Application Holvesta

If you suddenly worry about any inflammatory processes in the oral cavity (on gums, cheeks, language), then in the pharmacy will definitely find a suitable antimicrobial agent for you. And if urgently need to remove pain in the baby or an adult associated with the teething of teeth or other reasons, then you need to purchase a drug for local application with an analgesic effect.

Today, Miscelves offer its readers to get acquainted with the dental gel called «Holovaal», which combines several therapeutic effects at once. Dentists, as well as patients who used this means at home, very positively respond about him and celebrate several advantages.

General information about the gel holder

Inflammation, gum, microbes, dentistry, holoval

This gel is produced in Poland Pharmaceutical «Elf».

In the tube there are 10 grams of the drug. This transparent colorless homogeneous mass having an anise oil smell. In the role of active substances are choline salicylate and chloride zetalconium. Used in the manufacture of the drug and auxiliary substances: methyl aprohydroxybenzoate, gyatelosis, glycerol, propyl aprichedroxibenzoate, oil from anise seeds, water, ethanol.

We highlight some significant advantages of Hollava:

  1. Gel is more convenient to use than ointment. It is better fixed on the mucous membrane, does not wash off saliva, remains on the place where it was applied.
  2. Its components are quickly absorbed in places of application and immediately begin to act, showing good therapeutic activity.
  3. After 2 minutes after applying, the pain begins to calm and does not make itself felt from two to eight hours.
  4. Active substances act in both acidic and alkaline medium.
  5. This lecture allows active ingredients to penetrate deep into the tissue, which is positively affected by the result of use.

pharmachologic effect

This dental gel, hitting the mucous membrane, is able to provide antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and anesthetic (analgesic) action. For pain relief and loss of inflammation mainly answers choline salicylate. It is absorbed in the field of application and inhibits the production of prostaglandins (pain mediators). It has antimicrobial and antifungal effect. Cetalconium chloride helps him destroy pathological fungi and microbes. The gel base contributes to the retention of active substances on the mucous membrane, which increases the efficiency of the drug.

When Holovaal is applied?

Inflammation, gum, microbes, dentistry, holoval

Very often, the teething of the teeth in the kids is accompanied by pain, swelling of the dysen, inflammation. In adults, in some cases, the teeth of wisdom are severely and for a long time (doctors call them eighth molars). Then hololol will come to the rescue and relieve. Just twice a day Lubricate sick places by this tool. But there are some important points. The kids under the year it must be used cautiously and by appointing a pediatrician. And this is due to the fact that in the medicine, as our site has already reported, there is anise oil. It stimulates the process of salivation. Therefore, a small child can crumble with a lot of saliva and cough. If the kid does not swallow, and saliva flows down the chin, then it must be wiped in a timely manner to avoid irritation on the skin. If the appearance of the teeth is accompanied by the lifting Temperature, then the pediatrician can assign candles or syrup containing the antipyretic component. In adults, in severe, the outlet of the teeth of wisdom requires consultation and observation from an experienced dentist. It happens that you have to resort to the removal of the so-called hood over the tooth of the wisdom. Sometimes the wisdom tooth has to be removed if it grows wrong if he lacks the place. Do not postpone the visit to the dentist, hoping for the holder, if the cheek swells, it hurts to open your mouth or perform swallowing movements, purulent compartments come out.

Upon inflammation, the treatment of amazed places should be carried out twice a day (in the morning, when they woke up, washed, brewed, and before going to bed). Before the procedure, it is necessary to clean your teeth well, then for 60 seconds rinse the mouth with the infusion of sage, milmistine solution, mortar Chlorhexidine, «Rotokan», «Maraslavina», «Tantuum Verde», which will perform the antiseptic function. Next to dry the gauze teponchik mucous membrane. On dry mucosa, the gel fixation occurs much better. Now stand in front of the mirror and proceed to apply Holovaal gel. Singing a little gel (long strip from 0.5 to 1 cm) on a clean finger, and then apply it to the edges of the gums, then distribute it all over the surface, which is located near the teeth. In some cases, it is more convenient to use for the procedure with a spatula. Do not forget that in addition to the front of the gums, the gel must be distributed from the side surface. So that the medicine is effective, after such a lubrication do not eat anything for two or three hours and do not drink about half an hour. After such treatment in the oral cavity, the process of salivation will go. Do not save saliva, stray too. Just swallow it as you do in everyday life. In the evening, all the actions described will need to repeat, and then go to bed.

Inflammation, gum, microbes, dentistry, holoval

If the patient has a periodontitis or gingivitis, then the first thing is usually a dentist removes hard deposits from the surface of the teeth. Then the dentist prescribes rinsing the oral cavity. In the launched cases, do not do without receiving antibacterial drugs. And at the same time, the appointment of the applying of the gel Holovaal. If the patient starts smearing the sick places without removing fit and advanced stones and accumulated dental raid, that is, without the elimination of the causal factor of inflammatory processes, then the drug, of course, contributes to a decrease in the manifestations of inflammation, but then a disease can go into a chronic shape with a sluggish character. Then the bone tissue will be collapsed around the teeth, and the teeth will begin to be stupid. When the periodontal tissue disease is affected, then in some cases gel it is advisable to lay in the so-called periodontal pockets.

With stomatitis treatment will be complex. Gel Holisal will help relieve pain and inflammation. Other drugs will be appointed depending on the reasons that caused the development of stomatitis. For example, with viral stomatitis, treatment will be supplemented with antiviral agents, and with allergic - anti-allergic.

The drug is not contraindicated to use during pregnancy and lactation. But the manufacturer is confronted and notes in the instructions that in these cases it is necessary to consult with an obstetrician-gynecologist.

In the pharmacy you can meet the analogue of the Hollava called «Unidisal gel». But this tool has a lot of only eight grams, and it is more expensive.

About contraindications and side effects

Inflammation, gum, microbes, dentistry, holoval

This gel cannot be used in hypersensitivity to those components, which are indicated in the composition, as well as when allergic reactions appear after applying. No negative impact on those who control the car or other mechanisms requiring special attention, the drug does not. Sucrose in it is not, so it can be used when Diabetes. The cases of overdose by doctors were not recorded. In some patients, after applying casing, a sensation of burning appears on the mucous membrane, it passes one or two minutes. And be sure to watch the kid after applying this gel to his guise, wipe the saliva in a timely manner.

Gel holisal is very effective, can help out in different situations associated with problems in the oral cavity. But with frequent pains and suspicions of serious illness, do not neglect the appeal to the dentist.

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