Symptoms and neurosis treatment

When was the last time you rested full? Fully - this means without a rush, without thinking that at work the report is waiting for you, it won't wait for the fact that this month does not have enough money to buy. Summer three weeks on cottage beds or mindless vacation on the beach is not counting.

We are hostages of the current rhythm of life. To match the modern way «work = live decent», A person must be a qualified specialist with a bunch of additional knowledge and skills. And there is also a family, relatives - we also must certainly have something. The quality of life every day is becoming more and more expensive to fit him, the right vacation Many are postponed for later.

Risk Group - Planet Earth

Symptoms and neurosis treatment

Human organism - strong and reliable system. He «Forgive» You and a long lack of vacation, and inability to relax correctly after a hard work day, and not cured in time. But be prepared for the fact that the voltage, the copied months and even years, one day breaks out in the form of neurosis.

Term «neurosis» In 1776, offered Scottish doctor William Kullen. Under the neurosis, psychogenically determined disorders of the nervous system arising as the result of its overvoltage due to various types of stressful situations. The state of this, as a rule, is susceptible to pessimists, people with a thin spiritual organization and an unstable nervous system - all those who can't resist the blows of fate and falls on their knees. Moreover, men by testimony of ubiquitous statistics suffer from neurosis 3 times more often than women. But if thoughtfully consider the causes of neurosis, it can be concluded that almost every of us is subject to this disease. So, the prerequisites for the development of neurosis can be:

  • stressful situations and conflicts (material deprivation, loss of loved ones, injustice, treason or departure of the second half of the family);
  • excessive overwork at work, performing working duties on the weekend, the absence of annual leave;
  • hereditary factor;
  • failure in the hormonal system;
  • defective sleep (5 hours and less), insomnia;
  • incorrect (unbalanced) nutrition, anemia;
  • excess weight, lack of healthy sports loads;
  • chronic diseases;
  • Alcohol Abuse, Cigarette Smoking, Marijuana and T. D.

This list displays only the main risk factors, it can be continued to infinity. It is worth noting a major role in the formation of neurosis of the socio-individual significance of experience. That is, the reaction to the stressful situation will acquire relevance only when a specific, important irritant for him works for a person. Every neurosis has its own, but the consequences of it for everyone are the same: the disease exacerbates the quality of life, undermines the adaptive capabilities of a person, leads to a decrease in performance and, as a result, to a decrease in professional skills, to the dedication of work, to the destruction of the family. Non-believe people more often suffer and die from other diseases several times.

Be vigilant - neurosis has many masks

Symptoms and neurosis treatment

In the 20th century, there were studies among the tribes, the foundation for the daily life of the daily life of which remained the primitive purchase system in untouched civilization. If you believe anthropologists, our ancestors just like we, felt all the whims of the discharge nervous system. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that, after so many years, neurosis developed with a person, acquiring all new forms and features.

Today there are several classifications of neurosis. Non-believe symptoms can manifest themselves in different ways, depending on the classification and form of the disease:

  1. Neurasthenia - Mental exhaustion. Differs in increased excitability and quick fatigue. Inherent inadequate bursts of emotions, inability to cope with them. The source of irritation for neurasthenics can be a cutting eye light, emotional conversation, music. Besides, «Normal» For neurasthenia are headache, feeling «Tight hoop» At the temples, increased sweating, tachycardia, dysbacteriosis, hopping. Depending on which emotions are mainly controlled by the mood of the patient, neurasthenia is divided into irritable (hot tempering, anger, rudeness) and depressive (lethargy, plasticity).
  2. Hysteria - A more complex neurosis degree to which women are inclined from 20 to 45 years. A distinctive feature - extreme egocentrism (desire to be in the spotlight), the need to amaze and even shock others, a sharp change of mood and minigration. Hysteria provokes «Appearance» In a patient, diseases that are not really not. This may be, for example, blindness or partial loss of vision without changes in the eye bottom and lens and without pumping the patient on the items that he supposedly sees. Such pseudosimptomatics appears on the basis of the heard conversations of doctors, other people's diagnoses, read information about any disease.
  3. Neuroses of obsessive states can be calculated by universal rates. One of the brightest examples - cardiophobia - obsessive fear for the normal work of the heart. Patients claim that they hear the beat of their heart through the pillow, that from this knock «Selecting bed»; Some patients before trembling in the knees scares abnormal (from their point of view) pulsation in the temporal zone - they seem to feel it in the whole body. A person suffering from this type of neurosis can experience several phobias at the same time. As an example, you can remember carchaticophobia (fear of getting sick with cancer) and agoraphobia (intolerance of open spaces).
  4. Motor neuroses Characterized by teaks, stuttering, professional convulsions (writing spasm) and arise against the background of bad sleep, increased fatigue, irritability.
  5. Vegetative neurosis - Selective violation of the activities of internal organs. Most often, patients complain about tachycardia, high pressure, breathing problems and digestion.
  6. Neurosis of fear (alarming neurosis). The main signal of the disease - a person is very alarmed or scared. Most often arises very fast. The feeling of fear may not leave the patient for weeks and even months. The intensity of neurosis varies from light anxiety to the real panic. Fear is unreasonable - the sick person is not aware of what he is afraid.
  7. Neurosis waiting manifests itself in the inability to perform this or that daily effect due to the fact that the patient fears failures. So, impotence, which is expressed in the disappearance of the erection at the right moment, one of the most frequent forms of this illness.
  8. Hypochondria neurosis - It is inadequate hypervalism to their health with the inclination to find diseases and to make them diagnoses. Often, the hypochedrics becomes a distinctive people who, in childhood, they set over their health care. The reason for obsessive thoughts can be a disease transferred by someone else disease or own insignificant ailment. Patients are so brightly imagine painfulness, which can really experience tingling, burning in a certain area, chills, although there are no real prerequisites for their occurrence.

Belief in yourself - 50% of success in the fight against neurosis

Symptoms and neurosis treatment

Most often, individual and group therapy are used in the treatment of neurosis, the resort holiday to eliminate the patient from the medium, which provoked neurosis development. No less important part of treatment - Lowering and psychotropic drugs (antidepressants), phytotherapy. Also, the services of a psychologist or psychotherapist will be not superfluous for the suffering from neurosis, which will help to change their attitude to the problem, will teach to cope with difficulties without affecting health, help believe themselves.

If none of the neurosis species described above, you personally did not encounter - the cheerful applause you. Progress and time are not on the spot - they are and dealing with us, forcing our inner «Square» turn the wheel. It is very difficult sometimes to remain a calm judgmental person! Our site will tell you how to burn in the flame of workers everyday, how forever beaten from yourself neurosis and stress.

Typing not only correctly, but also delicious. Sometimes a piece of favorite chocolate acts better than a sedative tablet. But do not forget also about the need for food manifolds on a plate. Sturgeon, salmon, poultry meat makes the lack of amino acids in the body, which he actively spends during stress. Here we will add fruit, vegetables and buckwheat as a real storehouse of utility in situations provoking neurosis development. Do not do without herbal drinks with adding honey. Choose what you like: Melissa, chamomile, hawthorn, Valerian, mother-in-law. In addition, in any pharmacy you can find a collection of reassure number 2. It is taken within three weeks of 1/3 glasses in the morning and in the evening half an hour before meals.

Do not forget O Polyvitamins. Choose complexes, as part of which there are vitamins of group B, lecithin, folic acid. They will help your mood to stay in a positive framework. Well established Supradin, Duovit, Redean Antistress.

Provide your body moderate exercise. During swimming, sports walk, cycling organism is saturated with oxygen, head «ventilated», And thoughts become leisure and positive. We need it! Also take the rule daily to air all the premises of your home, despite the fact that the thermometer shows - «minus» or «a plus». Where it is easy to breathe, there is no place nervousness.

Clearly plan your day. Sometimes in order to feel well, you just need to sleep. Go to bed no later than 24.00. After midnight, the most useful, deep, sleep phase, so necessary for our recreation.

Be open for everything new, if possible, more often visit nature, read and reread good books - they know how to treat, giving us the right spiritual food. Come up with yourself a hobby, whether knitting or cooking, there is nothing more pleasant than creating something, giving it all the soul.

Never hide your emotions: I want to cry - cry, I need help - Be sure to ask. Spend more time with those who you are roads - with children, parents, second half. You yourself will not notice what kind of full and saturated will be your life. Slow downstream - a lot of desperate, in order to forget about neuroses forever, you need to move forward by anything!

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