First and medical care for pneumothorax

Cruel fight, mountain collapse, car accident. All this may be accompanied by a fracture Ryuber. Reasonable sequence of actions in these conditions will save the patient. Our site today will tell you the first aid and about the actions of surgeons in injuries of chest, complicated by pneumothorax.

The life of each of us is priceless. There are situations where the delay of death is like, and the help of physicians is delayed by special circumstances. This task then falls on the shoulders of random passers-by, traveners, colleagues, relatives. To act more or less conscious, you need to understand a little in the symptoms of the tragedy, understand what the body is alarmingly alarm.

Cruel fight, mountain collapse, car accident. All this may be accompanied by a fracture Ryuber. Reasonable sequence of actions in these conditions will save the patient. Our site today will tell you the first aid and about the actions of surgeons in injuries of chest, complicated by pneumothorax.

What is pneumothorax

Pneumothorax is to find air in the chest. «So what is the complication? Where to be air? After all, everyone knows that light breathe air», - Many think. It is indisputable, but to figure out the mechanism of such a formidable complication, a little anatomy, quite a bit.

When inhaling in the lungs, namely, in light alveoli, really falls. With pneumothorax, air penetrates the pleural cavity formed by two sheets of pleura. Each light, as well as the heart has such a protective case. So, there are three such cases in the chest. The inner sheet of pleura is intimately associated with light, and so closely that it is impossible to separate it from the lung, without damaging the light tissue, it is impossible.

The outer leaflet robes the bone structures of the chest from the inside. At the top and bottom of the sheets are growing among themselves, providing the tightness of the pleural cavity. In the cavity one or two millilita secrets facilitating the slip of sheets relative to each other, and negative pressure. Negative pressure allows lightly to be easily expanding after the Röbeber is inhaling.

Types of pneumothorax

Pneumothorax on x-ray
The severity of the pneumothorax is caused by its view.

With a closed pneumothorax, that is, when there is no connection of the pleural cavity with the environment, in other words, the wound is absent, and the accumulation of a small amount of fluid, blood in the pleura is due to either a stupid injury, or a gap of pathologically enlarged alveoli, life is not threatened. Exudate, most likely, over time, dissolves and lightly dealt. Phthisiators even use artificial pneumothorax in the treatment of cavernous (with the presence of cavity) Tuberculosis Light. Bringing the edge of the cavity, contribute to the healing of it.

With an open pneumothorax, communication with the external environment has. When the assistance rendered to the assistance has become a lot can completely be saved. On the radiograph, such a light looks like a cake tied to the root of light. The second is easily able to take over the extra load. The puncture of the pleural cavity with gas pumping is able to completely reanimate the lung.

The most formidable type of pneumothorax - valve, he is stressful. All new and new air portions with each breath unilaterally burst into the pleural cavity. The output of gas in the environment is hampered by the valve. It is characteristic that the patient's condition worsens every breath. Because of the huge amount of air in the cavity, the heart is shifted and the second light, twisted vessels. Respiratory and cardiovascular failure occurs. Irritation of nervous endings of the pleura leads to the development of pain. The sense of lack of air, increasing shortness of breath, sharp pain in the chest, skin sinusiness - these are the main symptoms of the pneumothorax.

First emergency assistance

First aid for pneumothorax lies in the superimposition of a tight hermetic bandage
First of all, you need to contact urgent medical service or with emergency help service, or with rescuers. If there is a mobile phone, it is available to all.

Here are the most urgent phone numbers:

  • 112 - a single telephone number of emergency operational services (from all cell phones);
  • 0911 - from any cell phone Call operational services;
  • 01 - fire and rescuers.

Affordable help should be provided: stop the bleeding and air intake in the pleural cavity by applying a tight sealed dressing. Naturally, it will not be sterile, as the primary means will be used (shirt and shirt with themselves), but directly with the wound should come into contact with the cleanest of the available. From above, the dressing would be fine with a polyethylene film, glued to more convincing sealing.

To facilitate respiration, create a injured sublimated position again with the help of. Do it need carefully not to cause additional suffering.

When fainting, bring a sharp smelling agent to the nose. The ammonia is not always at hand. Replace it can perfume, liquid for removing varnish, gasoline finally. With pain - give analgin, aspirin, If available. And wait for the arrival doctor.

Health care

What are able to help him in the hospital? X-ray examination will give an objective picture of the defeat. Normally visible on the radiograph of the radiograph and lightly visible with a characteristic light pattern. It can also be judged by the degree of displacement of the heart and the second lung. With a pneumothorax, it shows a thickening of a pulmonary pattern in the supplied light, and the presence of gas is evidenced by the absolute transparency of the side of the chest (there is no light pattern).

Repeated X-ray studies will allow to judge the effectiveness of medical manipulations.

What are the surgeons take:
Drainage of the pleural cavity at pneumothorax

  1. Open pneumothorax translate into closed, stroke wound.
  2. Then suck the gas, restoring negative pressure.
  3. Conduct measures to combat shock of giving paint means.
  4. Fight with a sharp decrease in blood pressure due to bloodstream blood transfusions, and the shock arisen - medicines exciting vascular and respiratory center.
  5. Valve pneumothorax is transferred in a closed valve excision.
  6. Then the gas evacuation is carried out by a special device.

Here are the main points of the return of such patients to a full life.

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