Some snake bites are a great threat to human life. In Pain «deadly» Mastery of these cold-blooded creatures surpassed poisonous scorpions and spiders. But we will not lose sight of one interesting detail - no snake will attack a person first and will not bite it «specially», It will make it only when it is worried about inaccurability.
What snakes should be fear
Our site draws your attention that any unfamiliar snake to you in absentia is considered to be a poisonous, so after the bite you need to immediately consult a doctor. Meeting with Cobra, Vijuki, Gurza, a shielding and sandy efa, not promulit nothing good - this «company» It is considered to be the most poison. It is necessary at least in general terms to know the signs of each of them, in addition, there are specific features for all poisonous snakes:
- In poisonous snakes eyes have a slick form.
- The head of the snake dangerous for the person is usually triangular.
- The basic tone of the color of the viper - brown with a drawing of a zigzag on the back, Zigzag is complemented by the scattering of dark spots on the sides, shades in different individuals may vary.
- Gürza - Snake with a large and thick body of gray-sand and red-brown shades, the back of it is decorated with transverse oblong spots.
- Efu is not confused with any other snake: it is a spectacular golden-sand beauty, throughout the body «Ocolved» wide white spots, her sides are marked by light zigzags, the head decorates the pattern in the form of a cross.
- The body of Pallasov Shtamorca is thicker than the steppe sticky. This is a yellowish gray snake, all her torso is mixed with dark transverse stripes. Some representatives of the type of pinkish shade.

Peculiar and habits of each type of snake.
- Cobra in the attacker a powerful throw overcomes the distance in a third of the length of her body. By intimidating the enemy, the top of the body of the snake straightly lifts up vertically, developing his hood frighteningly, swinging from side to the side and hits.
- Gürza, attacking, upper third of the body fuses in the form of a zigzag.
- Efa twists a tight outlet by placing his head in her center.
- Shocking, before attack, nervously shakes the tip. In addition, the disturbed snake is a source of a sharp and very unpleasant odor, which the individual distributes at a distance of 4-5 m from himself.
- The guy when attacking moves, rather, lightning up, than exactly, and, if flushing, makes a few «Fallen», until it reaches the goal. Snake never attacks silently - before the attack always publishes a loud hissing sound.
Signs of the bite of a poisonous snake
Neyovitaya Snake will leave «in memory» Two thin strips of small scratches, the bite of a poisonous individual looks the same, only each of the strips is crowned with a speck - a bunch of snake fangs.
So, after meeting the snake, you need to get to the doctor as soon as possible if:
- on the skin there are well distinguishable «Points» The wound (two, but maybe one) or scratch;
- branted place «Appeared» swelling and hurts;
- You will eat and at the same time tend to sleep, cold sweat, muscles becomes wadded, appear nausea and vomiting;
- In the eyes you have two, outlines are fuzzy;
- Difficult breathing.
First Aid when snake bite
- Not thinking to call "ambulance".
- Watch that the bite man does not move - so you can prevent the rapid distribution of poisonous substances by the body. Put the victim on the back - the bad leg bombed to healthy to ensure its maximum fixability. If the snake thrown into the arm, fix the limb in the bent position.
- Now proceed to active actions - from the ring you need to extract poison. Rinse the wounds with clean water, squeeze the skin around the damage, at the same time squeezing and sucking the liquid from the drilled fabric. What will be in your mouth come quickly. According to the specified algorithm, act at least 15-20 minutes - thus the victim can be delivered from 20-50% of poison. Do not worry, such manipulations are not dangerous for you - even if you swallow some of the poison, it is not enough to harm your health.
- Proceed the damaged area by any disinfectant (peroxide, iodine, green) and tighten the bite of a dense bandage. Weaken it as the edema increases so that the fabric is not strongly crashed into the skin.
- Suggest a patient as much drinks as possible (tea, ordinary water, low-fat broth) - the more he will drink, the faster from the body will begin to dismiss the poison. It is better to refuse coffee - it will have a strong exciting effect on the injured nervous system of the victim.
- Be prepared if necessary to carry out artificial respiration and make an indirect heart massage.
- If for any reason you can't call an ambulance, your main task is to deliver the victim to the nearest medical institution as soon as possible. There he will be administered polyvalent anti-ray serum.
If you were bitten by the snake, as first aid it is forbidden:
- Act in a hurry.
- I randomly falling under the arm of the objects (shards of glass, knives, blades) crucifably cut the frozen place - to make a dangerous infection or by negligence damage the tendon in such a situation.
- Crave the place of bite using hot objects, coals from a fire or powder - you will earn a burn, the suppuration will begin under the resulting stamp. Poisonous snake bites to a depth of about one centimeter, the poison will not be able to neutralize the poison.
- Tightening harness over the bite - you will feel only worse. The harness will pass the vessels, deteriorating so without the mixture of substances in the affected tissues. The possibility of fatal outcome after such a measure rises.
- Take alcoholic beverages. Alcohol is not an antidote for serpentine poison, it only blocks it in the body and enhances the effect of toxic substances.
How to avoid snake bite
Always be careful and constantly see yourself under your feet, still the best option - find a strong middle length stick and «rustle» her on the ground in front of himself. It is necessary in order to produce as much as possible noise, hearing that, all snakes will hurry to get out of your way. Try to pay attention to the branches of trees above your head, on which snakes sometimes rest, do not split and do not pull the branches. At night, be sure to shine the flashlight under your feet and do not go too fast.
if you «lucky enough» meet one of the representatives of poisonous brethren, do not try to catch it or throw it into it, do not stretch your hands in her direction. The first snake will not attack, besides, it will most likely be sluggish and sleepy. Snakes - Twilight Beings.
Noticing the snake, immediately stop all movement - zerite. Slowly and smoothly back back, do not turn around to snake back. If you have a stick in your hands - place it in front of yourself and direct to the ground. Having increased the distance between themselves and the snake, do not run, as the risk of coming to another nearby.
Going to travel around the terrain where the snakes can be found in principle, sit down accordingly. You must have dense clothes, covering hands and legs, pants must be filled into high boots, and hands better hide into gloves.
During the trip, pass by the collapsing trees, old triggers and large branches, stumps and large stones and, even more so, do not try to move them from the spot. All these places can serve as a secluded shelter of snakes, scorpions and spiders. The same rules relate to a variety of natural slots in rocks and trees.