Power treatment

Alexander Macedonian, Cardinal Mazarini, Cromwell, Ivan Grozny, Michelangelo, Ivan Turgenev, Alexander Pushkin, Christopher Columbus, Isaac Newton, Darwin... What do you think that unites these people? In addition, they will still remember their descendants for a long time, of course. All of them did not know what gout knew what!

Genetics even called these outstanding personalities of gaggage type. But there are a number of regularities, which does not apply to fame and genius. For example, the gout very often suffer from cheerful full people, lovers of generous feasts.

«Drong for foot» - This is what literally means Greek term «gout». Galen at one time argued that the disease appears from «Fighterness and incontinence». Under these qualities, the Roman philosopher and the doctor meant a destructive addiction to alcohol, overeating and overweight.

Sulfitude and well-being disease

joint disease, legs, salting deposition, gout, joints

Violation of the structure of purine bases that participate in protein exchange, provokes an increased formation of purines and uric acid. Part of the uric acid is released with urine, the remaining part falls into the precipitate and turns into crystals. These crystal formations are beginning to be gradually postponed on the inner shell of the joints, in the renal tubules and skin. As a result, the joints are inflamed, stones appear in the kidneys, and in the skin - tofes (rather large nodes).

Primary gout - hereditary factor, she arises as an independent illness. In 10-80% of cases of the disease, a family predisposition is detected as the main cause of gout.

Secondary gung - Complication of already existing pathological processes in the body. Comfortable «Start» Leukosis, chronic lead poisoning, influence of certain drugs (riboxin, diuretic drugs) become for the development of the disease,.

In addition to obvious factors «Cappon for foot», Specialists certainly allocate another one, although his direct relationship with gout has not yet been proven. Influence Alimentary (associated with improper power) factor The development of the disease is due to the increase in material wealth, abundant, but not regular nutrition, a sedentary lifestyle, too frequent alcohol use. The probability is high, fat food and alcoholic beverages block the selection of uric acid kidney.

For example, at the end of World War II, the cases of gout have become more frequent in progressive, wealthy countries. Today, more than 5% of the male population of Western Europe is subject to this disease (men prefers). At the same time, in India and Africa, the population eats mainly by alone carbohydrates, so what gout is, there are practically not known.

The diagnosis is carried out, focusing on the fact of laying the uricultural crystals in organs and tissues of the body, as well as the development of centers of acute inflammation in places of lesion. The outcome of the disease becomes severe complications of kidneys, atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, obesity and diabetes.

Hello, I will give...

joint disease, legs, salting deposition, gout, joints

The suffering of a gout of a person has to experience a lot of unpleasant sensations. Acute case of the disease Alternate local bolt bolsters in inflamed joints with painless sitting.

The gouty outbreak is often preceded by the long period: for several hours (and sometimes days), the mood of a person can roll into the depression pulp or, on the contrary, to acquire unhealthy excitation. Dyspeptic manifestations - nausea, heartburn, flatulence, belching, constipation and disorders - frequent «Satellites» Gout. Sometimes sick worried pain in the heart, heavy breathing, hypertension, Muffle renal colic. In some cases, the manifestations of urolithiasis are exacerbated before the attack. General urine analysis Indicates the content of protein, cylinders and red blood cells in the urine.

Acute attack Arthritis most often starts at night. The pain is growing gradually, after a few hours reaching its critical point. Focus pain in the thumb, the affected place blushes and swells. Finger is absolutely immobilized. The body temperature is sharply increased and the general condition of the patient is worse. For the fifth day, the pain goes on the decline, the manifestations of arthritis become less pronounced. Repeated attacks, as a rule, capture an increasing number of joints.

Returns the gout on average after 3-6 months, and sometimes can re «visit» Patient after 10-20 years!

Chronic form of gout Most often justified in the joints of stop and brushes, ankle, elbow and knee joints. In the sluggish gout, tofes are formed - crystals of uric acid salts accumulate in the tissues and joints in the so-called granulomas. The intensity of pain syndrome is less pronounced than in the case of a recurrent gout, but the attack of a chronic disease displays the body from equilibrium for a longer period.

Mediosis treatment: «Be in the form!»

joint disease, legs, salting deposition, gout, joints

The therapy of the gout provides for a decrease in uricinal deposits in the joints, the weakening of the acute attack, the treatment of chronic arthritis and the diseases associated with it.

In the Middle Ages, the patient was allowed to cure gout. Today, the patient's relief of the patient from the Mukhrical Attachment and the prevention of subsequent is achieved by specific medicines. The most demanded of them - alkaloid colchicine, which is mined from the bulb of a long-standing plant. Colchicine - a poisonous substance, take it with great caution, having previously coordinated a course of treatment with a doctor. Less «extreme» Optional treatment of gout arthritis - taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory funds (indomethacin, butadion, volitary). In addition, the patient must prescribe drugs responsible for reducing the formation of uric acid (urikodepressants). One of the most popular representatives of this group are allopurinol. Take 300 mg of the drug after lunch 1 time per day. However, doses and course of treatment in any case appoints a specialist.

Most specialists converge in the opinion that it is therapeutic dietary nutrition that plays a role «first violin» In the therapy of gout arthritis. Medicine known cases when visible to improve the condition of the patient or its complete recovery was achieved by appointing it a strict healing diet.

MirSees warn: the victims of the gout forever say goodbye to food that contains purine compounds. This pork, veal, beef, poultry meat, pike perch, cod, herring, pike, sardines and sprats, peas, lentils, freight and white mushrooms, spinach. Coffee, strong black and green tea, cocoa, alcohol, too, you need to completely exclude. But mineral alkaline water, fruit, berry and vegetable juices should be drunk as much as possible (no less than one and a half or two liters per day).

When goug is often disturbed not only purin, but also carbohydrate and fat exchange. Therefore, in order to avoid new attacks, try not to recover: for sick gout to keep themselves in the form - the vital necessity.

Dacy as a patient can appeal to the therapist, urologist, nephropathologist, rheumatologist and traumatologist.

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