Televisions, fashionable mobile phones, computers and other technologies that improve the quality of modern life and information flow, often negatively affect our health. Such negative factors, such as chronic lack of sleep, daily street dust, was added, Cigarette smoke, radiation, improper nutrition, exposure to household chemicals, pollen and other allergens. Is it possible to preserve vision, as well as shine, cleanliness and radiance?
Sometimes help our eyes take care of their functions. Eye drops are able. Our site will prompt readers, what eye drops come? What is the difference? Can I use them how to do it right?
Drug General Information

The difference of eye drops is that they are designed to provide local (local) impact. They are used mainly to prevent or treat pathologies arising in the front eye departments. The composition may be one or more active substances with therapeutic properties. They are prepared in special aseptic conditions, in compliance with all the rules of manufacturing technology. Substances are subjected to additional cleaning, and as a solvent, that is, the foundations, water for injection takes. The concentration of active ingredients is usually minimal, but sufficient to provide therapeutic effect.
Who is most often forced to resort to the help of eye drops?
- People spending a lot of time in front of computer monitors.
- Feeling after working day discomfort in the eyes, noticeing their redness, burst the vascular, tired view, dry mucous membranes.
- Suffering Glaucoma, Cataract, Myopia, farewell and other diseases.
- Various lenses for vision correction.
- Those whose age passed the 40-year-old frontier, because during this period age changes occur, the vessels must be strengthened, the eyes need additional nutrition to prevent serious illness and the loss of visual acuteness.
- Suffering diabetes, This disease carries complications affecting their eyes, their vascular tissues.
- Women S Varicose extension of veins, Because the predisposition to thrombosis is dangerous for retina.
- Allergy and those whose eyes suffered from infection.
What eyes are found for eyes?
Eye drops Pharmacists, doctors and pharmacists are divided into several groups. Our site will list and characterizes the main of them:
- Funds with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. To the same group will take eye drops with antibacterial and antiviral activity. Their action is directed to eliminate inflammation in the front departments in the front sections, redness with conjunctivitis, keratitis, Irite, fly. Most often such inflammation cause pathogenic microorganisms. Antiviral and antibacterial drugs can cope with them. This group includes sulfacyl sodium (better known to everyone called «Albucid»), Levomycetin, Gentamicin. Wider spectrum of action from Cipromda, NOVA, Tobres, Onceclix, Ophthalmferon.
- Antiallergic Eye Preparations - Showing To eliminate the consequences of the effects of allergen to the body (itching, redness, edema, photophobia, towers, burning). Most often they are bought in pharmacies during the period when mass flowering plants begins. Preparations such as Kromegexal, allerite, allergel, reactivation, are imposed, can eliminate listed symptoms. If allergic reactions occur hard, the doctor discharges drops that have in corticosteroids (dexamethasone, Maxidge, Sofradex).
- Anthroraulic Eye Drops - their action is aimed at reduced increased intraocular pressure, normalize the outflow of watery moisture from the eye chamber. These medicines pick up an ophthalmologist, depending on the indicators of intraocular pressure (abbreviated - Wgd). For example, Betoptik, Okumed, fury, offan-thymolol, phosphall.
- Drops contributing to improving the flow of metabolic processes in lens and eye tissues. People are more often called vitamin. They are used in age and dystrophic changes in eye tissues, to prevent the progression of cataracts or retinal dystrophy. Here are just some representatives from this large group - Quinaks, Offan-Katakhrom, Vitaiodurol, Emoxipin, Taufon.
- Moisturizing eye drops. In the composition of these funds there are components that prevent drying conjunctiva, cornea, reduce irritation and eye discomfort. There is such a concept of physicians like «Sukho eye syndrome». It occurs in persons constantly wearing contact lenses, long working at the computer and so on. Then you bury the preparations of the Hilo-Dresser, Licontin Comfort, Systain, Medicine called «Natural tears».
- Vaconishing Drops for Eye. They are used to reduce hyperemia and the enemy's mucosa edema, provoked by some reasons (inflammation, irritation, allergies). This group includes visiting, ICFRIN, °. The listed drugs have many unwanted effects and contraindications, they can only be used for a short time.
- There are even eye drops to help make more accurate diagnosis and eye examinations. Before conducting diagnostic manipulations, the doctor bursts the patient of the Midriacil, (Tropikamd), ICRIRIN, Atropine. These funds have the ability to expand the pupil.
- Postoperative preparations. These drugs are essential because they help restore visual functions after a number of surgical interventions in the eyes. After keratoplasty (so-called the restoration of the horn shell during its defects) is discharged by Balarypan. After surgery about glaucoma, the patient bursts the beta. To prevent or treat inflammation in the postoperative period, the flaw or indocolly injection is shown.
How to apply eye drops?
In order for the eye drops to be harmful to health, did not deteriorate the state, you should adhere to certain rules:
- Use any eye drops only on the recommendation of your attending doctor. If some medicine helps a neighbor or a work colleague, this does not mean that it is suitable for others, it all depends on the diagnosis and individual characteristics. Cancellation of injections or change in quantity is allowed only with the consent of the doctor. If you do not comply with the prescriptions of a specialist, then drops may not have the necessary healing effect.
- If several eye drops are assigned, then observe the ingrediency and the interval between the instillations.
- If the drug is expensive, and it has a synonym or analogue, standing cheaper, then check with a doctor before purchasing it from the doctor, is it possible to make such a replacement.
- Before first use, the droplets should carefully examine the instructions, familiarize themselves with the recommendations for use, possible side effects and contraindications. Note and on how to store a bottle. Some drops are definitely put in a dark place, and other it relies with the place in the refrigerator (on the door). Take out a drop of a drop in advance so that they purchase room temperature. Cold solutions are absorbed much worse and can cause eye irritation.
- Before each instillation, it's necessary to carefully wash your hands so as not to submit an infection. Conduct the procedure so that the tip of the pipette does not touch the mucous membranes and fingers. It is most convenient if the head is a little trapped back, the lower eyelid should be slightly moved down, into the resulting space and feed the desired amount of solution, closer to the side where the bridge is placed. Then the eyes should remain closed a few minutes, then the medicine will be well distributed in conjunctiva. It is now very convenient that the bottle is already equipped with a special dropper, and before each procedure, it was necessary to sterilize the pipette in boiling water.
- Do not drip drops from other people's vials, use only your.
- Before the introduction of most droplets, you need to remove lenses.
- Do not forget to hermetically close the drops after the procedure.
- Usually in the instructions, the manufacturer indicates how much you can store drops after the bottle opens. Most often for factory droplets, this term is determined by 30 days. If time passed, and the fluid remained, it is impossible to use it!
- Sometimes after injection of the patient, there are a few minutes of burning or discomfort, soon they must pass. If this reaction is enhanced, be sure to notify the doctor about it. Perhaps this is an individual reaction, then an ophthalmologist will make a replacement for medication.
Such simple tips should be adhered to the eye drops to have the desired healing effect. Take care of your vision, properly distribute during the day the load, do not overcome the eyes, make every effort to prevent the appearance and development of diseases.