Symptoms and treatment spondyloarthrosis

Many people bind pain in different areas of the back with radiculitis, rheumatism or banal fatigue. But most often it arises because of spondyloarthology. The disease is very common, it bothers 90% of old-age patients. This ailment may well develop and for those who are just over 25 years old. Let's talk more about the peculiarities of this disease of the spine.

General information about spondyloarthrosis

Spinal disease, spine, spin, spondyltrosis, joints

Spondilitrosis is a pathology at which degenerative changes of the facet joints of the spine occur. Facetic joints are anatomical units that are between the vertebrae. They connect consistently the arms of the vertebrae with each other. These formations have a surroundings in the form of a network of blood vessels, as well as nervous endings, and this fact is associated with the appearance of pain in degenerative lesions. The progression of the disease leads to the loss of the elasticity of the cartilage in the joints, so appear and increase in the amount of thorns. They become the culprits of severe pain. This disease has a second name - Facetic arthropathy.

Confirmation of the diagnosis occurs in several stages:

  • The general inspection (including both palpation) is drawn to the posture, the general physical condition, the functioning of the joints;
  • Reflex surveys, identifying changes in the nervous system;
  • X-ray of the spine in several projections (to determine the state of the vertebrae, the entire bone system, the location of osteophytes, that is, the growths);
  • MRI, CT, electromyography.

Why spondyltrosis develops?

Spinal disease, spine, spin, spondyltrosis, joints

To achieve improvement of the state of the spine, prevent the progression of degenerative changes, the approach to the treatment of this disease is required.

  1. Medical therapy:
    • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory funds (diclofenac, Ibuprofen Both others) are prescribed for pain relief, inflammation, edema;
    • Miorlaxants are shown to reduce additional load on the muscular apparatus in order to eliminate spasms;
    • With very strong pain, opiates are sometimes prescribed (for example, codeine-containing drugs, morphine);<
    • B vitamins B;
    • chondroprotectors (for example, structum, arrow);
    • Epidural injections.
  2. Physiotherapy (Electrophoresis, Magnetotherapy, Magnetic laser therapy, ionogalvanization, modulated currents, phonoforesis).
  3. Training therapy (so called the stretch of the spine).
  4. Electrostimulation - if the inflamed areas are influenced by an alternating current, then spasms decrease, there is an active development in the body of the endorphine, natural analgesics.
  5. LFK (physical education classes), swimming in the pool, pulling up on the horizontal bar, whining on the crossbar. Exercises must be selected by an experienced specialist and implemented at first under his sensitive leadership. Then they do not harm, but only benefit.
  6. Igloreflexotherapy at a certified specialist.
  7. Massage - promotes relaxation, resolving spasms.
  8. Folk remedies and phytotherapy can also help in the fight against illness. Among them are effective: sabelnik, sprinkler, white lilac, golden mustache, birch buds, eucalyptus, blackberry shoots.

In your food, more often turn on the cold or jelly cooked on a rich bone broth containing a lot of collagen. Useful dishes with food gelatin (for example, berry jelly), they will contribute to the restoration of cartilage tissues.

It's important to know

Spinal disease, spine, spin, spondyltrosis, joints

Patients suffering from spondyltroatrosis should be remembered by the following items:

  1. You can not stay in the same position for a long time.
  2. It is impossible to raise gravity.
  3. Do not make sharp movements, jerks.
  4. Avoid supercooling.
  5. Try not to type excess weight.
  6. With long trips, it is better to temporarily take advantage of an orthopedic corset.

Get rid of the launched forms of spondyloarteroids are very difficult. Therefore, in order to slow down its development, avoid complications, contact your doctor in a timely manner. Following the recommendations of the doctor will allow to return the activity of the spine, pacify pain.

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