DVS syndrome, diagnosis and treatment

DVS syndrome is a non-specific violation of the system, which retains blood in liquid state. At the same time inside the vessels there is a scattered blood coagulation. As a result, a variety of blood aggregates and fibrin protein micropots are formed. These particles are able to settle on the capillaries of the organs than cause functional and dystrophic and deep microcirculatory changes.

Patients with this syndrome are literally able to be between life and death. Pathology leads to severe metabolic violations and bad work of organs. In addition, blood clots are formed in the circulatory system, inxication, shock, as well as increased bleeding of mucous membranes.

Causes of pathology

DVS syndrome, blood, blood coagulation, thrombus

The development of this syndrome can provoke various diseases, but mainly due to thermal states that are manifested as a result of forming tissue thromboplastin. This syndrome today is customary to be considered as a process, the purpose of which is to stop the blood in the destruction of the vessels. As a result, the affected fabrics are separated from healthy.

Microtromboms can form in almost the entire circulatory system, but most often it happens in the liver, lungs, kidneys, brain, stomach, intestines and adrenal glands.

In some patients, syndrome flows in acute form. At the same time, pathology develops very quickly. Often this form of the disease occurs as a concomitant state in obstetric pathologies, severe infectious-septic diseases. Sometimes it develops together with an acute allergic reaction or during acute poisoning.

DVS syndrome can also flow in a subacute form. This form of the disease most often arises with the same diseases as acute, but in more easier. In women, this form of pathology can develop with late Toxicosis, Because of the death of the fetus inside the womb. The reason that caused the disease may still become leukemia, immunocomplex disease and hemolytic-uremic syndrome.

Another form of this syndrome is chronic. It is often manifested in the form of a development of complications, such as: malignant neoplasms, chronic leukemia, blood thickening, pulmonary heart failure, heart failure, massive benign tumors, hemangiomas and vasculitis.

Separately, also distinguishes the recurring form of the syndrome, which is characterized by periods of subsoia and exacerbation.


DVS syndrome, blood, blood coagulation, thrombus

DIAGNOSTIC DVS syndrome is based on identifying causal diseases, the complications of which it is. Quickly diagnose this syndrome, if it is a constant and natural manifestation of some diseases. However, if the causes caused by the disease are diseases of the liver, bleeding in newborns or hemablastosis, then for diagnostics you need much more time.

Determine the presence of the disease help blood tests, In particular, the coagulation system is examined. At the same time, the level of antithrombin III is defined. Diagnosis of this syndrome, computed tomography and ultrasound examination of organs can still be used.


DVS syndrome, blood, blood coagulation, thrombus

The treatment of DVS syndrome is usually long enough and requires a lot of effort. For this patient, as a rule, placed in the separation of intensive therapy. Renexcatestologists, transfusion and specialists in violations of blood consumption systems are involved.

The first thing to do is to take care of the disease that caused the development of this syndrome.

The main preparation for the treatment of DVS syndrome is heparin. It is he who is prescribed to most patients. It is quite important that he was appointed and began to be applied in the early stages of the disease. This will reduce the transition time from the phase to the phase, which in turn leads to a faster recovery.

If there is infectious and inflammatory processes in the body of infectious-inflammatory processes, antibacterial drugs are prescribed. When the patient is shocked, infusion solutions are injected. These solutions help improve blood circulation.

During the time of treatment, the patient must be under the supervision of a doctor who monitors its blood circulation and breathing. It is periodically important to conduct repeated blood tests of the patient.

For the normalization of blood flow use plasma changes, T. E. solutions that replace the liquid part of the blood. This will allow normalize blood circulation volume. Antispasmodics apply to expand small vessels. Vasopressors are used to normalize reduced blood pressure.


DVS syndrome, blood, blood coagulation, thrombus

  1. Like any disease, this syndrome is better to warn than to heal. So, it should be eliminated by the reasons that can lead to the development of this ailment.
  2. If surgical treatment is needed, it is recommended that it is carried out with the smallest traumaticity for a person.
  3. In the presence of serious infectious diseases, antimicrobial therapy is prescribed, which is desirable to be carried out along with drugs that impede premature blood coagulation.
  4. If blood loss is less than one liter, then it is necessary to replenish the volume of lost blood using plasma, and not solid donor blood. You can also use plasma substitutes.
  5. It follows in time to prevent poisoning by chemicals and Snake bites.

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