Application aspirin

Most likely, in our time you will not meet a person who at least once in life did not have to take aspirin. For more than a century, aspirin is used in medicine as an antipyretic and painful agent. This inexpensive and very effective drug is sure to be found in the family from everyone in a home first aid kit.

Most likely, in our time you will not meet a person who at least once in life did not have to take aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid).

Aspirin refers to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID). It is believed that the name «Aspirin» Compiled from two parts: «but» - from acetyl and «Spir» - From Spiraea (so on Latin is called the plant of Tollga, from which salicylic acid was first chemically isolated).

For more than a century, aspirin is used in medicine as an antipyretic and painful agent. How often do we automatically drink aspirin tablet at a temperature and pain. This inexpensive and very effective drug is sure to be found in each other in everyone at home First aid kit.

Application aspirin

With various fevering conditions, non-core pains (dental, head, muscle pain and t. D.) We will immediately grab aspirin, and in large doses aspirin is able to take even sharp, severe pain, such as in injuries, arthritis.

It has been established that aspirin contributes to an increase in the level of interferon in the human body, and, therefore, can participate in strengthening the body's immune system.

Aspirin is widely used and as a means of preventing cardiovascular diseases. With everyday use of aspirin in small doses, the risk of heart attacks, thrombosis, is significantly reduced, as it is known that aspirin reduces thrombocyte sticking and suppresses their functions.

Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) is used and with complex treatment of certain diseases, for example, in gynecology, in the treatment of women with the usual non-obscure pregnancy, aspirin is used in combination with heparin.

There are some studies that suggest that aspirin reduces the likelihood of cataract development. The occurrence of cataracts is often associated with a low level of glucose in the blood, and the action of aspirin is such that it significantly reduces glucose consumption.

Terms of application Aspirin

Application aspirin
Aspirin must be used by drinking enough water, after eating. The usual dose for adults 1 tablet with an interval of 4 hours, but not more than 3 years per day.

If we are talking about the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, then they are taken by half the chalk through the day, having previously consulted with their doctor.

Our site reminds that it is not recommended to drink aspirin drinks containing caffeine (coffee, tea, coca-cola), t.To. This will further strengthen the exciting effect of these drinks on the nervous system. It follows this.

Contraindications and side effects

There is no such drug in the world, which would come to everyone without exception, and aspirin also has its own contraindications and side effects.

Our site in no way advises to apply aspirin, like any other drug without consulting a doctor. With all its effectiveness and harmlessness, the drug can greatly harm and undergo danger health.

Do not use aspirin as a local anesthetic dental pain, Since acetylsalicylic acid can cause burn mucous.

Aspirin, application of aspirin
Do not recommend using aspirin to people with a tendency to internal bleeding, with disorders of the liver and kidney.

Consultation with a doctor about the reception of Aspirin People with Hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcerative ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, Gastritis and etc.).

Unfortunately, there are cases of an allergic reaction to acetylsalicylic acid and serious poisoning. For this reason, aspirin should be used to use people with bronchial asthma. This is due to the existence of a aspirin version of bronchial asthma, which is found in 20-30% of cases among patients with bronchial asthma and is characterized by a very difficult course, difficult to correction.

Aspirin is contraindicated in pregnant women, as it may cause bleeding, the need to prevent such a serious complication of pregnancy as a preeclampsia, which carries the danger to the life of a woman and a child. When preeclampsia, a higher blood coagulation is observed in the placenta vessels, as a result of this, the fetus displaces oxygen and all necessary nutrients. The action of aspirin, as already mentioned, is aimed at reducing blood coagulation rate. But such treatment should be carried out exclusively under the supervision of the doctor.

Application of aspirin is not recommended in the treatment of children under 12. Treatment aspirin (as well as other drugs having acetylsalicylic acid in children, with diseases such as influenza, cortex and wind OSP, Since aspirin can enhance the risk of Ray's syndrome (violation in the work of the liver and brain), a dangerous disease with frequent deaths of death.

Next time, when you go to the pharmacy for such popular and familiar to you aspirin, remember that self-treatment can cause irreparable harm to your health. Be careful, do not be lazy to re-read annotation to the drug or consult with your doctor.

Health to you!

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