How to treat fungus in the ears

So people are arranged: many of us cannot assess the importance of their own health until they get sick. For example, the ability to hear - an invaluable gift of nature - sometimes threatened the most harmless at first glance. One of these diseases is the otomicosis, or ear fungus.

The pathogens of the otomikosis, fungal microorganisms represent a greater danger to human health: multiplying, they capture and affect the inner ear, mucous membranes of the larynx, oral cavity and pharynges. If a person has a weak immunity, it becomes an affordable target for illness, and adults and children are sick with the same frequency.

Causes of the development of fungus in the ears

fungal diseases, fungus, mushroom ears, ears

Medical practice allocates several factors that cause a peculiar catalyst for the development of the inflammatory process within the ear. Most often, the otomicosis appears as a result:

  • Weak immunity. The body's protective forces are reduced, as a rule, after a disease or long stay in the nervous and intense situation, a stressful situation;
  • fungal lesion of external auditory passage. If he is heated with treatment, the infection penetrates the cavity of the middle ear;
  • purulent diseases of the auditory pass;
  • long courses of treatment with antibacterial and hormonal means;
  • water penetration in the ear (during swimming in the pool or outdoor reservoir);
  • use someone else's headset, take, headlife or Humorcraft. The causative agent of the disease penetrates the ear through small wounds and microcracks;
  • Too frequent and careless cleansing with cotton chopsticks. Some clean people, forgetting about the sense of measure, try to clean the ears as closely as possible so that the ear of the sulfur is left and the trace. This is fundamentally incorrect approach: it is the ear sulfur that does not give pathogenic microorganisms to distribute deep into the auditory passage.

As the disease is manifested

fungal diseases, fungus, mushroom ears, ears

To eliminate the otomycosis, the treatment of adults and small patients begin, neutralizing those specific conditions in which the fungus began to live and develop. So, if the disease appeared on the soil of weak immunity, the patient is recommended to fully relax and acquire a high-quality multivitamin preparation; With long reception Antibiotics or hormones, the course of treatment is revised and changed radically.

In parallel with these measures, the specialist will determine the type of pathogen, which will allow the right emphasis in the complex therapy of this disease. Yeast fungi effectively destroys a solution of Sanguinarine 0.2%. In addition to it, the patient can assign a alcohol or aqueous solution of quinozole, a solution of a leviversity, multifungin, caustain, solve Castellani. These drugs in the form of ear droplets are buried in a hearing pass or impregnate your cotton tourundum, after which it inserts it into the ear. Perfectly cope with neutralization of yeast pathogens otomycosis antifungal ointment nastatin and leviversity.

Fungal microorganisms of molds require other treatment. With their elimination, such drugs like nitropungin, terbinafin, itraconazole. In the process of treatment, special attention is paid to the removal of so-called mycotic masses - if at least a small part of this substance remains in the ear, even the most intensive treatment will be ineffective. Micotic masses are removed from the ear with a vaseline oil or hydrogen peroxide. Water in this case categorically does not fit - the wet environment contributes to the reproduction of the fungus.

Another type of causative agent of otomikosis doctors is called particularly pathogenic fungus. Medicinal preparations of the local spectrum action against it are powerless. For the effective treatment of doctors prescribe antifungal drugs in tablets.

Many medications for the treatment of fungus in the ear adversely affect the intestinal microflora, so the doctor will write a lines, acipol or bifidumbacterin in order to restore it.

Treatment of disease by folk methods

fungal diseases, fungus, mushroom ears, ears

Immediately alleged that the main treatment in no case cannot be replaced by the people's fighting methods in the ear, otherwise the process of recovery will be very long. Application «Babushkina» Recipes are possible only after agreeing with the attending physician.

  1. Onions - the most powerful natural antifungal agent. Onion juice burned in a patient's ears for 2-3 drops before bedtime for 3 days. Course treatment cannot be prolonged so as not to get a hearing pass burn.
  2. Itching will weaken apple vinegar. Please note that vinegar cannot be buried in the ear! Need to moisten a piece of watts in the solution and process them the skin in the ear.
  3. The most gentle, but no less effective invalid and anti-inflammatory action possesses the pharmacy chamomile. Prepare the infusion of dried raw materials: 1 st. L. Chamomile pour steep boiling water and insist for 20 minutes. 3-4 times a day, wash the healing solution of the ear. Do not forget to wipe out the outer hearing passage with a cotton wand or tourund after the procedure, since the wet environment is the fungus most favorable for breeding.

Forecast of the treatment of otomikosis

How soon recovery will come, it depends on what stage of development was the disease when the patient appealed to the doctor. Important value has a correctly selected treatment program.

If the patient immediately drew attention to the problem and in time came to the hospital, where he was appointed adequate state therapy, the recovery process will take about 1 month. Simultaneously with drug treatment, it is necessary to carry out a regular examination of the patient and pass crops to the laboratory. The results of the analyzes will demonstrate how efficient treatment.

Unfortunately, some people suffering from otomycosis come to the doctor with a big delay. The launched form of the disease is very difficult, therefore, the process of recovery will be very long.

Prevention of fungus in ear

fungal diseases, fungus, mushroom ears, ears

In order not to become a victim of a serious fungal disease, you must first work in your immunity. The general health condition is of paramount importance in the ability of the body to withstand various types of diseases.

To feel good, you will need quite a bit: more often go for walks, there are useful and fresh products, play sports and carefully monitor personal hygiene. Let these recommendations seem to you with banal: it is on such a soil a full-fledged human immunity appears.

Also watch the condition of the skin in the ear sink and the auditory passage. All wounds need to be treated with antiseptic solution. Pimples that sometimes appear in the ear, try not to skip - they will disappear. When cleaning the ears, do not try to remove sulfur without a balance - this substance will not miss the fungus deep into the ear.

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