Daerinat drops, instructions for use

Often parents make sure that as soon as their kid went to the kindergarten, then a series of cold began immediately. And colds, these sometimes acquire a protracted character and are treated with difficulty. So how to strengthen the immune system and reduce exposure to infectious diseases? Today we will tell about drops called «Derinat», which can be buried in the nose, we will analyze their properties and ways to use.

General information about the drug

Derinate, nasal drops, runny nose, nose, cold

The active substance of this means is the sodium salt of deoxyribonucleic acid. DNA is considered the carrier of the genetic code (or genetic information) of all cells of the living organism. Reducing the name of the acid and formed the basis of the title of the drug. The history of the creation of Derinat began in the sixties of the twentieth century. Then, on the basis of the Biophysics Institute, the USSR Ministry of Health of the USSR held a large-scale research work - the radio protector properties of the sodium salt of deoxyribonucleic acid were studied. Then, in our country, various nuclear programs were growing rapidly, which resulted in the appearance of patients exposed to radioactive rays. DNA then got from marine animals. In the mid-eighties, our scientific research scientist. NS. Weinberg was created a special installation, which allowed from the milk of sturgeon fish to extract a valuable native substance. In 1994, Derinate preparation began to be produced on an industrial scale. Registration he passed in 1996. Then he was recommended as a radio protector, immunomodulator and hematopoede stimulator (normalization in the blood of the number of different types of white Taurus).

Domestic firm «Technomedservis» Releases Derinat in three forms:

  • 5 ml bottles for intramuscular administration (solution of 1.5% concentration);
  • Dark glass bottles containing 10 (or 20) ml of a solution used by externally (concentration of 0.25%);
  • Drops (10 ml of solution in flocks-droppers, a spray nozzle may be in the package).

Most often droplets and mortar for local application are used. International name of the active substance - sodium deoxyribonucleate, auxiliary components are water for injection and sodium chloride. Drops are a transparent colorless liquid that should not contain any inclusions.

Action Derinata

Derinate, nasal drops, runny nose, nose, cold

Derinat drops are appointed not only adults, but also to children, starting from the first day of life. To prevent the occurrence of ARVI, the means bury two droplets into each nostril (or make one spraying) from two to four times a day for one to two weeks.

For the treatment of ARVI or ARS, it is necessary to bury in the first day every 1-1.5 hours in each nasal course of 2-3 drops (or produce 1-2 spraying). Then, in the following days, it is enough to dig 2-3 drops three to four times (or exercise one by one). It is advisable to conduct treatment for a month.

With inflammatory processes in the nasal cavity or apparel sinuses, you dig four to six times a day in each nasal course of 3-5 drops (or one-two sputtering). Procedures need to do daily for 7-14 days.

In the case of diseases of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, the medicine is sprayed 4-6 times a day. One procedure is 2-3 spraying. Spraying can be replaced by rinsing. But then one bottle is enough for two procedures. The course lasts from 5 to 10 days.

In case of circulatory disorders in the lower limbs, doctors are prescribed daily 6 times in each nostril of 1-2 drops over six months.

If a woman is concerned about chronic gynecological infections, the intravaginal administration of Derinat with the irrigation of the cervix is ​​carried out twice a day. 5 ml of medication is taken on the procedure. Can irrigation replace the injection of a tampon with a drug. Course - 10-14 days.

Derinate, nasal drops, runny nose, nose, cold

With hemorrhoids, microclides with derinat are carried out, it is injected into the rectum from 15 to 40 ml. The course continues from 4 to 10 days.

Ophthalmologists prescribe Derinat drops in case of heavy dystrophic and inflammatory processes in the eyes. Then the drops must be buried daily one, two drops from two to three times in a sore eye. The course can last from two weeks to one and a half months.

In the case of frostbumps, burns, post-light necrosis, gangrenes, trophic ulcers on the amazed zones are superimposed 3-4 times a day Application bandages (sterile march is folded into two layers, and then Derinat is applied to it). And can be made 4-5 times a day the processing of these places from the sprayer. Treatment is long - from month to three.

With open wounds and burns, the drug shows another painkillers. With gangrene, there may be spontaneous rejection of necrotic sites, then the skin is gradually restored.

Our site warns that when local use, Derinat is incompatible with hydrogen peroxide and ointments made at a fat basis.

Store vials need in a dark place where the temperature is from +4 to +20 degrees. If the temperature is higher, therapeutic properties of the drug component are reduced. After opening, the contents of the bottle can be used for 14 days.

Is there any contraindications or unwanted effects?

Derinate, nasal drops, runny nose, nose, cold

Clinical and marketing studies have proven that the side effects of Derinat does not have. The medicine can be used both in newborn crumbs and the elderly. There is only one contraindication - the medicine does not apply if individual intolerance is revealed. Pregnant women are allowed to use Derinat if a doctor appointed him.

Frequent infections in children arise due to the fact that their immune system is still imperfect and there is no immune to many causative agents of diseases. Safe Immunomoduator Derinat in the form of droplets in such situations may have substantial assistance. In addition, the Derinat solution shows good results when used in surgery, gynecology, ophthalmology, dentistry ..

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