Treatment of Naphorginitis

When a person has a weakened immunity, any trifle can upset his health - the infection will never sleep! For example, diplococci, pneumococci, staphylococci and pneumococci often cause inflammation of the pharynx and nose. This disease is called Naphorgitis.

The basis of this ENT disease is the strong irritation of the nasopharynx mucosa. Often alert develops if it is not forgotten or dressed not by the weather, so it is considered ordinary cold. However, this is not quite like this: in the form of naphorgitis can manifest itself Allergy to dust indoors, pollen of plants, medicinal products or wool pets. This form of the disease is more susceptible to children than adults.

From which nico-pharyngitis appears

Inflammation, throat, ENT, NosePargen, Rubber, Nose

The causes of development of Naphorgitis are quite varied. Among them:

  1. Strong supercooling of the organism.
  2. Corollary Allergies.
  3. Disorders of neuroendocrine regulation in the tone of vessels.
  4. Pathological structure of the nasal partition.
  5. Active growing adenoids.
  6. Presence in the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx of streptococci, pneumococci and rhinovirus.
  7. Various nose injuries.
  8. Hyovitaminosis.
  9. Related general immunity.
  10. Negative environmental impact.
  11. Smoking.

Symptomatic picture of the disease

Inflammation, throat, ENT, NosePargen, Rubber, Nose

There is no targeted disease therapy, so symptomatic treatment methods are used to eliminate it.

High Temperature You can shoot down, taking antipyretic drugs. It should drink a lot of water, compotes, horses, herbal teas. When the body temperature is raised, doctors recommend to guard themselves and rest more. From the position of difficulty breathing through the nose, it is overwhelmed with the help of thoroughbuilding drugs: drops of Galazoline, Pharmazoline, the denunity restore normal breathing for a while. However, it is not necessary to get too fascinated by such treatment, otherwise the nose may not come back to normal.

We can weaken the unpleasant manifestations of Naphorgitis with the help of desensitizing (antihistamine). In addition, it takes every 1-2 hours to rinse the throat with various antiseptic solutions. For example, a solution of furaciline is considered very effective in the fight against pathogenic microflora. Cook it is very simple. Grind 1 tablet drug in fine powder with two tablespoons. Pour the chopped tool into the glass and, the bay of its 100 ml of boiling water, thoroughly stirrate the spoon until the powder granule remains in the water. Now wait for the solution to cool down to a temperature of 40-45 ° C, and then rinse your throat. Beware of using too hot medicine to additionally do not burn and without the injured throat. The procedure must be repeated up to 4-5 times a day.

If bacteria or viruses have become the reason for the development of naphorgitis, the course of treatment will most likely enter Antibiotics in the form of droplets or spray. With the feeling of excessive dryness in the nose, it is possible to rinse it with a decoction of chamomile flowers by pharmacy, Hummer or Aquamaris solutions.

Well established itself in the treatment of Naphorriage physiotherapeutic procedures, quartz, UHF.

It cannot be said that the diet of the patient is to change significantly at the time of treatment. You only need to try not to eat sharp and annoying mucous foods.

With allergic Natural Farnish, the first thing is trying to detect an allergen: as soon as it is eliminated, the disease will go to the decline. Not trouble if the causative agent of allergies remained not established. In this case, the treatment is directed to suppressing histamine, which is produced in the body with an allergic reaction. For this purpose, Tueva, Suprastin, Diazoline, Fencarol, and others are appointed. In particularly severe cases, the patient can be assigned hormone therapy, which successfully struggles with allergies.

Do not forget about the mighty strength of nature. Special bums from natural tools can be used to rinse the throat, washing the nose and nasopharynx in general. Plants with anti-inflammatory and antihistamine properties, a lot. For example, for treatment, you can safely use the infusion of calendula flowers or decoction of a series of three-part. Do not forget all your actions to coordinate with the attending physician.

Prevention of Nazopargita

Inflammation, throat, ENT, NosePargen, Rubber, Nose

MirSets are shared with you simple, but effective preventive measures, adhering to which you can prevent the development of infectious and allergic nationopharygitis.

  1. Carefully inspect your home on the subject of things that dust more accumulate. We are talking about the pile of old magazines, books, large numbers of clothing that you are no longer wearing, periods and down pillows. Do not regret and get rid of all too much.
  2. The same recommendation applies to things, with the surface of which it is difficult to remove dust: tablecloths, carpets, bedspreads, halves.
  3. Sometimes a large number of furniture in the apartment creates such hard-to-reach places that are not always comfortable to clean from the accumulation of dust. Think, it is not time to make a permutation of the house and get rid of the part of the old furniture?
  4. In the morning and in the evening determine your home. Use the vacuum cleaner more often, set home air conditioning and exhaust ventilation in the bathroom and toilet - in one word, do everything so that the air indoors can be as cleaner and fresh.
  5. Daily arrange wet express cleaning in the house. Believe me when your actions come to automatism, it will not seem to you burdensome.
  6. Keep fur clothes in specially designed plastic covers.
  7. If in the past you have repeatedly come across allergic naphorgitis, unfortunately you will have to abandon the maintenance of pets and growing houseplants.

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