used in a complex with traditional medicine.

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