Xeroform, instructions for use

Ceroform medicine has proven itself as a powerful antiseptic drug that is used externally. Pearls and appliques with powder Ceroforms are used during the treatment of skin diseases of various etiology. The drug quickly delays wounds, drying and disinfecting them.

Xeroform - yellow powder-shaped agent having an unobtrusive characteristic odor. The tool represents the main salt of bismuth. Powder, which contains about 55% bismuth oxide, is practically not possible to dissolve with water, alcohol, ether and chloroform.

The drug is released in the following forms:

  • powder in tanks of 7 g for use on the surface of the skin;
  • powder;
  • An ointment based on xeroform (10 mg) and vaseline (90 mg) in skin lesion therapy;
  • Eye ointment with xeroform content (3%).

Xeroform is also the main active substance of the balsamic liniment by A. IN. Vishnevsky and rectal candles anusol to eliminate Hemorrhogo and microtrams of the anal hole.

Features of the action of the drug

Antiseptic, Xeroform, Medical Preparations, Wounds

Xeroform is notable for noticeable antiseptic, tightening and inherent effect, which provides bismuth salt. In addition to the treatment of affected skin, the help of this agent is resorted to the treatment of damaged mucous membranes. Means is not poisonous and does not irritate wounds and damaged skin.

The disinfection effect is manifested in the ability of xeroform to destroy pathogenic microorganisms by binding proteins with their cell membranes. After applying to the wound, the drug provides dehydration and coagulation of proteins and thus protects the inflamed tissue from the harmful effects of external stimuli. Xeroform to some extent behaves as a local anti-inflammatory, partially anesthetic and stopping blood substance.

Such a mechanism of action is based on the ability of xeroform to interact with proteins, forming albuminates. These are practically non-soluble protein compounds, which, falling into the sediment, form a kind of protective film on vulnerable nerve endings and protect them from irritation.

In addition to the healing powder xeroform:

  • narrows the clearance of blood vessels;
  • Increases the density of the walls of blood vessels;
  • reduces the volume of exudate, which may be released from the wound;
  • oppresses the vital activity of pathogens;
  • drying the surface of the wound;
  • reduces skin sensitivity;
  • reduces the intensity of the inflammatory reaction;
  • Accelerates healing and regeneration of damaged tissue.

The above effects acquire special severity on inflamed fabric. At the same time, the following signs of recovery are manifested:

  • reduction of highlights from the wound;
  • Reducing the level of leukocytes in the blood;
  • Reducing suppuration.

In what cases will need a means

Antiseptic, Xeroform, Medical Preparations, Wounds

Xeroform, like other drugs, can cause unwanted side effects, namely allergic in different intensity.

Most often, patients suffer from the following unpleasant symptoms:

  • Skin hyperemia;
  • burning;
  • skin rash;
  • swelling;
  • itching after applying the drug;
  • Other individual reactions.

After the appearance of any of the side effects of xeroforms, you must immediately exclude from the treatment plan.

Terms of use of xeroform

Antiseptic, Xeroform, Medical Preparations, Wounds

Drug can be used exclusively externally. Regardless of the shape, thin layer xeroform coated purified affected surface. Powder or powder well absorb sweat, sucrovitz, particles of skin saline and increase the surface area of ​​evaporation. Wow, you need 2-3 times during the day.

Ointment or packed xeroform cover clean wound and, if necessary, put a gauze bandage in 5-6 layers. The ointment of xeroform for the eyes is placed under the lower eyelid after washing the injured eye.

There was no inspection of overdose when using xeroform.

If during treatment with the drug the patient sees the deterioration of the state of the skin / mucous membrane, the increase in the symptoms of the disease or notices other health disorders, xeroform cancel and adjust the treatment regimen in connection with the patient's condition.

It's important to know! It is impossible to allow Ceroform powder to get into the eyes. After contact with the drug thoroughly wash hands with soap.

The use of xeroform does not affect the concentration of attention, does not create restrictions for managing vehicles or working with other mechanisms.

Ceroform in the form of powder is used for healing Umbilical wound in a newborn baby. Immediately before applying the medicinal product, the baby's navel is washed with hydrogen peroxide solution. Xeroform sprinkle 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening. Also xeroform is a very effective means in the fight against dialls and diaper dermatitis.

Official data on the use of xeroform for the treatment of pregnant and women who feed the baby breasts, no. Based on this, the last word always remains behind the attending physician, which will prescribe the patient the drug only after an objective estimate of the use of xeroform exceeding the likely risk for the kid. MPSovet does not recommend women in position and nursing mothers to use xeroform without a doctor's knowledge.

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