General information and pharmacological properties

ELKar is produced for more than six years of the domestic company «Peak-farma». This oral solution (that is, used for reception inside) is packaged in dark bottles of 100 or 50 ml, equipped with a measuring cup or a spoon; Flakes - droppers 25 ml. Its concentration - 30%. It is colorless, transparent (or slightly painted), when autopsy, a specific smell can be felt.
Activity - Levokarnitin (second name L-carnitine). This is an analogue of the natural substance of our organism, the presence of which is necessary for the normal course of some physiological processes.
Auxiliary components: Water and sorbic acid. Or another option: citric acid, purified water, methylpaultsibenzoate, propyl aprichedroxybenzoate.
To begin with, we define what functions are assigned to L-Carnitine?
This compound is produced in kidneys and liver, then it is transported with blood flow to other fabrics: fat, muscles, and so on. It belongs to the group of amino acids, and on the structure it seems to representatives of vitamins from the group in.
For the first time, it was possible to allocate L-Carnitine in 1905 from the muscular fabric extract. Translated from Latin «Carnis» means «meat», Therefore, the substance and gave such a name.
- L-carnitine takes part in Exchange of substances As a carrier (transporter) of fatty acids with long cytoplasm chains through cell membranes in mitochondria, which are energy stations. There fatty acids are split, while there is a release of energy.
- Displays coping slags from mitochondria.
- Contributes to the normalization of fat and protein metabolism, reduces the content of lipids in the muscles.
- The secretion (development) increases and the enzymatic activity of digestive juices, so the absorption of incoming food is improved.
- The synthesis of ketokislot slows down.
- Glycogen in its presence is spent more economical, postponed in stock in muscles and liver.
- Stimulates anabolic processes, that is, ensures the extension of muscle (muscular) mass, slows down the increased main exchange in the pathologies of the thyroid gland, its hyperfunction, speaking as a hormone antagonist thyroxine.
- Causes a feeling of hunger with sluggish appetite.
- Reduces fatigue, increases endurance and efficiency.
Indications for use
Take the drug half an hour before eating food, pre-slightly dilute with liquid. Adults are diluted with water, and children - juice, kiel, compote.
Adults with nervous anorexia should be used twice a day at 1 teaspoon for 30-60 days.
To increase body weight, stimulate appetite, the remedy should be taken twice a day, but at a dose of half a teaspoon. The course is from 30 to 45 days.
During skin diseases, the reception is carried out twice a day by half a teaspoon, the duration of treatment - from two to four weeks.
With thyrotoxicosis, growth delay. Drink 250 mg (this is thirteen drops) three times a day for three months, or on another scheme: 20 days of drinking, then rest for 30 days, then again the course repeats.
Athletes drink Elkar two or three times a day for one or two teaspoons.
In other cases, the dosage is calculated, considering the weight of the patient and its condition.
The newborn gives the drug for 2-6 weeks, measured with drops or bred in the glucose solution, and then dose, according to the recommendation of the children's doctor, the dosage depends on the pathology, the weight of the baby, its age.
Are unwanted effects possible?
Sometimes when taken, pain in the epigastric area, digestive disorders, muscular weakness, allergic reactions appear. The only contraindication to the reception is the individual intolerance to the drug.
The impact of funds for pregnant women and the fruit was not studied, so he is not appointed pregnant and nursing mothers.
If epigastric pain appear, then the dose should be reduced.
Elkar for weight loss
Created a drug to establish metabolism. And then he began to apply those who wish to reset overweight.
In a healthy body, the thyroid is herself regulates the amount of L-carnitine produced, so it does not have to take it additionally. A person having an overweight body is most often detected and problems in the work of the thyroid gland, violations of lipid and protein exchanges.
When a person takes Elkar, the fat is better incinerated, so the weight gradually decreases. But at the same time, you must adhere to the diet, engage in active physical exercises to achieve the desired result. For weight loss, the drug must be drunk twice a day, in the morning, two teaspoons. After 30 days, a break is taken. Then you can repeat this course again. Many women note that their mood rises, forces are added, I want to do physical exercises to achieve the desired goal when they use ElKar.
However, studies show that about 10% of people who have taken the drug for a purpose of weight loss, the effect is insignificant or absent at all. Perhaps these people did not limit themselves in nutrition, were passive during the reception period, did not comply with the reception scheme. But there are cases when obesity is associated with serious failures in the work of endocrine glasses, in which persistent mechanisms of laying into the stock of fat cells are launched.
Closed bottles are stored in a dark place, temperature regime in a room from 15 to 25 ° C. If you have already opened the bottle, it is necessary to store it in the refrigerator and no more than two months.
Although the harmlessness, non-toxicity and efficacy of the drug is confirmed by numerous studies, be sure to consult it before applying the neonatologist, pediatrician, therapist or nutritionist.