Instructions for applying Contractubex

The combined drug ContiverBex can be called the best-selling tool used to treat scars. Many patients report that after the long-term use of this gel, ugly formation on the skin became almost invisible. The effectiveness of this medicine is confirmed by a number of clinical studies.

About scar tissue

Contracturex, ointment, scars, scar

Scarns may appear as a result of any injury, damage to the skin, for example, after burns, operational interventions, bruises and other incidents and accidents. Not only the appearance of the skin varies, but also there are such unpleasant phenomena as redness of these places, the feeling of depth, pain, itching. Especially experienced after the appearance of the scar, those people who have formed in open areas of the skin, prominent for those surrounding - hand, neck, face, zone decollete ... in the scar tissue, much less elastic fibers, so tagging, sealing this place is observed. In the scar tissue there are no greasy, sweat glands, hair lows - all this distinguishes it from normal skin. Scar cloth is less smooth and elastic, because it is much smaller than water. When the scar fabric is formed, then there is a lot of smallest blood vessels at the same process - this is why fresh scars are usually red. Gradually scar palenet. It will remain lighter than those surrounding its skin due to lack of color pigments. The observance and severity of the scar depend on many factors:

  • degrees and types of damage;
  • Wound healing speeds and reducing periods;
  • genetic characteristics of the body;
  • Patient age, his health status.

Good results in surgery and cosmetology to reduce the visure of scars, scars and postpartum stretch marks, as well as removal of the consequences of acne, shows gel Contractubex.

General information about the drug

Contracturex, ointment, scars, scar

The combination of three components in Contractubex allows it to show such medical actions:

  • anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, reducing edema, fibrinolytic (provided mainly extract of bulbs);
  • antithrombic, softening scar tissue (due to the presence of heparin);
  • Keratolithic, accelerating healing of wound surfaces, anti-loving (mainly due to allantoin).

Such a successful combination allows you to stimulate the regeneration of cells in the wound without hyperplasia (the growth of connective tissue), suppress the proliferation of keloid fibroblasts (their pathological reproduction). Allantoin and bulbs extracts allow heparin to penetrate more deeply into the junction tissue of the dermal layer. If the medicine is used in the solar scars, the main tasks of Allantoin enters the restoration and safety in the scar tissue of water molecules, maintaining blood circulation in the problem area. Due to the serological basis, this gel leaves a thin protective film on the surface of the scar, the scar, which is designed to protect the sensitive scarsing fabric from various kinds of damage. Contracturex gradually returns a rough scar tissue elasticity, helps to restore normal skin functions. Acts gel only locally, not sucking into the bloodstream.

Indications for the use of the drug

In which gel Contractubex can help?

  1. Its main purpose - application for scaces (hypertrophic, keloid), which occur after burns (thermal or chemical), ammputations, operations, injuries.
  2. Stretching after a period of pregnancy or sudden weight loss.
  3. Atrophic scars after furuncoolose or acne.
  4. Ankilose joints (violations of their mobility).
  5. Traumatic contractures of tendons.
  6. Contracture Dupuyutren (diseases of the brush, at which the rubric rebirth of the palm tendons).
  7. To prevent the occurrence of scars after operations and injuries.

How to use medicine?

Contracturex, ointment, scars, scar

Doctors recommend starting contracting procedures in a few days after it is found that the wound has been delayed. Usually it leaves from 7 to 14 days. Before applying the gel, mock the surface of the scar; then the active components of this tool are better absorbed into the scar zone. If the scar is fresh, recent, gentle, then apply a gel three times a day very thin layer, and then carefully stuck it with light movements of the hand. Rubbing is better to spend from the middle of the scar to its edge for two minutes, it will take full absorption during this time.

The same scar is considered if more than a year has passed since the emergence. Such scars are more rigid. They need to rub more contractures, rubbing more intensively, also three times a day. To strengthen the action of the gel overnight, make a gouring bandage. If the keloid has a large square, then first smash the scar with your fingers or with a warm sponge (wet), and already apply Contractorex. With small scars instead of a dressing, you can use a bactericidal plaster (it happens different sizes). If the scar is located on hand, elbow bending, foot, then you can additionally do small baths for 15 minutes. On a liter of warm water, 2 cm gel is squeezed and mixed thoroughly.

Some successfully use contractupex to remove traces of acne. It is necessary to start the lubrication with gel when the acne came up and acne, but there are no crusts on their traces - spots and shmicks. First you need to wash to cleanse the skin. Then point to the contractupex point, carefully wrap it. Gel quickly penetrates skin deep, eliminate infection. Another advice: before applying the healing gel, treat this place to ant alcohol. Repeat the procedure three times a day.

Apply gel very simple. But the patient will need patience and perseverance during the course of treatment of scar, scar, stretch marks. Perhaps you will have to apply contractupex 3 months, and with extensive scars, the process can lend to the year. To achieve the desired result, you need to spend your efforts. Itching will leave in the first weeks of use, then scar cloth will be softer and softer, recover pigment exchange. Contracturex is allowed to apply children, pregnant women and nursing mothers. It is permissible to combine it with other medicines.

Are there side effects and contraindications?

Contracturex, ointment, scars, scar

The medicine is usually well tolerated by patients, even if it is used for a very long time without interruptions. In rare cases, local Allergies. It is impossible to use the means only with individual intolerance to the organism of the components of the gel composition.

Ingredients of Contractubex are selected in such a way as to strengthen and supplement the positive properties of each other. And the sooner the treatment of scar tissue began, the more effective it will be the drug, the faster the improvement comes.

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