Treatment of Ezophagita

Everything «Prelas» gastric pain at least once in life had to experience each of us. And it doesn't matter at all, what disease is this discomfort: whether it is gastritis or elementary heartburn - it hurts the same unpleasant.

One of the most common diseases of the digestive system consider esophagitis. Term use when the mucous membrane is inflamed.

Most «Popular» Forms Ezophagitis

Gastroenterology, gastrointestinal tract, ezophagitis treatment, esophagus, esophagitis

  1. Acute esophagitis - develops suddenly, gaining momentum in the shortest possible time (in a matter of hours). May suffer as the surface of the mucosa of the esophagus and the deeper of its layers. In terms of competent treatment, there is no trace of several days or weeks without any dangerous consequences.
  2. Chronic esophagitis - the inflammatory process develops long, but confidently. Sometimes this process takes not one year, which leads to an irreversible deformation of the structure and, accordingly, the functioning of the esophagus.
  3. Ezophagit-reflux, or peptic esophagitis - at the heart of the inflammatory reaction is the permanent gastrooforous reflux. This state is when gastric juice falls into the esophagus. Normally should not be.
  4. Surface (catarrhal) esophagitis - only the surface of the mucous membrane is amazed, there is no visible tissue destruction.
  5. Ulcerative (erosion) esophagitis - the inflammatory response was introduced deep into the esophagus, as a result of which ulcers appeared there.
  6. Distal esophagitis - inflammatory reaction was formed in the lower part of the esophagus, which smoothly moves into the stomach.

Causes of inflammation

In exceptional cases, inflammation of the esophagus can be «earn», For a long time abusing strong alcohol drinks. To such rare reasons, you can attribute and attempt to deliberately or accidentally drink some amount of caustic chemical solution.

Sometimes the appearance of esophagitis is associated with infectious diseases of the body, but this way to get sick, dangerous only for those whose immunity is at the last stage of energy exhaustion.

Consequences of the disease

Gastroenterology, gastrointestinal tract, ezophagitis treatment, esophagus, esophagitis

To find out the reason for the disadvantage of the patient, doctors use the following types of x-ray examination:

  • Ezophagoscopy - the esophagus is examined using an endoscope;
  • Ezophagomanometry - the method allows you to register all changes in the motility of the esophagus;
  • Monitor pH-metry of the esophagus - prolonged observation and registering acids in different places of the upper digestive tract.

How to cure Ezophagit

From the disease you can get rid of complex therapy:

  1. Primarily engaged in the treatment of paramount diseases, against which esophagitis appeared, if any. It may be, for example, gastritis or gastroduodenit.
  2. It is necessary to develop a diet that will not overload a weakened digestive tract. Eat often (5-6 times a day) very modest portions. At the beginning of the treatment of Ezophagitis, doctors advise patients to adhere to diet number 1, after the symptoms will subscribe - Diet number 5.
  3. Do not neglect the long-term experience of phytotherapy, which can offer a mass of anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic recipes.
  4. From a huge range of medicines enjoy antacids, enveloping and astringent drugs, analgesic and protective means (Almagel, Vicalin, Vicair, Renny, Maalox, Omez, Ranitidine). All medicines are injected with an abundant amount of peeled non-carbonated water.
  5. Acute, hemorrhagic (hemorrhage in fabric) and necrotic (fatty tissues) of Ezophagitis forms require immediate hospitalization of the patient to the surgical department.

During the treatment of esophagitis, it is necessary to regularly under the supervision of the attending physician.

Ezophagitis and traditional medicine

Gastroenterology, gastrointestinal tract, ezophagitis treatment, esophagus, esophagitis

MirSovetov offers its readers a few harmless, but very effective recipes «From the people»:

  1. From strong gastric pain, which enjoys esophagitis, save the polka dots of black pepper. Three things need to be powered by half water. After 15-20 minutes, there is no trace. Remember that the pepper eliminates only unpleasant sensations, and not their reason.
  2. This recipe - seasonal. Yellow dandelion buds fold in a three-liter jar and fall asleep 0.5 kg of sugar. Layers of dandelion and sugar sand alternate. The contents of the banks are tolver before the formation of syrup. Then 1 tsp. L. The resulting agent is poured half a cup of warm water and drink in small sips. The medicine has an anti-inflammatory effect, it can be used and as the prevention of esophagitis.
  3. From pain in the stomach you can also get rid of cumin. 1 C. L. Seeds are poured with a small amount of boiling water, insist for a quarter of an hour and drink. The tool reduces spasms and stimulates the normal operation of the digestive tract.

Prevention of the disease

Gastroenterology, gastrointestinal tract, ezophagitis treatment, esophagus, esophagitis

Holding to the following rules, the probability of getting esophagitis you will drive to zero:

  1. To strong alcoholic beverages and cigarettes you need to impose an indefinite taboo.
  2. Try to stretch there is chocolate, oily, fried, sharp dishes, citrus, tomatoes. Reduce the number of drinks that contain caffeine.
  3. In clothes, try to give preference to things that do not squeeze the chest and belly.
  4. Sleep on the bed with a slightly raised headboard.
  5. If you have extra kilograms, it is necessary to get rid of them.

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