The use of furazolidone

Studies show that such pathogens of several infectious diseases as a dysenteric stick, bastyphoid bacteria, trichomoniums and giardias are most sensitive to Furazolidon. In addition, furazolidon is used in infection of wounds and burns and even for the treatment of chronic alcoholism.

Unfortunately, there are many diseases when there is no possibility to cope with the illness on their own and can not do by ordinary home measures. Such diseases include various parasitic infections, microbial and inflammatory diseases. Do not self-medicate, do not give a chance Diseases go to a worst. Doctor will appoint you Antimicrobial preparation. These drugs include Furazolidon (Furazolidonum - international name). Let's consider it more.

The use of furazolidone

Studies show that such pathogens of several infectious diseases as a dysenteric stick, bastyphoid bacteria, trichomoniums and giardias are most sensitive to Furazolidon.

In addition, furazolidon is used in infection of wounds and burns and even for the treatment of chronic alcoholism. Furazolidone in the treatment of alcoholism is considered justified in the case when other means are not effective or there is contraindications to their use. Usually, after some time of the admission of furazolidone, a negative reflex reaction to the intake of alcohol is produced in the body.

Furazolidon has an important feature: those infections against which the drug is directed, they acquire a resistance to furazolidone with a much lesser speed than when using other similar preparations. At the same time, furazolidone has a less toxic influence on the human body than Furacilin and Furadonin.

Despite the high efficiency, the drug to its use must be approached with extreme caution, as it has a number of side effects and contraindications.

Side Effects and Contraindications

Chemical Formula Furazolidone
Side effects from taking Furazolidone may be light and severe. The most frequent and widespread side effects are found from the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract): there is a decrease in appetite, abdominal pain, nausea and even vomiting. In addition, it is not uncommon and allergic reactions in the form of rashes on the skin.

If the side effects of the admission of furazolidone are expressed very much, then our site recommends immediately discontinuing the drug and seek advice to your doctor, may have to replace it with another drug.

When taking alcohol, many unpleasant side effects arise: burning in the whole body, an unpleasant feeling of heat, a feeling of squeezing in the occipital part of the head, and may also occur tachycardia on the background Reduced arterial pressure (Actually, thanks to the occurrence of these side effects and produces a rejection to alcoholic beverages).

Frazolidon contraindicated in those people who have increased sensitivity to nitrofuran derivatives. In this case, it is necessary to be attentive to the selection of drugs and must inform the doctor about individual intolerance.

Caution needed to people who have a disturbance of the kidney function. In chronic renal failure, Furazolidon is contraindicated to use.

Also, it is not recommended to apply Furazolidon to people with diseases of the central nervous system, as it can negatively affect their condition.

Upon exceeding the dose of the drug, acute toxic hepatitis, hematotoxicity and neurotoxicity may occur.

Rules for admission furazolidone

Furazolidon, the use of furazolidone
First of all, our site draws your attention to the fact that Furazolidon does not apply in the treatment of children age up to 1 month.

In order to avoid side effects when drinking furazolidone, it is recommended to take a medicine after meals and drink it with plenty of water. And when the side effects appear, it is necessary to reduce the dose of the drug. In order to avoid possible complications, Furazolidon is usually not prescribed for more than 10 days.

Treatment of diseases such as dysentery, the paratif is carried out within 5-7 days (or courses with interruptions in several days - depends on the severity of infection), after which the condition must come. Normal dosage in such cases 4 times a day at 0.1-0.15 g at equal time intervals (maximum dose for adults per day 0.8 g).

At Treatment of trichomonas infections, except for the admission of furazolidone inside (4 times a day, 0.1 g 3-4 days), are prescribed, as a rule, still local treatment (there is a furazolidone in powders and candles for local applications). In parallel with the tablets, candles with fasulidone are prescribed for the introduction into the rectum and 5 g of powder (a mixture of fuzolidone and milk sugar) - in the vagina. Treatment should be done every day for one or two weeks.

For the treatment of infectious diseases in children produced Furazolidon in granules. Doses in the treatment of children are selected with caution, is largely determined by age and weight of the child.

A weak solution of Furazolidone congestion 1: 25000 is used to treat and prevent infection of burns and wounds.

In the treatment of addiction to alcohol, rejection to alcoholic beverages is usually produced within 10 days of admission of furazolidone.

Observe all precautions in the treatment of furazolidone and simultaneously receiving other medicinal: Furazolidon can interact with some of them. For example, when taking tetracycline and aminoglycosides, the antimicrobial actions of furazolidone are significantly enhanced, therefore, given this, it is necessary to adjust the dose. Be careful with the drug if you use some antibiotics (such as ristomycin) and drugs of amphenicol groups - as a result, the level of blood building may decrease. And with the simultaneous use of funds whining urine, t.E. When slowing down the removal of furazolidone from the body together with the urine, the effect of treatment is enhanced, and when applying the urine of the drugs - on the contrary, weakens. When prescribing medicines, this should take into account your attending physician.

We wish you good health and less reassens to appeal to doctors!

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