Nuting a nursing mother

The kid unexpectedly began to capricious, pressing legs to the tummy, crying. It is worth thinking: maybe problems with digestion in a child are associated with the wrong mother's nutrition? To facilitate the suffering of a newborn, many doctors advise nursing mothers to adhere to a strict diet. In our article you will find answers to many questions on this topic.

The long-awaited miracle was accomplished - you press your baby's chest! Fears of recent months behind, light and you want to think only about good. However, soon you will have to remember the reality. The kid unexpectedly began to capricious, pressing legs to the tummy, crying. Most likely, it is tormented by intestinal colic. Now it is worth thinking: maybe the problems with digestion in a child are associated with the wrong power of mom? In our article you will find answers to many questions on this topic and will be able to decide how to eat right to be comfortable to you and your baby.

Two points of view on the nutritional mother's nutrition

Nursing a nursing mother, diet
Traditional approach. This approach is based on a concentrated opinion on the direct relationship of the mother's mother and the quality of breast milk. The fact is that the components that make up breast milk contain nutrients that are in the blood of the mother. There they fall from the intestine. Therefore, you can say for sure that the products that the young mother eats are present in breast milk. Accordingly, their quality and composition should not be in doubt. Popular products can provoke pain in the tummy in the baby, problems with the chair and allergic reactions. Consequently, to exclude these problems you just need to follow the diet. What exactly we will talk later.

Nearby approach. The essence of this approach is that the direct relationship between nutritional mothers and digestive problems has no. Emphasis is on the fact that none of the living beings on the planet does not comply with a diet except man. It's not quite so. Each living creature, depending on its species, feeds in monotonous.

Talk about what point of view is correct incorrect. Each nursing mother itself must decide what opinion to stick and as a result - how to eat. Next, we will describe in detail about the standard nutrition approach of nursing mom.

Why need to follow nutrition?

Digestion problems are not all children. For example, American scientists suggest that only 30% of babies occur intestinal colic. Therefore, before putting «approximately» Diagnosis to the child, it is worth consulting with a pediatrician. Our site should be remembered that the problems with digestion require individual treatment and, of course, identifying the exact reasons for their appearance.

Intestinal colic torment the child most often in the first year, especially in the first three months of life. Newborn children occurs in the population of intestinal microflora.

To facilitate the suffering of a newborn, many doctors advise nursing mothers to adhere to a strict diet. Any diet failure is fraught with troubles: the appearance of allergic reactions, problems with the gastrointestinal tract in the child and entering the body of the baby toxins.

What you can eat and drink a young mom?

Nursing a nursing mother, diet

  1. It is allowed to eat low-fat varieties of pork and beef, chicken and turkey meat. Fish should be introduced into the diet gradually, of course, we are talking about less allergenic varieties (cod, pike perch, carp and others). You can use low-fat meat broths.
  2. From vegetables it is preferable to all potatoes, turnips, radish, zucchini (with caution, as it can cause a bloody from a child). During this period, it is better to eat thermally treated vegetables so that, firstly, to exclude food poisoning, and, secondly, do not provoke unwanted reactions in a child.
  3. Dairy. At first, you can add, for example, milk in tea. With the use of fermented milk products while better wait. Condensed milk, undoubtedly. Perhaps the use of cottage cheese, better grain, cream.
  4. Fruits better bake in the oven (for example, apple). Fresh fruit is better to try in small quantities, watching the state of the kid.
  5. Vegetable oils can not be used, but you need! They contain indispensable women and baby vitamins. Add butter in porridge and salads.
  6. Craises. Preference is given buckwheat, Oatmeal and wheat. It is only necessary to start with some single cereal, gradually introducing into your menu and other cereals.
  7. Legumes while banned. The reason is clear - the possible bloating of the baby.
  8. Confectionery. In order not to do not deprive themselves sweet, you can enjoy the cookie, marshmallow or marmalade, which is cooked at home.
  9. For lactation, it is necessary to drink on a day at least 1.5-2 liters of liquid (compote, frost, faint herbal teas, non-carbonated dining water).

It can be noted that the nutrition of a nursing mother in the first months after delivery is almost identical to a hypoallergenic diet (exception - raw vegetables and fruits). This suggests that the possibility of allergic reactions in the child is very small (we are talking about food allergies). With such a nutrition, mom is surprised to see the improvement of his own well-being (normalization of digestion, skin cleansing, and so on).

List of products that can not use nursing mom

  1. Alcohol. All kinds of alcoholic beverages. The people will make the opinion that beer increases lactation. Hurry to dispel this myth. Alcohol is quickly absorbed into the blood and after an hour, the kid receives a high dose of toxic substances. The result of which may be a change in the behavior of a child (lethargy or, on the contrary, excessive activity).
  2. Medicine. Each drug should be discharged by a doctor who needs to be informed about his position of a nursing mother.
  3. Spices, marinades, mayonnaise, ketchup and so on.
  4. Products containing chemical dyes and preservatives.
  5. Nicotine. Although cigarettes can not be called the product, however, nicotine has a toxic effect on a child.
  6. Allergy Products (Citrus, Tropical Fruits, Raspberry, Strawberry, Chocolate, Honey, Nuts). We can use bananas.
  7. Beans, grapes and black bread can provoke meteorism in a child.
  8. Fatty grade meat and fat. These products contain in large quantities of saturated fatty acids that are poorly digested in the stomach. Because of this, problems with gastrointestinal tract at mom and baby may occur.

How to eat?

Nursing a nursing mother, diet
Nutrition of a nursing mother should be fractional. It is best to eat 4-5 times a day in small portions.

Breakfast should provide mom energy and consist of various types of cereals. Next follows the second breakfast - to choose light vegetable or fruit salads.

Dinner by calorie stands in the first place (then breakfast and dinner). For lunch, be sure to use the first dish or meat broth. Have a binding two liters per day hard. The first dishes compensate for part of the fluid and normalize digestion at mom. On the second possible use of meat or fish dishes with a garnish (vegetables or cereals).

An afternoon person, for example, can be composed of cottage cheese dishes (casserole, cheesecakes) and a useful drink (compote, drink from chicory and fastening tea).

Dinner is better not to overload heavy for digestion. Preference is given to light snacks, salads, steamed dishes. It is worth noting that it is precisely the dishes that are cooked for a couple will be able to provide a nursing mother with all the necessary vitamins and save on the purchase vitamin complexes.

The last meal is around 20:00. It is better to stop your choice on fermented fermented drinks (kefir, rippy, vareniean, mazoni and so on). Thanks to such drinks, the intestine of a young mother will work like a clock.

How to do everything?

Surely, moms have a completely reasonable question: where to find free time to prepare for yourself full nutrition? After all, the forces are not enough even to relax, but there is no power and speech. In this article, we only give a direction by which it is worth going. Each particular mother picks up an optimal diet. Emphasis is on the preparation of simple dishes that do not require high time costs. When the child becomes older, that is, by five to six months, it is possible, for example, prepares a double portion of dust. So mom will save time and quality of products, not worse.

Diversity in nutrition

In order to control the toddler reactions on various products, it is better to start a diary. In this notebook, it is necessary to indicate the composition of the dish and its number. Enter a new product need gradually. For example, today you ate a piece of banana. Wait 18 hours and appreciate the condition of the baby. Everything is fine - you can eat bananas and further. Just know the measure. I want to tell the readers of the MPS, which is very often an allergic reaction is not on a specific product, but on its number. So step by step, not in a hurry, enter other products. Thanks to this method, it is easy to identify the cause of allergies, and if there were no problems - rejoice: Food allergy bypassed your baby side!

Positive and negative sides of the diet

Nursing a nursing mother, diet
A undoubted advantage, subject to such a diet, the enrichment of the body of the woman with the necessary nutrients, which are very important for full life. Also, with a balanced diet, a long-awaited weight loss in a nursing mother occurs, and in combination with the inevitable physical exertion, the likelihood of weight loss increases. Perhaps some families will gradually move to a healthier diet in nutrition. What will undoubtedly affect the general well-being in the family. The latter is the risk of developing intestinal disorders and allergic reactions from your baby decreases.

A negative point can be only everyday duty to prepare healthy food. Not everyone has enough patience, maybe just prevent your own laziness. But with her very just fight. Know that, feeding correctly, you pass the baby high-quality breast milk, health and good mood!

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