
Medicinal preparations can be introduced into the body in different ways. For example, through the oral cavity, the muscle, vein, the skin, the rectum ... But there is another procedure that allows you to deliver the medicine in the right place, called electrophoresis. But all the electrophoresis is useful?

What happens during electrophoresis, what is its advantages over other methods? This issue will help to figure out our site.

General information about electrophoresis

ionogalvanization, ionaterapy, electric treatment, electrophoresis

Word «Electrophoresis» Includes two parts: «electronic» - that is, it is implied to use somehow electric current, and the second part «Forez», it can be translated from Greek as «Transfer». During electrophoresis, a certain movement of ions (charged particles) occurs in the electrical field created by an external source. It is the constant electric current that helps deliver a medicine into a particular area. This is one of the procedures of physiotherapy and widely used not only in the medical industry, but also in cosmetology. Doctors call this method by other ionaterapy, ionophoresis, ionogalvanization. And the basis of electrophoresis is the electrolytic dissociation reaction. In this case, the drug decomposes in an aqueous solution to ions. When the drug with the drug is passed through the electric current, the drug ions are moved and through mucous membranes and skin cover penetrate the body. Directly in the tissue, the medicine is delivered through sweat and sebaceous glands. Once in cells and intercellular fluid, then the medicine enters the epidermis, and from there is absorbed into blood and lymph. It can then come to the authorities, but the greatest concentration remains in the area where electrophoresis was carried out. From the procedures you can get the following positive effects:

  • anesthetic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • removing edema;
  • vasodilator;
  • calming;
  • relaxing;
  • Normalization occurs metabolism, improving fabric nutrition;
  • Education and emissions in the bloodstream of biologically active components.

What are the advantages of electrophoresis compared to other known methods of drug administration?

  1. The drug operates for a longer time, as a peculiar depot is created in the skin, where it is slowly released into the bloodstream.
  2. Can significantly reduce the dose of the drug, it will also effectively act.
  3. Medicine can be delivered to the region or the body zone, which in it needs.
  4. Medicinal substances are already delivered in the activated form.
  5. The drug is injected painless.
  6. Fabrics during the introduction of medication are not damaged.
  7. Much less than the risk of unwanted (side) effects.
  8. The medicine slowly leaves the body.

Scope of application

ionogalvanization, ionaterapy, electric treatment, electrophoresis

Despite the many advantages over other techniques, electrophoresis is not allowed to apply in some cases:

  • the presence of tumors;
  • Heat, sharp stadium inflammation;
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • heart failure;
  • tendency to bleeding, problems with blood intake;
  • in dermatitis, eczema;
  • Ranks, skin damage in places where medicinal gaskets are superimposed;
  • allergies or increased sensitivity to the medicine that was supposed to be entered;
  • electrical intolerance;
  • the presence of metal dentures in the oral cavity;
  • Violations of normal skin sensitivity.

Essence of electrophoresis and basic techniques

ionogalvanization, ionaterapy, electric treatment, electrophoresis

The procedure lasts from 10 to 30 minutes. Dosage and electric current density are different, it all depends on age and diagnosis. The patient does not feel pain during a session, only a feeling of tingling is permissible. The course is usually enough 10-20 sessions that make a day or daily. Sometimes you need to repeat the treatment after two or three months. The essence of this method is as follows: it is necessary to apply a drug between the electrode and the skin, that is, perpendicular to the direction of the current stream. In Russia, the solutions of drugs are most often used for these purposes, and the doings of gels have long preferred abroad.

We will list most often the techniques of electrophoresis techniques:

  1. Galvanic - special gaskets consisting of four layers of gauze or filter paper are wetted in a solution with a drug with a certain concentration, then a protective gasket should be installed on it;. The other electrode from the device is placed on the opposite side of the body. It is necessary in order to create a line for the motion of the drug.
  2. Bathroom - a dissolution solution is poured into a special bath, it already has built-in electrodes. The man then immerses the patient part of the body into this liquid.
  3. Extensive - First, the drug in the form of a solution is introduced into the vagina, the rectum, the stomach or another hollow organ, then the anode or cathode is placed there, and the second electrode is placed on the body surface.
  4. Intranate - most often used in the treatment of the respiratory system. A man first takes a tablet (either they make injection), and then on the area where the focus of inflammation is located electrodes.

ionogalvanization, ionaterapy, electric treatment, electrophoresis

Technician of the procedure a lot:

  1. Ion collar. It is imposed in hypertension, neurosis, brain injuries, sleep disorders.
  2. Ion belt (top or bottom). Shown in sexual disorders and gynecological diseases.
  3. Ion reflexes (developed by Shcherbak). A good effect is seen with ulcerative disease, hypertension, neurosis and many other pathological conditions.
  4. Vermel (General Electrophoresis). The gasket with the medicinal solution is located between the blades, then apply the electrode, and the other two are placed on the back of the ICR of both legs. This technique shows excellent results in atherosclerosis, cardiosclerosis, migraine, hypertension.
  5. Eye-occiputing electrophoresis, it is also called the Burguignon method, small gaskets with medicinal solve are used, they are located on the eye of the eye, when the eyelids are closed. Another gasket is superimposed on the back of the neck. The procedure is prescribed in injuries and inflammations of the brain, neurites of a triple (or facial) nerve, eye diseases.
  6. Nasal electrophoresis. In the nasal moves, cotton swabs impregnated with a drug solution are introduced, and another electrode is placed on the rear area of ​​the neck. It is carried out in violations of metabolic processes, ulcers in the digestive tract, brain pathologies.
  7. The method of the rantner, two gaskets with different substances are used: the first (with euphilline) is designed for cervical vertebrae, and the second (with papaverine) is located on the right of the sternum on the ribs. Such sessions are carried out at cereals, after generic injuries in newborns, circulatory disorders in the cervical spinal column.
  8. Bath electrophoresis is used in polyarthritis, plexitis, arthritis. Patients of limbs are placed in a special container.
  9. Electrophoresis with Caripasim. Such treatment gives good results with a serious disease - hernia of intervertebral disks. Sessions need to be held 20, and after one or two months, treatment repeat. And in the year of such courses it is advisable to spend three.

Electrophoresis is carried out in physiological equipment equipped for this. Recently, there are devices that can be purchased in «Medtehnik», They are designed to use the house. For example, «Sun», «Mag-30», «Flow», «Elaskulap» and others. But you can only trust the treatment procedures only people with medical education and ownership of electrophoresis techniques.

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