You do not care about what kind of nail fungus is? Then you may also know how difficult it is to cure this disease. Yes, difficult. - In particular, if you treat it wrong. About how the nail fungus should not be treated, and it will be discussed in this article.
About the treatment of nail fungus «folk remedy»
«Folk», or «Babushkina» Means are looking for many people with nail fungus. The attractiveness of such funds is more popular («Folk medicines» Used with different diseases), relative low cost and apparent safety (after all, it is not pills that «Pantry» organism»!). However, the difference between the fungal disease of the skin and nails from other human diseases is that the fungal disease is an infection, and you can cure it, only destroying the pathogen. There are no folk agents, herbs, etc., who would kill fungus in all nail departments. There are some antiseptics that when applied to the skin destructively act on different microbes, including mushrooms. But their actions are completely insufficient for the destruction of fungus, deep «Eagle» in nail. Even modern antifungal drugs in external forms (ointment, solutions, etc.) It is not always able to destroy the fungus in the nail. So the treatment of onychomicosis is any antifungal, but with a different medicine, and even without observing the doctor, is observed for failure.
On the self-treatment of onychomicosis for 3 days

Why many patients with nail fungus are trying to be treated independently, even after visiting the doctor? Some solution to the problem seems too simple - enough to go to the pharmacy and buy ointment «from fungus», the benefit that there are already dozens of such ointments and creams. Some, on the contrary, it seems too difficult to prescribe a doctor, and they want to cope with the fungus on their own. A common desire, of course - to cure the fungus as soon as possible and with the lowest costs. Preferably in a few days (for example, in three). However, there are no such miracles. Onychomicosis is sick years, the nails are growing for months, and the shortest duration of treatment (the reception of antifungal drugs and procedures) is, at best, several weeks.
There is another type of self-medication that you need to say. This is an independent (not as prescribed by a doctor) Reception of antifungal drugs inside. We warned you from this and strongly recommend never to use these drugs yourself, without a consultation of the doctor and prior examination.
About treatment «fungus on nails» For 300 rubles
Caution: false and inefficient treatment approaches
What should be known and what should be fear?
Treatment must save you from fungus. And all!
And nothing more. Just - remove the fungus from the nails so that you can make it in the absence of the nail plate rebel. In fact, it is not easy. However, no other purpose in the treatment of onchomicosis is not. About this forget some doctors, so far «Appointing»:
- Means, supposedly strengthening allegedly reduced immunity
- Homeopathic drugs in any form
- Phytopreparations and biodendage
- Different methods of impact on the body with unproved and unexplored effects - such as blood UFO, ozone, laser irradiation
Moreover, the use of such approaches is not allowed by foreign doctors and is subjected to severe criticism with modern dermatologists in all developed countries. Their use of onchomicosis can be explained by either the insufficient competence of doctors or intentional introducing a patient to delusion.
Do not give your nails offended. Still not translated lovers «pull» nails, although there is no need for such a procedure. After surgical removal (even the most «gentle» In a way and without complications), a persistent deformation of the nails can develop, break their growth. Removal is an extreme measure for which strict grounds are needed. Sometimes the doctor or nurse on tradition is deleted, motivating it in different ways (it is cheaper, you will have to take less tablets, they only work for many years and help everyone, and t.D.). Know that there are more efficient and secure methods.
Such methods for treating onchomicosis are offered as the impact on the nails with a laser, as well as by different magnetic fields. None of these methods has been properly checked for safety and efficiency. Separate side effects of lasers are known (in particular, scar changes).
Especially note should be different aggressive compounds used for softening and removing nail plates. Improvable compositions and compositions of an unknown formulation (the so-called «gardena var» and others sometimes they are even served as «Patented» and «Allowed», Although never checked by anyone). Unlike traditional dermatological compositions for nails and official drugs, similar compositions are less effective and can cause serious side effects - such as chemical burns and allergic reactions.
«Warranty for treatment» The fungus often promise representatives of alternative medicine, or sellers of miracle-ointments or rides from fungus. Doctors usually do not guarantee any disease (because a person is not a washing machine). However, the fungal disease of the nails is one of the few dermatological diseases when the cure is truly possible and relatively easily achievable. The only guarantee of success in the onchomicosis is a timely manner, correctly selected treatment, compliance with its scheme and mandatory control of crushing after the nail polling. We hope that common sense will help you choose between true and false ways.