Treatment of trachomas

Trachoma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the cornea of ​​the eye and his mucous membrane. Perhaps this is one of the most unpleasant eye disease. Family inflammation is usually bilateral. At the same time, small dense foci appear, which are called diffuse infiltrates.

In addition, during the disease, small follicles are formed in the focus of inflammation, which are reborn over time, decompose and, in the end, scars are formed in their place. With the appearance of such symptoms, in no case cannot be engaged in self-medication and the more impossible to ignore the inflammation that appeared. In particularly complex cases, scars can form on the site of the shell, and sometimes even comes to full blindness.

According to statistics today, this disease has 400 million people around the world, and about five million of them have already lost vision due to illness. Most of all this disease is suffering in such regions as Africa and Southeast Asia. Moreover, it is noted that the disease is often found in the regions where there is a replenishment and violation of the simplest sanitary standards.

Description of the disease

Eyes, eye diseases, vision, trachoma treatment, ophthalmology, trachoma

Readers Our site should know that the disease can develop at any age, but still children are most often suffering from trachus. True, the process of inflammation does not immediately become chronic. However, if the disease still turned into a chronic form, it will be maintained throughout the human life.

The beginning of the development of trachomas is associated with hitting the infection fabric, namely such a microorganism, like chlamydia trachomatis (Chlamydia trachomatis). This microorganism according to scientists, is the smallest intracellular infectious agent, which has the ability of both bacteria and the virus. It is known that for its existence, the body needs charming. Indeed, in the environment he just can not survive. Basically, this infection falls into the human body through personal hygiene objects or tools that are not personal. This can be done by transferring the pathogen by hand or through contaminated highlights, such as tears or mucus. Even insects can carry such an infection, for example, flies. Microorganism - the causative agent of the disease is very small, and when he falls into the human body, he is very well masked. At the same time, it hides in affected cells. In general, because of this camouflage properties, the causative agent was discovered pretty recently. In addition, even today there is quite a few.

Trachoma often proceeds quite stubbornly, and so that it can not cure with the help of traditional methods of treating such diseases. Such a clinical course takes place for several reasons. For example, in the presence of some chronic diseases, Allergies, reduced immunity, other eye diseases. Heavy course, the disease is also associated with its incorrect treatment or with non-compliance with patients of the recommendations of the attending physician.


Eyes, eye diseases, vision, trachoma treatment, ophthalmology, trachoma

In total, today it is customary to distinguish between four stages of the disease. At the same time, the progressive inflammation of the conjunctiva appears in the first stage. Diffuse infiltration gradually becomes an edema, and after that, follicles are formed in conjunctiva in the form of muddy grains of gray. These follicles are usually located in chaotic order in transitional folds conjunctiva. In addition to inflammation in the first stage of this disease, the first symptoms of the pannus appear - damage to the corneal of the eye. But it is littleness.

In the second stage of the trachus, infiltration continues, follicles are becoming more and more. At the same time, they begin to disintegrate, which, in the end, leads to the formation of scars. The defeat of the cornea eye becomes more noticeable. By the way, it is in the second stage that the causative agent of the disease is most active, which makes the patient contasing for others.

In the third stage, the process of education of scars is already actively. At the same time, follicles and sections of the effects of the process of infiltration are visible in the conjunctival. At this stage, the disease is often happening.

The fourth stage of the trachoma is already inactive and the patient is amended. At the same time, there are numerous scars on the conjunctive, and the inflammation process stops.

When conducting timely treatment, trachom can be fully cured. If the disease proceeds in severe form, it causes noticeable closer of the cornea of ​​the eye. At the same time, a person significantly worsens vision and in conjunctiva are formed rough scars. Due to the appearance of scars, cartilage are twisted, the location of the eyelashes is disturbed and the eyelid is wrapped. Due to the permanent contact of eyelashes with a cornea, ulcers are formed on it.


Eyes, eye diseases, vision, trachoma treatment, ophthalmology, trachoma

If the trachoma appeared in a person for the first time, then in this case the disease is not dangerous for sight for sight. Then enough local treatment. At the expiration of one or two weeks from the beginning of the appearance of the disease, if necessary, you can open follicles under local anesthesia.

In the treatment of trachomas, patients are usually prescribed solutions and ointments that are in their composition antibiotics, sulfanimides or sodium sulfapyridazine. Solutions are usually injected, and ointment is laid in a conjunctival bag. A full course of treatment can sometimes take up to six months.

In the fight against the pathogens of the trachus, such drugs like macrolids show themselves. In general, this pathogen hides inside the cells, which makes it difficult for drugs. For this reason, often patients are prescribed strong drugs, and in fairly large doses. Sometimes not one, but several drugs in combination.

In more complex cases, especially when a secondary infection is joined, Antibiotics Assigned in the form of injections. Sulfanimonds are usually used in the form of tablets. In addition to these drugs, additional treatment is appointed in the form of taking vitamins, antihistamine and immunomodulators. If the trach is deformed in the trach, then surgical methods are used for treatment.

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