Treatment of fibroadenomes of the breast

In the overall picture of the pathological conditions of the mammary glands, a certain place occupies a benign nodal neoplasm. The most common diseases, due to which women turn to a doctor, specialists call the nodal form of mastopathy, fibrothene and cyst. We will tell about the peculiarities of the treatment of fibroadomes in detail in our today's article.

Specificity of the disease

Breast, Women's Health, Mammology, Milk Iron, Fibroadoma

First of all, we will stop on the concepts «Fibroadoma» and «Fibroadenomatosis», who are often confused. Under fibroanetosis, the fibrous-cystic disease is most often meant or Mastopathy. When in the thoracic gland, dense parts of the scratched tissues (iron and connective) appear, and the patient suffers from pain in the seal area - the doctor will most likely raise the diagnosis «Fibroadenomatosis».

Fibroadoma «behaves» Quiet and painless. This is a kind of nodal mastopathy, a benign tumor, which is formed in the chest as a result of problems with a hormonal background of a female body. Another, clearer and reasonable cause of fibroadenomes, unfortunately, did not find.

Pointed seal turns out to be a dense moving node rounded shape, not related to leather (from 0.2 mm to 6-7 cm in diameter). Fibroadoma is found, as a rule, the patient itself. The probability of the disease is high among women from 15 to 35-40 years old, and the most «favorable» For fibroadenomes, statistics consider the period from 20 to 22 years.

Diagnosis of the disease

Breast, Women's Health, Mammology, Milk Iron, Fibroadoma

There are two different approaches to the removal of the seal of the chest.

At sectoral resection a ferrous fabric that formed a tumor is removed from the chest together with its directly surrounding tissues. Choosing in favor of sectoral resection Surgeon makes when suspected malignant tumor.

To method Enucleation Doctors resort if breast cancer is not a reliable diagnosis. In this case, the seal itself is removed directly.

Operation, as a rule, does not take much time - a maximum of 1 hour. Apply local anesthesia or intravenous anesthesia. After the operation, the patient remains under the supervision of doctors from 2-3 hours until one day. Seams can be removed after a week after surgery. The postoperative period is mainly transferred easily.

Even in such a difficult situation, women do not cease to worry about their appearance, asking the doctor a completely reasonable question on the eve of the operation: «Whether shrama will remain?». Cosmetic result of an operation conducted by a competent and experienced surgeon, surpasses all expectations. If the doctor, removing fibroaden, complies with all the principles of plastic surgery, the skin will remain hardly distinguishable traces. At the end of the operation, it imposes intradermal cosmetic seams, after the removal of which the appearance of the breast will disappoint its hostess.

After the tumor is extracted, its cells are subject to a mandatory histological procedure, according to the results of which a specialist eliminates Breast cancer either sarcoma.

It should be borne in mind that the disease forecast is not related to the operation. This means that surgery cannot trigger the appearance of a new seal and at the same time does not protect against repeated formation fibrotane on another site of the same or other breast. On the operating table remove not the cause, but the consequence Hormonal failure in the body.

Treatment of fibroadenomes with the help of traditional medicine

Breast, Women's Health, Mammology, Milk Iron, Fibroadoma is nonsense, nonsense and the subconscious desire of a woman to delay the visit to the doctor and «Moment of truth» as long as possible.

No matter how eloquently did not paint advertising media the miraculous properties of certain or other Badov in the fight against fibroadenoma, know that this is just commerce and nothing more. The same can be said about the treatment of breast fibroadenomes «Hesses» - It is useless.

The result of such self-treatment may become (and in most cases, unfortunately, it becomes) a launched oncological disease with metastases, which go beyond the breast, far deep into the body. And then there are no terrible consequences - at this stage it is not about complete disposal of the breast, but about the preservation of the patient's life.

Cute readers our site, love and take care of yourself. The fibroadenoma should follow the same way as with any other disease: the earlier consult a doctor, the less you get scared and the faster to get rid of this foreign education.

When you need to seek help?

Breast, Women's Health, Mammology, Milk Iron, Fibroadoma

The symptoms listed below - a 100% reason to make an appointment to the therapist, a mammologist or surgeon immediately:

  • sharp chest pain, having clear localization;
  • feeling of gravity, cutting, brewing of the mammary glands;
  • selection of transparent or turbid liquid from nipples;
  • Painful cracks on the nipples;
  • «Sailing» a certain area of ​​skin on the chest or drawing a nipple;
  • an increase in lymph nodes with armpits;
  • Seal (painful and painless), hardening and tumor in chest.

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