How to take Valerian

In the aid kit of the modern person, there will always be medicines that were still known to his great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers. Pharmacologists assure that having reliable and tested funds at hand, it would be unreasonable to invent something fundamentally new. An example is well acquainted by Valerian.

Valerian tablets and drops - a means that, having a pronounced sedative effect, suppresses the excitement, helps to cope with neurosis and get a strong and calm dream. The composition of the drug includes only natural ingredients, but apply Valerian needs to be clearly according to the instructions to avoid overdose and appearance of unwanted reactions.

Composition of the medicinal product

Valerian, nerves, stress, calm

All forms of the drug are prepared from Valerian's roots and roots. The main active substance of the tablets - the extract of thick valerian volume of 20 mg. Complements the composition of therapeutic agent combination of carbon dioxide magnesium, parlorosis, potato starch, calcium stearate and gelatin.

Valerian tincture prepare on the basis of 200 g of chopped raw materials and ethyl alcohol 70%.

Forms of release of drug

On the shelves of pharmacies, you can find several production varieties of Valerians:

  1. Dried rhizomes with roots in packs 50 g.
  2. Tincture for internal use in dark bottles of 25 ml.
  3. 30 mg tablets in the amount of 30 and 100 pieces per pack.
  4. 40 mg tablets in the amount of 50 pieces per pack.
  5. Concentrated solution for the preparation of healing baths in tanks in 190 ml.

Medicinal Mechanism

Valerian, nerves, stress, calm

Roots with roots Valerians.

To prepare therapeutic infusion, 2-3 st. L. Dried raw materials Put in enameled container and fill 1 st. boiled hot water and cover with a lid. Put the remedy for a boiling water bath by a quarter of an hour, then for 45 minutes. Cool it at room temperature. Strain the solution, and press the raw materials. The resulting infusion is brought to a volume of 200 ml, adding the required amount of boiled water.

Take a means for half an hour before meals, scolding it immediately before use. Dosage is as follows:

  • Adults and adolescents - 1 st. L. 3 times a day;
  • Children from 10 to 14 years old - 1 dec. L. 3 times a day;
  • Children from 1 to 10 years old - 1 h. L. 2-3 times a day.

The nature and severity of the pathological condition, the specificity of its flow, achieved therapeutic effect and the tolerability of the drug affect the duration of the course of treatment.

Valerian tincture for intake.

Means are taken after eating 3-4 times a day. 20-30 drops - optimal one-time dose for adult patient. The course of treatment varies from 25 to 30 days. For children up to 12 years, a dose of the drug is prescribed at the rate of 1 drop of tincture for every year of the child's life.

Valerian extract in tablets.

The drug takes 1-2 tablets 4 times a day. After taking food, the tablet needs to swallow, picking up a small amount of water. Children under 16 from reception Valerians in tablets are recommended to refrain.

Concentrated solution for cooking healing baths.

10 ml of concentrated liquid to diverge in a large volume of water, in other words, in a shared bath. Please note that the water temperature should not exceed 34-37 ° C, and you can soar in such a bath you can not more than 15-20 minutes. The procedure is repeated up to 3-4 times a week.

Valerian preparations can be taken for a very long time. But if the desired therapeutic effect does not come, then you need to seek help to a doctor: a specialist may change the dosage or prescribed another sedative.

Contraindications for the use of drug

Valerian, nerves, stress, calm

Valerian is not suitable as a sedative means for the following states:

  • intolerance in the patient of the active substance of the drug;
  • age up to 3 years;
  • Elevated blood pressure (hypertension);
  • lack of lactase and isomaltase organism;
  • Sakaraz deficiency;
  • Disorders and violation of the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Pregnant women Valerian drugs can not be taken only in the first trimester. At a later date, the drug based on rhizomes and roots of Valerian can be appointed future mother gynecologist or therapist.

Side events after taking drugs Valerians

Valerian, nerves, stress, calm

If you have decided to achieve mental balance with this natural agent, keep in mind that the drug has a number of undesirable effects. Among them:

  • Allergic rash on the body;
  • drowsiness;
  • reduction of muscle tone;
  • fatigue;
  • lack of energy;
  • difficulties with the concentration of attention;
  • constipation (if you take valerian extract for a very long time).

Our site warns your readers that drugs Valerians need to be taken strictly according to the instructions, otherwise an overdose of such harmless at first glance is nothing good will bring. You will get an effect, absolutely opposite declared in the instructions: Excessive excitability, anxiety and sleep disorder.

After 1-2 months of reception of drugs based on rhizomes and roots of Valerians need to take a break for recreation of the body. About the duration of the reception of Valerian women best advise with the doctor.

note! In the process of treatment with Valerian, refrain the driving machine and activity that requires a high concentration of attention and operational reaction.

Equipment of a natural means

Valerian, nerves, stress, calm

Medications with Valerian Pharmacy are released without a recipe. If for some reason these drugs are not suitable, pay attention to their analogues:

  1. Sonmil.
  2. Skopolamine.
  3. Pans and Pans Forte.
  4. Fitoshed.
  5. Dormiplant.
  6. Doodle-based drugs.
  7. Sondoks.
  8. Notta.
  9. Sedafiton.
  10. Tincture peony.

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