Treatment of dry eye syndrome

Often, a modern person, especially the one who spends a lot of time in front of the computer, feels an unpleasant feeling in the eyes, which occurs when the liquid is reduced by the tear gland or changes in the high-quality composition of tears. Such a phenomenon was called dry eye syndrome.

With insufficient formulation of tear fluid, a change in the state of the cornea. At the same time, a person begins to experience pronounced discomfort in the course of familiar eye loads for him. Until some time, the manifestation of dry eye syndrome was associated with rheumatic diseases. Moreover, even today, such pathology as SHEGREEN syndrome is considered one of the manifestations of the diffuse disease of the connective tissue.

To date, the ophthalmologists know quite a lot of different factors, in the presence of which can develop dry eye syndrome. If the disease is not amenable to treatment, which was appointed an ophthalmologist, then to eliminate systemic collamines, the patient is advisable to obtain a consultation of a professional rheumatologist. Perhaps, in this case, the treatment will be needed that this particular specialist will appoint.


Eyes, Vision, Eye Recreation, Ophthalmology, Dry Eyes Syndrome, Eye dryness

Dry eye syndrome may occur for various reasons. Our site notes that provoking the development of the disease can fail with an outflow or when the tear fluid is generated. This failure can be a violation of the formation of a tear fluid, an uneven distribution of a protective film by cornea. Often causes this disease poor quality formed protective film, such as a decrease in the thickness of the lipid layer.

In addition, often dry eye syndrome is formed in some diseases. For example, in violation of the exchange of fat-soluble vitamins. The reason for the appearance of this syndrome can also be endocrine diseases, various Hormonal failures, Parkinson's disease, Systemic pathologies that affect connecting fabric. In addition, dry eye syndrome may occur when receiving some drugs. Reducing the selection of tear fluid can estrogens, atropine, hypotensive preparations, morphine, antidepressants and marijuana.

Dry eye may occur when using some Eye drops. This is especially due to drops that contain preservatives. Patients who were misunderstood contact lenses, Also experiencing similar problems. Often, the reason for the appearance of this violation becomes bad ecology and infringement of safety techniques when working at a computer.

The development of the syndrome also contributes to the age of man. In particular, it was noticed that the older man, the greater the likelihood of pathology. According to statistics, 30% of people over forty years suffer from this disease. It was noted that in women the disease occurs more often than in men, this is due to the fact that the female hormonal background is less stable.


Eyes, Vision, Eye Recreation, Ophthalmology, Dry Eyes Syndrome, Eye dryness

When diagnosing a dry eye syndrome, a visual inspection of the cornea. It is necessary in order to determine the foci of dryness. To diagnose more efficiently, special painting drugs are used. When the foci is revealed, then the sample is taken and a study of tear fluid is carried out. In addition, the study of the tear fluid is exposed to. When diagnosing dryness, it is desirable to go through a full examination by the doctor ophthalmologist. He will conduct all the necessary studies of the composition of tears in the clinical laboratory. When carrying out diagnostics, a suspicion may arise that the cause of dryness is an endocrine or systemic disease. In this case, the patient is appointed endocrinological and immunological examination.

The doctor uses some funds that are designed to diagnose this syndrome. In particular, the epithelium conjunctivitis and cornea of ​​Fluoresian. Most often, areas along the limb between 3 and 5 hours are first painted. Staining can also be observed between 7 and 9 hours. In addition, there are point staining of the epithelium conjunctiva in the eye crack zone. In the first stages of the disease of the epithelium and the cornea conjunctions, they usually do not have change.

Fluorescein is also used to check the tear film break time. Film under the influence of this drug is broken after 10 seconds. If it breaks earlier, the patient may have a dry eye syndrome. When applying fluorescein, a lacrimal film takes a dark green shade.

In order to cut the dystrophic changes, the Bengal pink is used. It quickly helps to identify such sections, but it must be used in moderate concentration, t.To. otherwise he may cause irritation. In addition, this drug is much more difficult to find.


Eyes, Vision, Eye Recreation, Ophthalmology, Dry Eyes Syndrome, Eye dryness

Treatment of pathology is often selected individually. This is due to the fact that when prescribing therapy, the identified concomitant diseases are taken into account. If it is found that this syndrome is not associated with anything, then preparations of substitution therapy are prescribed. This uses the so-called «Artificial tears». The composition of such funds includes polymers, hyaluronic acids and in certain lipid ratios. In order for the patient's health status to return to the patient, complex multivitamin drugs are prescribed, and if there is a need, then antibacterial therapy. The patient should avoid re-exposure to provoking factors. Otherwise, the symptoms of dry eyes may appear again.

Sometimes a person requires surgical treatment of such a problem. To do this, use polymer obturation of tear paths. Such an operation is usually assigned to patients who have severe corneal changes or a decrease in the main tear-products is expressed. In addition, a fairly efficient and small-acting operation is the operation at which the coating of the lacrimal point is carried out using a free conjunctivative flap.

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