What to do if the eyes are watched

The tear of the eyes is a very unpleasant and fairly common problem, with which every person probably faces, and it can be disturbed at any age. In fact, the eyes can be watched by many reasons, ranging from hitting the cornea, and ending with eye infectious diseases.

Loading system of man and its structure

Eyes, tear glands, tears, eyes

The main tear gland performs a number of important and necessary functions that provide normal work cornea. It is located on the outdoor side of the orbit in the corner, and in response to any stimulus begins to highlight tears. The reason for this may be harmful environmental factors: wind with dust, sun, frost, allergies, as well as our emotions: tears of joy or misfortune.

Under normal conditions, in the absence of stimuli, the eyes moisturize small glands in the mucous membrane. When the tear is washes the eyeball, it flows into the inner corner of the eye, in the tear lake. Through the lacrimal points, the liquid circulates in thin tubules and accumulates in a lacrimal bag, which is located between the wing of the nose and the inner corner of the eye. From this place part of the fluid goes into the nasal cavity, that's why we cry, in parallel starts to flow from the nose.

Being the most sensitive body, the eye is very easily exposed to external influence and reacts to it. The tear protects the eyeball from irritation, however, factors that caused tears, a lot.

Causes of tears

Eyes, tear glands, tears, eyes

If you accidentally damaged the mucous membrane of the eye or detected a patter on it, rinse your eyes. On the street it can be made by conventional mineral water without gas, and at home you need to use the infusion of black or green tea.

Useful advice:

  1. Abundant and undue tearing can be eliminated by anti-inflammatory drops.
  2. Washing eyes and other healing procedures should only be performed by a specialist.
  3. Symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis are itching, redness and tear. Antiallergic preparations are accepted as treatment, and also dig eyes with drops of dexamethasone. In any case, the treatment must appoint a doctor.
  4. Purulent discharges together with tears and itching may indicate the presence Keratitis or microbial conjunctivitis. Parallel the vision of the patient begins to deteriorate. These diseases require urgent treatment and medical control.
  5. It happens that the newborn kids in the corners of the eye is going to the mucus, which can talk about weak Patency of the tear paths. Floxal drops are prescribed as eliminating problems, a tear bag massage is prescribed and washing if necessary.
  6. Under the operating conditions, wash the laundry paths for their passability. Called this procedure for dacriaocystorinostomy.
  7. If the eye shell is overpowering, eye drops will solve the problem, which will additionally moisturize and protect their eyes from external stimuli.

Folk ways of treatment

Eyes, tear glands, tears, eyes

Overworking eyes can be eliminated by chamomile rags, calendula, cornflower and plantain. Cotton swabs, moistened in the cooled brave, need to be applied on both eyes and hold about 30 minutes. In addition, at home, you can implement the following procedures:

  • Fresh potato mask will eliminate the tear of the eyes, removes tumor and redness. In grateful potatoes must be carefully distributed on the face and leave it for 40 minutes, then wash warm water;
  • Tampons can also be wetted in a decoction of 2 spoons of millet, filled with 1 liter of boiling water. The procedure is better carried out before bedtime. Such a recipe is very effective when eye tear. Tampons should be kept in front of 10 minutes, repeat daily for 2 weeks;
  • First aid for tears from the eyes - this is a black tea, a row from which you need to do for 15 minutes.

If you have a sensitive casing of the eyeball, the eyes constantly get drunk in the cold or during sunny weather, then provide your body with useful vitamins that contribute to the strengthening of eye capillaries. Add crude carrots to your diet, drink juice from it with the addition of sour cream or cream. Many vitamin A and in persimmon, Bulgarian pepper, apricots and pumpkin.

Beneficially affect the eyes of medicinal rags from medicinal plants. These are:

  • Rose rich rich in vitamin. Half a glass of ragger of rose hips daily, and eye vessels are well strengthened;
  • Infusion of dried currant leaves has in its composition magnesium, sulfur, copper, silver and phytoncides. Such a drink must be taken 3 times a day on 1 tablespoon;
  • Known with its strongest Antioxidants Blueberry, improving the strength of the eye capillaries.

Include in your diet.

For the prevention of tears, take advantage of the following advice of professional ophthalmologists:

  1. Alternate and rest, do not forget to carry out gymnastics.
  2. Fit balanced. In the daily diet must be present vitamin B2 and potassium.
  3. Refuse independent selection of optics. Glasses and eye lenses should pick you only doctor.
  4. Staying in the sun or cold, close your eyes with glasses.
  5. Use high-quality and anti-allergenic eye cosmetics.
  6. Dried air in his house moisturize, the quality of lighting should be acceptable.
  7. Keep clean hands, oral cavity, nose and eyes. It is on these sites that bacteria multiply the most.

If, even with a clear execution of all preventive events, the eyes will still be watched, then our site recommends consulting with an ophthalmologist. The doctor will perform the procedure for washing the tear canals or write the course of additional treatment.

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