Studor: Symptoms, Treatment

Stridoron calls a noisy whistling breathing, which appears mainly in babies. The name of pathology has a Latin origin and literally translates as a hiss or whistle. Such breathing arises due to the fact that the air turbulence of the flow in the respiratory tract occurs.

This disease is an important symptom of respiratory obstruction. Sometimes such pathology can be a symptom of the disease, very dangerous to the child's life. Sometimes it is also called Stridorous Breathing.

In general, this phenomenon meets dally often. It was noted that such a breath arises from many children immediately after birth. Sometimes such breathing manifests itself only a couple of months after birth. If the child has such breathing, this is not a reason to panic. The fact is that it is often quite a normal phenomenon that over time passes by itself. Such pathology usually does not interfere with the body of the child normally breathe and obtain a sufficient amount of oxygen. Exception is not acquired, and congenital stridor.


Child disease, breathing, stridor treatment, newborn, stridor, Stridorous breathing

First you need to understand why a child is generally starting to breathe. First of all, I must say that the cartilage in newborns is very soft. With stridor cartilage so soft, which is similar to plasticine. At the same time, during the inhalation, cartilage is connected to each other, which leads to vibration. This is due to the fact that negative pressure is formed in bronchi. Such a phenomenon usually pass, because the throat is expanding, the cartilage becomes harder and as a result the child begins to breathe already silently.

It also needs to be understood that for a child who appeared on the light, the process of breathing in a novelty. In this case, due to the fact that the body has not yet completely adapted, central nerves lead to the formation of voltage during the inhalation. So, the voice gap closes that in turn leads to the fact that the air breaks through it through it «with whistle». This often observed in children with symptoms of increased neuropsychiatric excitability. In such children, noisy breathing usually arises in anxiety. If the baby has similar symptoms, then such children require observation of a neurologist.

Some newborn children have an innate weakness of muscles in the field of voice gap. In this case, this prevent cannot be prevented. You just need to gain patience and simply wait for this period. Such breathing usually passes to the period when the child will reach the age of 1-1.5 years.

Also the reason for the development of such a disease can be the cyst of the larynx, namely Stridor arises with the growth of cysts in the prosperity of the respiratory tract or in squeezing the soft tissues of the larynx. Cysts can be located both on the gentle and the paternal surface of the Nastestrian, while the formation can cause dysfactagic phenomena. Often cysts develop in children with intubation. And in these cases, cysts can be multiple. If small cysts appear on voice folds, it is manifested only by hoarseness.


Child disease, breathing, stridor treatment, newborn, stridor, Stridorous breathing

Stridor's diagnostics are mostly needed in order to find out the causes of pathology. For this child, it is advisable to show several specialists. In particular, it is desirable that experts as a pediatrician, a pulmonologist, a otolaryngologist, a neurologist and a gastroenterologist. During the inspection, the specialist assesses the overall condition of the child, skin coloring, heart rate, the frequency of respiratory movements. In addition, he finds out whether auxiliary muscles participate in the act of breathing. In addition to the inspection, microlaryngoscopy is assigned, which is the inspection of the larynx. If there is a need, x-rays of soft tissues of the neck, chest and larynx, computed tomography, ultrasound of the larynx, MRI, bronchoscopy and tracheoobronosopy.

If it is revealed that the symptoms of the congenital strider are combined with dysphagia, then the diagnosis is complemented by the methods of study of the abdominal cavity. In particular, the canoscopy of the esophagus is carried out, the abdominal ultrasound ultrasound and gastroscopy are performed, which allows you to examine the esophagus and the stomach cavity. With the disorder of voice functions or with the complete absence of voice, it is recommended to carry out neurosonography, computed tomography of the brain and electroencephalography to study the functional state of the brain.

If there is a suspicion that the child has a congenital goiter, then the endocrinologist will be examined. At the same time, the thyroid ultrasound is usually carried out, and also give up blood tests on hormones T3, TSH and T4. As for the differential diagnosis of congenital strider, it must be carried out to exclude Larygita, false and true grunt and other similar diseases.


Child disease, breathing, stridor treatment, newborn, stridor, Stridorous breathing

Treatment of strider largely depends on the characteristics and causes of the disease. So, if this disease was caused by weak gasthern cartilage, then Studor will gradually subsides during the first half of the child's life. At the same time, the age of two years of symptoms often take place. Sometimes newborns should be on the control of the endocrinologist and the neurologist. Such children are often prescribed additional reception of the drugs iodine.

If a child has stridorous breathing, then parents need to try to protect it from various colds, infections and viruses. It is also necessary to periodically make a child massage, Take everything to strengthen immunity. It is also very important to follow the full nutrition of the child.

Sometimes this is not enough and prescribed special inhalations with hormonal medicines or inhalations with adrenaline preparations, with which the respiratory tract is expanding. Such treatment is usually necessary with sharp complex strider attacks. After all, it helps stabilize breathing. An important point is that more likely to be carried out only when the child's health allows. In critical cases, when the child's body should urgently provide oxygen, make the so-called intubation, which is a manipulation when a special tube is introduced into the larynx or trachea. This way sometimes allows you to save the baby's life.

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