Treatment and prevention of rickets

With the word «rickets» We may have except association with offensive children «Oblasts» or starving children in pre-revolutionary Russia. But this disease caused by the unbalanced nutrition and lack of sunlight is capable of becoming a reason for the concern of parents.

With the word «rickets» We may have except association with offensive children «Oblasts» or starving children in pre-revolutionary Russia. But this disease caused by the unbalanced nutrition and lack of sunlight is capable of becoming a reason for the concern of parents.

- Imagine, deer rickets! - the voice of the sister in the handset was not a joke alarmed. - Where did he come from? I thought now and Diseases so no, except somewhere in hungry africa!..

What is Rakhit

Rachytic hump: arcuate spine curvature
Meanwhile, our site should be said that rickets and nowadays are a fairly common disease in children. They suffer more than 70% of children up to three years. Rahit is a disease caused by a violation of mineral exchange - phosphorus and Calcium, And she can touch any baby. Exchange disorders caused by a disadvantage of vitamin D organism lead to a decrease in calcium suction. And since calcium is necessary for the proper functioning of organs and systems, the body begins to replenish it due to «Layout» from bones kid.

Prematurity or big weight at birth, or dysbacteriosis - all this can also cause a disease.

During the rapid growth of the baby, burdened by certain adverse factors (severe pregnancy, artificial feeding, ecology and climate), Rakhit can lead to the impaired formation of the skeleton and the incorrect functioning of the basic systems of the body.

Symptoms and the course of the disease

Beach curvature O-shaped or X-shaped
Like any disease, rickets can flow in varying severity and has two main periods. Most often, Rachyt arises in the first six months of life, and at the initial period, parents must consult a doctor if the baby is noted in a dream, excessive sweating, appearance «Potnikov» and skin itch. You can also detect the wiping of the hair on the back of the head, and the softness of the front Spring. Biochemical blood test, most likely, will not show a decrease in calcium at this stage, but the phosphorus indicator will already be low compared to the norm.

During the full range of development violations will be more noticeable. The baby lags behind its peers in the motor sphere, the weakness of the muscles is marked. In the absence of treatment, a richitical hump may occur - the peeping of the thoracic spine, disappearing when rising, curvature of the legs x-shaped or o-shaped. Dark and frontal bones of the baby skull grow up, the chest is deformed - the so-called «Olympic Lob» or «chest of shoemaker». Girls, future mothers, deformation of pelvic bones can bring problems in the future when having tolerance and birth of a child. On handles may arise «Bangles» - crushed bones on the wrists or «Night pearls» - thickened phalanges of fingers. Skull bones become soft to adequacy. During this period, the biochemical blood test will already show a significant decrease in phosphorus and calcium levels, and the analysis of urine, on the contrary - increased phosphorus content. In addition, anemia is noted - low blood hemoglobin. Pediatrician will celebrate the increase in liver and spleen, the presence of noise in the heart. And, of course, there is a general delay in psychomotor development.

Treatment and prevention

In order to prevent Rahita, it is necessary to take care of the health of another unborn baby - in the diet of the future mother there must be a sufficient number of fermented milk products, meat and fish
In order to prevent Rahita, first of all, our website advises to take care of the health of another unborn baby - there must be enough dairy products, meat and fish in your diet. Excess weight you do not gain from them, and the benefits will be invaluable. Give preference to natural and fresh products from the market.

Walking outdoors, properly organized sunbathing, especially in the second half of pregnancy, you just needed! After all, vitamin D is capable of synthesized in the skin under the influence of sunlight.

If the doctor's watching you prescribed you vitamin D - be sure to take it. In sufficient number it is contained in any multivitamin complexes, Specially designed for pregnant women.

After the birth of the baby, do not neglect the simple hygienic measures and physiotherapeutic procedures - regularly ventilate the child's room, more often walk with it, spend the massage and gymnastics recommended by the pediatrician.

Cut the breast! Bioactive substances contained in breast milk contribute to the normal exchange of substances at the child, although the vitamin D itself is a bit.

It is also important to know and remember that lactose, which is present in Mother's Milk, contributes to the best absorption of calcium. Therefore, with artificial feeding, choose adapted, approximate in the composition of the mixture.

Babies must be introduced in a timely manner. Vitamin D is contained in yolks, butter, meat, it is not in vegetables and fruits. Follow the instructions of the doctor, it can recommend in some cases the earlier introduction of the feeding.

Products containing vitamin D
All of the above preventive measures are applied in the treatment of Rakhit. Do not neglect the prescribed child if necessary by taking vitamin D. It is prescribed not only in the treatment, but also for the prevention of rickets, starting from 2-3 weeks. Remember that you can only receive a vitamin D reception! The consequences of its excess can be much more serious than when lack of vitamin.

With timely identification and proper treatment, the period of the decaying rickets is replaced by a period of recovery.

... and what is our Olya? Fortunately, everything went around. On time, the observed principle of the disease and effort from Mom helped to avoid the sad consequences, and now its health threatens!

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