Treatment of Larygita

With the advent of autumn, the number of patients waiting for their turn to the therapist or the ENT doctor in the corridors of the clinic, increases significantly. And as a result of the examination, the doctor puts various diagnoses: ORZ, ORVI, tonsillitis, laryngit ..

If you believe the statistics, then each of us at least once in your life faces symptoms of laryngitis. Once - mean, consider yourself lucky. There are such categories of people who suffer from this ailment often. For example, teachers, educators, speakers, artists. And contribute to respiratory diseases autumn cooling, rain, penetrating the wind. Legs are rolled out, the body is transferred, and the heating is not yet included ... Therefore, today our site will introduce readers in more detail with the cause of one of the diseases of the respiratory organs - Larygitis, its views and the principles of treatment.

Overview of the disease

disease, inflammation of the throat, laryngitis, treatment of laryngitis, cold

For laryngitis is characterized by inflammation, the edema of the larynx, voice ligaments, the nastestrian. What is voice ligaments? These are two folds of the mucous membrane that cover muscles and cartilage. For the formation of sounds it is necessary that these ligaments are taught, they expanded. However, when inflammation, ligaments look enlarged, irritable and swollen. Therefore, when air passes through them, the sound is very distorted. The voice in a sick person changes, becomes hoarse or even disappears.

Larygitite can be an independent disease, but most often it accompanies colds, diphtheria, cough, tuberculosis, Scarlatin, Kor, flu.

Causes of occurrence:

  • Most often, inflammation occurs due to supercooling;
  • Inhalation of air is not a nose, as it should be, and mouth;
  • contaminated, dusty air;
  • Highland overvoltage;
  • Pathogenic microflora with invasion of viruses or bacteria.

Characteristic symptoms

At the beginning, a person feels tickling or a hole in the throat, dryness is dry in the larynx, I want to swallowing saliva more often, the pain is joined, discomfort when swallowing liquid and hard food. Later joins dry, parlor, suffocating cough, the physicians are also called the barking. Another major distinguishing symptom is a sick voice, hoarse, sometimes it disappears at all. It happens that lymph nodes swell. In some cases, patients complain about the difficult breath or shortness of breath. But the temperature rarely rises above 38 ° C. As you can see, the listed features are easy to recognize laryngitis. To clarify the diagnosis, the doctor conducts laryngoscopy.

Types of Larygita

disease, inflammation of the throat, laryngitis, treatment of laryngitis, cold

Acute laryngitis - a typical inflammatory process that extends to the larynx and adjacent areas. Most often, bacteria or viruses are being introduced on the mucous membrane, begin to reproduce actively. Sometimes the reason may be excessive voltage of the voice apparatus, it happens at singers, actors, teachers. With proper treatment and compliance with all recommendations, the disease passes in 10 days, not moving into a chronic form.

If still laryngitis is periodically repeated, that is, it acquires a chronic character, then patients at the doctor's reception complain that voice ligaments are constantly tired, voice «Sit down», I want to fade, clean the throat so that the voice becomes again ringing and familiar, and not a syple. Provoke chronic laryngitis can harmful habits - smoking and alcohol.

If the voice apparatus is subject to frequent daily loads due to professional activities, the doctors state that the laryngitis in the patient is professional.

Catarial laryngitis refers to a light form of the disease, with proper treatment, it quickly passes without a trace.

With hypertrophic form, the voice is more hoarse, the doctor sees the doctor on the bundles «Nodules». During treatment, sometimes you have to resort to the causing of these growths or even remove them to surgically.

Atrophic laryngitis is already thinning the mucous membrane, the voice is always hoarse, crust with strengths of blood departed with strongly exhausted cough. This disease is more commonly found among amateurs of sharp dishes.

Diffex laryngitis may accompany diphtheria, white bale is formed on the larynx (membrane). And if it is separated, that is, the risk of blockage of the respiratory path.

Children occurs and stenzing laryngitis, in which the stenosis (narrowing) of the voice slot occurs, while the air flow into the lungs is partially or completely. With this form of the disease, urgent hospitalization and doctor control over a further fortune, as well as measures, preventing the progression of the edema of the larynx and spasm. Fast and correctly selected treatment will avoid tracheotomy (surgery for larynx).

Much less often meet today tuberculosis and syphilitic laryngitis.

General principles of treatment

disease, inflammation of the throat, laryngitis, treatment of laryngitis, cold

If the diagnosis was confirmed, then at least a week will have to stay at home to take care of your health. And the first recommendation of the doctor is a voice peace. Yes, it is advisable to sit in silence to remove tension from voice ligaments. And, when driving, the load on the bundles does not decrease at all. In some cases, it even increases. Without extreme need, do not speak. Only if you need to say something important, then do it not with a whisper, but a quiet voice. Exclude factors irritating the inflamed mucous membrane: cigarette smoke, alcoholic beverages, dust, chemicals. Mix the recovery of the larynx sharp spices, cold or too hot food and drink. Improves the state of moistened air. Well when the apartment has a moisturizer. If there is no such device, then make steam inhalation often. You can make inhalations with the addition of essential oils, infusions or braveraging of herbs with anti-voice properties and reflexively expanding lurisens of larynx. Useful - Mirt, Eucalyptus, Anis, Lavender, Juniper, Fennel. It is enough to pour 5 drops into a small amount of boiling water and then gently breathe a healing ferry, hiding a towel. Sometimes special inhalers or other devices are used.

Cut several times during the day rinsing the throat with warm irons of medicinal plants (chamomile flowers, sage leaves).

At the moments when it is difficult to breathe, superimpose mustard on the feet (or caviar), then their distracting effect is manifested, and larynge grounds are reduced. Many years ago, a teacher in pharmacotherapy gave us, then still students, good advice: if the child arises a bout of a cough, when inhalation is difficult, then it is difficult to immediately lower his legs or handles in hot water. That is, to make such a bath, during which the respiratory lumen will expand reflexively. Such a Council has repeatedly cut me and my friends in life.

With the dry cough of the exhausting nature, doctors recommend taking the following drugs: pills «Liebexin», «Codelat»; drops or dragee «Synecode», «Stoptussin» (drops), «Gedelix» (syrup or drops). If the cough is unproductive, then it must be suppressed. But if there is a mucus, then it is better to come out, expectorant means are issued inside. It can be infusions of medicinal plants - souls, vowers, violets of a tricolor. Floor-based droplets and droplets «Chest elixir», «Perstissin», «Dr. Mom» and others.

Add natural honey to warm grazing. Useful warm milk and alkaline mineral water, for example «Essentuki».

Can be used as local antibacterial therapy aerosol preparations for irrigation. Among them «Bioparox», «Kameton», «Inhalipt».

Helps resorption of candy and lozen «Strepsils», «Bronchikum», «Super Laura», «Septolete».

At elevated temperatures, we assume the reception of paracetamol or combined drugs («Coldrex», «Ferwex»).

Our site warns your readers, which before buying or use the drug, you must carefully read his instructions.

If the doctor considers it necessary, then in more severe cases, antibiotics will prescribe (or antiviral agents) or irrigation with glucocorticoids, cavity. These procedures make the ENT doctor himself.

When call «Ambulance»?

There are cases when the disease occurs with the attacks of shortness of shortness of shortness of shortness of breath cough, Tharrow suffocity. If such alarming symptoms appear immediately, call «Ambulance», After all, emergency measures may be required. Special attention is paid to sick children or people prone to allergic reactions. Suddenly emerged seizures of suffocation when coughing in such people and kids can even be life-threatening, the so-called stenosis (croup).

To avoid unpleasant consequences, do not hesitate to seek qualified help to specialists, carefully follow their recommendations. Folk treatments and advice of the doctor will help faster to get rid of Larygitis, return a nice voice, remove pain and edema. To prevent respiratory diseases, conduct hardening. Start it better in summer. Then your body will be more resistant to causative agents of diseases, including acute laryngitis.

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