Application of throksevazin

«Troksevazin» - a drug that has been widespread use in the treatment of hemorrhoids, varicose veins, as well as many other diseases related to circulatory disorders.

Description, Composition, Pharmacological action «Troksevazina»

cream, blood circulation, ointment, vessels, trocsevazin

A drug «Troksevazin» Refers to angioprotectors - substances whose action is aimed at reducing the permeability of blood vessels, normalization of microcirculation and restoration of metabolic processes in vascular walls. In treating Varicose extension of veins «Troksevazin» Helps to achieve many effects, for example, to remove the swelling, eliminate pain, fatigue, feeling of gravity.

The main component of this drug is Croxerutin, which is supplemented with magnesium and lactose stearate as auxiliary substances. To date, the medicine is produced in two versions: in the form of capsules and gel. Gel is designed for outdoor use, capsules - for intake.

MirSoveto found out that «Troksevazin» It has a fairly wide range of action and has the following effects on the body:

  • Reduces the degree of permeability of capillary vessels, reduces their fragility;
  • removes inflammation and swelling;
  • acts as an antioxidant and venotonic means;
  • reduces the risks of the formation of thromboms;
  • increases the tone of capillaries, compacts the walls of the vessels.

«Troksevazin» effective in the treatment of chronic venous insufficiency, and at any stage of the disease. After applying the drug, the patient's well-being is significantly improved, the feeling of fatigue and gravity disappears, edema disappears,.

Gel «Troksevazin», intended for external use, well absorbed through the skin, falling into blood. After receiving the capsules, the drug is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, the maximum plasma concentration is observed after 2 hours. The therapeutic level is maintained for another 8 hours, after which the components are output from the body with urine and bile.

The drug in the form of capsules is sold in pharmacies for the recipe, for the acquisition of gel «Troksevazin» Doctor's recipe is not needed. Saving the medicine should be in a dark, dry place, where the temperature does not exceed 25 ° C.

Indications and Contraindications for use «Troksevazina»

cream, blood circulation, ointment, vessels, trocsevazin

Drug capsules take orally, as a rule, while eating. Dosage of the medicine is calculated by the doctor, based on the specific disease and individual characteristics of the patient. There is an average therapeutic dose «Troksevazina», It is 600 mg of the active substance of the drug per day, which is 2 capsules. If we are talking about supporting treatment, it should be taken twice less - 1 capsule per day for a month.

Gel «Troksevazin» Designed for local use. It is applied to the sick zone 2-3 times a day. The gel is rubbed into the epidermis unhurried stroking movements until the substance is completely absorbed into the skin. The duration of treatment can be from several days to several months, depending on the disease. You can apply gel only on intact skin, without wounds, scratches, abrasion and t. NS. Getting substances on mucous membranes and eyes should also be avoided.

Side effects of the drug

«Troksevazin», As a rule, patients are transported quite well and causes side effects only in rare cases. However, some unwanted effects after applying the drug are sometimes present, they include:

  • hives;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • dermatitis;
  • eczema.

If during use «Troksevazina» You observe these or other side effects, consult about this with a doctor.

Application «Troksevazina» During pregnancy

Hemorrhoids and varicose veins - frequent pregnancy satellites. Get rid of these unpleasant diseases or at least alleviate their symptoms will help the drug «Troksevazin». You can only use it from the second trimester of pregnancy and only if the doctor prescribes such therapy. If we are talking about oral administration of the capsule, the decision on their purpose is taken by a gynecologist and phlebologist, after assessing the degree of risk for the fetus and the expected benefit for the mother. The dosage of the drug also appoints a doctor, based on the severity of the disease and personal characteristics of the patient.

Efficiency «Troksevazina» In the treatment of hemorrhoids

cream, blood circulation, ointment, vessels, trocsevazin

A drug «Troksevazin» Effectively struggles with the manifestations of hemorrhoids due to its ability to reduce the permeability of veins and capillaries, remove the swelling, eliminate and prevent inflammatory processes. The drug is considered a good tool for preventing veins of veins, the development of microcirculation disorders. For the treatment of hemorrhoids, the drug is prescribed comprehensively, both for external use and for intake - such therapy has increased effectiveness and helps to cope with the disease.

The effectiveness of the drug is due to its features:

  • The medicine increases the tone of smooth muscles of venous walls, reduces their permeability, relieves inflammation;
  • The drug improves blood circulation in the affected area, reduces the risk of blood clots.

Average therapeutic dose for hemorrhoid therapy is considered 3 capsules per day, which should be taken within 14 days. Simultaneously with this, tampons are used, greased by gel. Such tampons are applied externally to the anal hole, not inserting inside.

A two-week treatment allows you to remove inflammation, eliminate painful sensations, soften and reduce hemorrhoidal nodes.

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