Chickenpox - acute infectious disease of viral nature. The windshield is relative to the anthroponosis group, T.E. she is sick only man and getting a windmill from animals and birds by definition.
In most cases, children aged 5 to 9-10 years old. Adults are rarely sick, but in the case of infection, the disease occurs especially difficult.
Varicella-Zoster Virus virus belonging to the DNA-containing Herpetoviridae viruses. Perhaps such a detailed description of the family of viruses and will not be an interesting ordinary reader, but the Herpetoviridae family also includes Herpes Zoster - herpes virus, causing also hailing deprived. Moreover, many experts believe that the chickenpox virus and herpes virus is the same virus that, with the first hit in the body, causes a windmill and for a long time remains in the spinal cord cells, and when immunity decreases, it is manifested as a simple herpes or a hazing Lisha. A person who does not have immunity to a chickenpox virus may be sick with a wind inspace with a patient with a sick.
How can I get a wind inspi
You can infected the chickenpox virus from a person to man with air-droplet. Contacts (infinity) of this virus reaches 100%, t.E. Almost everyone who is contacted with patients and do not have specific immunity, get sick of chickenpox. You can get infected not only with close contact with the patient, but also at a fairly significant distance (our site emphasizes that in medical practice there are cases of infection from a patient located on another floor of the building). Immunity after transferred wind sieves lifelong, but in case of severe immunodeficiency, it is possible to re-infection. Perhaps intrauterine infection with a chickenpox virus in the last few days of pregnancy. With intrauterine infection in early pregnancy, it is possible to develop severe malformations.
Symptoms and course of the disease
Incubation period, t.E. The period from the moment of infection with the virus and before the appearance of the first symptoms of diseases, ranges from 11 to 21 days, but on average it lasts 2 weeks. Many are aware of the high risk of a chickenpasal disease and try not to contact patients. However, our site draws your attention to the fact that the source of infection can and the patient in two days before the appearance of explicit signs of the disease, it is during this period that most of the infections occur. The sick chickenpox remains contagable until the peeling of the crusts.
At the very beginning of the disease, there are no special signs of the disease of the chickenpox. For about two days, the child appears weakness, lethargy, lack of appetite, temperature if rises, then slightly. In some cases, there are no these symptoms and the appearance of rash seems sudden and unfortunate. Rash can appear on any part of the body, though on his head and face it appears a little later. The appearance of new elements of the rash wears a bell-shaped character with an interval in two-three days. In about third cases, rash appears on the mucous membranes of the cheeks, solid sky, gums and language, and in girls - on the mucous genital organs.
The nature of the pumped elements in the windmill is familiar with most mothers and, when they appear, rarely there are doubts about the nature of the disease, especially more in the case of such a disease in kindergarten or school. In some cases, such a rash may occur when Ubuys insects, contact dermatitis, allergies for drugs, so the doctor's consultation will be necessary in any case. At first, rounded specks of different sizes (macula) appear, usually up to 10 mm in diameter, then they are raised above the skin level in the form of nodules (papules), and later filled with transparent liquid (vesicles), which subsequently purves and appears in a pupil in the center of the bubble ( pustule). After a day or two vesicles dried and covered with crusts, which disappear without any traces, but sometimes small scars, disappearing in a few years. A distinctive feature of the extension elements in the wind pump is their false polymorphism (diversity), t.E. At the same time on the skin, you can see different extensive elements, although in fact - these are the same elements of the rash, but in different times the ripening.

There are 7-8 days between the appearance of the first and last elements, and the gap between the appearance of the first elements of the rash and the decay of the crust is two to three weeks. In some cases, the chickenpox may occur in an erased form without the appearance of the extension elements and the transferred disease can be judged only on the basis of the presence of acquired immunity and the absence of the disease, even with close contact with the patient.
Diagnostic Methods Wind Spa
Diagnostics of chickenpox usually do not cause difficulties from a pediatrician, especially if there is a contact with a sick chickenpox in an election. The character of the rash and a variety of extension elements (false polymorphism), as well as the time of their appearance, allows you to diagnose a wind silence without any additional methods of examination.
However, in some cases, in the atypical course of the disease, there is a need to carry out a differential diagnosis with a simple herpes and herpes angina, streptodermia, vesiculous rickeciasis, bite of fleas and other insects. The most significant is the release of the virus in the culture of fabrics in electron microscopy. When using serological diagnostic methods - indicative is more than four-time increase in antibody titer in the complement binding response. Can also be useful for the diagnosis of windmill characteristic of a virus infection change in peripheral blood (taken from veins, fingers).
Treatment of chickenpox
In childhood, a chickenpox isleed is relatively easy and does not cause any complications, but 5-7% of patients may occur the suppuration of the extension elements on the skin (up to abscesses and gangrenes), pneumonia, sepsis. Chickenpox virus can sometimes be affected by the heart, kidney, liver.
There is no specific treatment with wind inspection and consists in treating at home using symptomatic therapy. Power during the disease should be frequent and small amounts of food with reduced quantities «Heavy» meat products and high content of vitamins. In hyperthermia, antipyretic drugs are used (our site emphasizes that the use of acetylsalicylic acid during this period is excluded, in order to avoid the development of the referee's syndrome - toxic lesion of the liver and brain). The elements of the rash are treated with 1% diamond greens (it is with the appearance of a child, from the legs to the head of smeared in Zelenk, many and associated chickenpox) or 5-10% potassium permanganate solution (mangartan). To prevent infection of the extension elements, personal hygiene rules carefully comply. Nails preferably color very briefly, so that the child is not particularly actively combing itching bubbles. With a very strong itching, the skin can be wrapped in collapsed in half with boiled water vinegar and sprinkle with Talc.
In the event of complications for chickenpox, anti-thepetic antiviral drugs (acyclovir), Vidarbin, specific antiherpetic immunoglobulin, leukocytic human interferon, antibiotics, with the addition of secondary infection, interferon preparations, but such treatment is carried out exclusively in hospital conditions.
Prevention of chickenpox
Specific methods of prevention in Russia, and in Europe are not used, although in some countries Vaccine varieceloster is used in the first three days after contact with the patient. For the active immunoprophylaxis of herpes and windmills abroad also use a specific attenuated vaccine. The use of specific immunoglobulins for the prevention of herpes windmill is suitable only in pregnant and children with severe decompensated forms of diseases and not having natural immunity.
When can you go to kindergarten?
Child, sick with wind inspi, isolate from other children before the disappearance of crusts or to the fifth day since the appearance of the last pivot elements. Other children under the age of 7 years, not having immunity to wind pump and in contact with a sick child, send on quarantine, t.E. There is a ban on visiting children's preschool institutions for three weeks, starting from the day of contact.