What happens when calculous cholecystitis
When a person is found in a calculatory cholecystitis, it is quite serious and dangerous, because such a disease is not easy to cure, especially at the launched stage. Many people live and absolutely do not suspect the presence of such a disease in their body as calculous cholecystitis. If a man is inflamed of a gallbladder, then this cholecystitis, the treatment of which is carried out pretty quickly. But if you run the usual cholecystitis to a more serious form, then it develops into a calculatory cholecystitis, which threatens terrible consequences.
At first, sand appears in the bustling bubble, which is crystallized with time, and the formed crystals fall into the gallbladder. Over time, stones that can score bilks are beginning to grow around these crystals. The result of such a process will be severe pain when urination, and sometimes even stagnation of bile in the body. Because of the stones, the gallbladder begins to cope poorly with its functions and over time it never ceases to accumulate bile. Calculse cholecystitis leads to a violation of the outflow of bile, as a result of which the walls of the gallbladder stretch, which causes severe pain.
If cholecystitis began to manifest itself, then it is necessary to carry out immediate treatment, because the inflammation of the gallbladder can affect the neighboring organs (for example, the stomach, the pancreas, duodenum) and then a longer and expensive treatment will be required. In addition, no one needs an excess operation, especially if it can be avoided.
What can cause the appearance of calculous cholecystitis
Two factors affect the formation of stones in the gallbladder. Such factors refers stagnation of bile in the bubble and an increased concentration of bile salts, which is caused by a violation metabolism. Calculse cholecystitis may appear as a result:
- pregnancy;
- irregular nutrition;
- Discinesia (violation of motility) of the biliary tract;
- obesity;
- reception Contraceptives Based on hormones;
- pancreatic diseases;
- violations of the status of the immune system;
- Lifeline lifestyle;
- Hereditary predisposition.
Therefore, to avoid such an unpleasant disease as a calculation cholecystitis, better care health and follow your life. In any case, a diet, sports, lack of bad habits, stress, and so on for health.
What symptoms indicate the appearance of calculous cholecystitis
Calculse cholecystitis can manifest in two forms - acute and chronic. A person is not able to feel the presence of stones with a hidden calculose cholecystitte until the stones lie on the day of the gallbladder. But when these neoplasses begin to slowly move to the duct, according to which bile outflow is carried out, then there is a feeling of gravity in the right hypochondrium, bitterness in the mouth, reminiscent of heartburn, and the patient often nausees and tormenting a strong belching. At this stage of the disease of the calculous cholecystitis, the best treatment is a power and diet mode. Of course, only such actions cannot be completely eliminated from cholecystitis, but you can significantly alleviate the symptoms, and, accordingly, well-being.
When the calculated cholecystitis reaches an exacerbated stage, then the person has a liver colic, characterized by a sharp and intense pain at the top of the abdomen, more in the right side of the hypochondrium. Sometimes such pain can give to the shoulder, blade and lumbar zone. Usually pain is enhanced after taking oily food, as well as alcohol. Running, fast walking or other physical exertion is also able to provoke the appearance of pain. If the previous, lighter symptoms were missed by attention, these signs require it in urgent manner. It is possible that in this case the urgent operation will be needed, so you need to be attentive to yourself and listen to your body.
Diagnosis of calculous cholecystitis and disease treatment
For the correct decree of the diagnosis of cholecystitis, our site recommends contacting a qualified specialist who will not only take the attention of the symptoms that appeared, but also hold a number of additional research confirming the theory of calculous cholecystitis. To determine the calculous cholecystitis in the patient, history is carried out, clinical, radiological and ultrasound research. In some cases, when cholecystitis is difficult to determine using the above methods of the doctor, can resort to tomography, cholecystography and fibrogastroduodenoscopy.
Calculse cholecystitis needs to be properly distinguished from a non-free cholecystitis, a gallbladder discnetus and its ducts, gallbladder cancer, stomach ulcers, hernias of the esophageal diaphragm, appendicitis with incorrectly located proceedings. All these diseases have similar symptoms, so do not delay the visit to the doctor and the passage of all assigned analyzes.
Calculosal cholecystitis treatment can be carried out by different. It depends on the form of the disease. If cholecystitis is at the remission stage, then the strict diet is observed with the exception of oily, fried and acute food. The physical exertion is also limited. In the period when the calculous cholecystitis in the patient is exacerbated, it is hospitalized in the department of surgery, the bed regime, starvation and disintellation therapy are prescribed. With poor patient well-being prescribed painkillers and antispasmodic drugs. With ineffectiveness of this kind of actions, calculated cholecystitis is treated with the operation.

When a patient has acute cholecystitis, then there can be no speech about self-esteem. Symptoms of such a form of illness serve as a beacon for urgent hospitalization in surgery. If you neglect in such a difficult state, then the consequences may not be comforting, so nesting cholecystitis usually leads to a large number of surgical interventions and a long-term rehabilitation period. There are cases when a sharp attack of cholecystitis passes independently, as a result of which the patient does not appeal to the doctor. But with such actions, the most terrible is that, with the next acute attack, the calculous cholecystitis will not leave its owner alone, and the latter requires an emergency operation. Sometimes the result of a protracted treatment may be a loss of kidneys or strong inflammation of nearby organs.
As a rule, with ineffective therapy of calculous cholecystitis, treatment is carried out in two ways:
- Laparotomic cholecystectomy - operation, during which a large incision is made in the region of the gallbladder and a gallbladder is removed with grumbling stones. The scar after such a cut is quite long (20 -25 cm). True, this method today is used less often, usually in clinics where there are no endoscopic equipment or doctors do not own other treatment techniques.
- Laparoscopic cholecystectomy, which is carried out using modern video equipment and thin tools that are injected into the abdominal cavity through holes, less centimeter. This method is more popular, because after such an operation to eliminate the calculous cholecystitis, there are no scars, as well as the period of hospitalization is 3-4 days due to easy traumaticity.
Treatment of calculous cholecystitis by surgical methods eliminates patients from the disease in most cases.
Is it possible to the treatment of cholecystitis by folk remedies
At the early stage of the calculatory cholecystitis of acute form, you can cure folk remedies. The most effective methods of treatment are:
- From the tablespoon of corn columns and a fish, filled with a glass of boiling water to make infusion and take on a tablespoon every three hours to get rid of acute cholecystitis;
- At the first symptoms of cholecystitis, during the day, drink a daily rate of infusion from the tablespoon of plantain, a glass-eyed glass of boiling water;
- At a quarter of a glass, three times a day drinking the infusion of glasses of boiling water and a teaspoon of herbs of souls;
- A diet of oil and bran in large quantities also helps to cope with the disease when cholecystitis is at an early stage of development;
- To dissolve stones in a busty bubble in the berries season, you need to eat 3-5 glasses of strawberries for three weeks. Treatment can be carried out tincture of floor liters of vodka and 4 tablespoons of strawberry berries. Take this infusion you need three times a day for 30 milliliters;
- pickle of the sauerkraut need to drink for two months on the floor of a glass before eating three times a day;
- Syrup from several roofing beets welded on a small fire to take a quarter of a cup three times a day for several months.
Description of the course of the disease
As a rule, the history of the patient's disease with calculous cholecystitis is built on a clinical diagnosis of aggravated cholecystitis, as well as patient complaints and his health. Usually the patient has periodic sharp pains in the side, it feels fatigue and reduced performance, buttering pain in the joints and bones of hands and legs, backs.
When a patient is in a vertical position for a long time, then cholecystitis manifests itself. When urination appears rapidly cutting pains, besides, such a phenomenon. Potency is lost, insomnia appears, headaches, dizziness.
But each person has the body is able to respond to diseases, including cholecystitis, in its own way, so that such symptoms may not be in all patients suffering from calculous cholecystitis.
Prevention is better than treatment
To prevent cholecystitis to begin with, it is necessary to eliminate or weaken the action of factors that lead to the formation of stones in the gallbladder. This will help a low-calorie vegetable diet, limiting excessive loads, both physical and emotional. Reducing body weight also helps to improve overall well-being and reduces the risk of stones in the gallbladder.