Pregnancy - recent months before childbirth

Pregnancy term passed for 30 weeks. It remains very little. It seems that only recently you joys have reported to loved ones about their pregnancy. But already the birth time is approaching. On the one hand, time has passed very quickly, on the other hand - you went through a huge way.

Pregnancy - recent months before childbirth
The term of pregnancy has long passed for 30 weeks. It remains very little. It seems that only recently you joys have reported to loved ones about their pregnancy. But already the birth time is approaching. On the one hand, previously flew by the previous Seven months pregnancy, On the other hand - you went through a huge way. You cried with your new view, your new figure, your stomach rounded, the gait began «Udina», But so milly! During this period of pregnancy, the bones of a small pelvis are softened, this is the fetal head with the least effort to pass through the pelvis ring.

By the 36th week of pregnancy uterus reaches the highest point of standing - rises under the chest, it is large enough and puts on the bladder. For this reason, you are so often visiting the toilet. From the chest now begins in a small amount of colosure of colosure, preparing the chest to the rapid birth of a child.

Food with pregnant in recent months

Power on the eight-ninth month of pregnancy must be strengthened due to vegetables, fruits, fish and meat
In recent months before childbirth Pregnant woman, more than ever, you need a full nutrition. The menu must be saturated with all vitamins and minerals. It does not mean at all that you have to open the refrigerator every half an hour. In the last trimester of pregnancy, you must follow your weight with double attention. Do not overeat, listen to the advice of the doctor «Do not split a baby». After all, overweight can make kinds are very heavy. Therefore, food on the eight-ninth month of pregnancy must be strengthened due to vegetables, fruits, fish and meat, and not at the expense of chocolate candies and cakes.

Fetal development in recent months of pregnancy

In recent months, its intrauterine life, the child is engaged in preparing for childbirth. It is already almost fully formed, can regulate the temperature of his body, hears sounds and voices, informed to him «from outside», distinguishes light and darkness. Fetal movements enhanced to the eighth month of pregnancy. Sometimes, smoking, he may not even give you to sleep. At the beginning of the ninth month of pregnancy, the child is already less active. But this is just because he is already closely in his «Domika», just nowhere to turn around.

During this period of pregnancy, the heartset of the fetus is easily listening, it is enough to lean around the ear to the stomach
Now he begins to distinguish the voice of Mom and Dad, so you can already talk «with tummy», It will be easier to establish contact after his birth.

The appearance of the infant is already practically not distinguishable from the appearance of the newborn. Its growth is already approaching 50 cm, and sometimes it will develop these limits. The weight is now reached three or more kilograms, small marigolds appeared on the fingers of the legs and hands. In general, the baby is diligently prepared for the parish to the world.

During this period of pregnancy, Mom can itself appreciate the state of his child, it is worth only listening to how the baby is moving. Now the fetus has its own mode of the day, recreation and activity. But, if a child suddenly became too active, or vice versa, you stopped hearing and feel it, it may indicate that the fetus may have become sharply missing oxygen, or it may be a signal about premature birth.

Fetal heartbeat during this period of pregnancy can listen not only by the doctor with the help of special devices, but also a child's dad, if he leaned against the ear to the belly of a pregnant. The fetal heart beats twice as much as an adult and can reach 120-140 beats per minute.

Now you need to completely rely on your own feelings and focus on your condition, you do not need to succumb to fear, you must believe that everything will be fine. But this does not mean that you must forget about visits to the doctor. In recent months, pregnancy needs to make a control ultrasound.

Swelling and insomnia at the end of pregnancy

Now there may be pain in the back, since the growing uterus presses on a small pelvis of a pregnant woman
At the end of pregnancy can suddenly burn insomnia. In some, it happens due to the fact that the activity of the child rises at night. Others - fears and experiences about the upcoming birth do not quietly rest. To put up with insomnia do not need. Need to find a way out of the situation. Do not drink strong tea before bedtime, drink a tincture of grass with a slight soothing action. Before bedtime, it is better not to ride and take a warm bath, use various relaxation techniques.

Do not worry too much if you have swelling. This fate comprehends almost all pregnant women. If you do not have a late toxicosis, and you pass everything that are put on, analyzes, then everything is fine. Eveniness can be reduced by abandoning shoes on heels, sleep needs to sleep on a tight surface, do not wear pulling tights and socks with elastic. More often lift legs up, resting in a horizontal position. Eat natural diuretics - berries and herbal fees. Now they can increase and back pain, Since the growing uterus presses on a small pelvis and the weight of pregnant increases. Assist in this case can a special massage of the sacrum and special exercises for removing pain in the lower back.

Fears before rhodas

One of the fears at the end of pregnancy - about the location of the child in the uterus
What unpleasant feelings can now worry you? Heartburn may appear, this is due to the displacement of some internal organs, which creates difficulties for the work of the stomach and pancreas. You can help yourself, drinking a bit of warm milk, or the adoption of the midwife after meals. Just do not eat soda and others, it is similar, drugs.

On the eighth month of pregnancy, you can feel difficulty breathing, especially if it comes to the hot period of the year. Need to master special diaphragmal breathing and often be in the fresh air. Do not eat much immediately, it is better to eat more often and small portions.

Fear at the end of pregnancy may be the question of the location of the child in the uterus! If a berical or cross-preview is installed, then you will undoubtedly worry a question if the child will turn over to the occurrence of birth. Most children are located in the uterus head preview, but some babies can lie in the most different way. But everything can change literally a week before delivery.

Soon you will feel that it became much easier to breathe. This is the first sign that childbirth is close! It happens, as a rule, on the 37 week of pregnancy. The child is lowered, the head becomes a small pelvic bone. But, if you did not happen to this for 37 weeks, do not worry, sometimes the child is lowered before the most kinds, and sometimes - already in the process of childbirth.

Signs of approaching birth

Constant contractions in the last months of pregnancy - a sign of approaching birth
In the last months of pregnancy, small convulsions may appear, which specialists call false fights. They will shortly, not more than two minutes and quickly pass. This is a normal phenomenon, so the body is preparing for an important event and warns you of approaching childbirth. But if the convulsions become permanent, they will repeat with a periodicity of several dozen minutes, and, moreover, accompanied by pain, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor. It can be starting childbirth. No need to tolerate until the fights will be repeated every two minutes, it may mean that you are already in the process of childbirth. And it is not desirable to give birth without the help of a qualified midwife, so as not to say supporters domestic birth.

You are waiting for this event. You can understand. After all, nine months of pregnancy were not only joy for you. You, naturally, are tired and impatient. But only a few percent of all women give birth at that time, which is prescribed by a doctor, or is calculated by themselves. Plus-minus two or five days full of permissible borders. But even if the term of 40 weeks remained behind, and the birth does not come in any way, even in this case there is no reason for panic and unrest. After all, the doctor monitors your condition and controls any, the smallest changes. Better Pass preparation for childbirth, Learn a massage that will help to cope with painful sensations during the passage of the child's ways, prepare breast breast breasts. And do not be afraid!

Soon, soon you will forget about all the problems and complications that accompanied you during pregnancy. All fears, pain and experiences will remain far behind, as soon as you put a small, native body of your just born baby! Successful birth to you, cute women!

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